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Welcome Back Minions

Welcome Back Minions. Warm Up Is On The Board. Warm Up Questions. How can an atom behave like a magnet? How are Magnetic Domains arranged in a magnetic material? How can magnets be changed?. Atomic Flashback. An atom contains neutrons and positively

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Welcome Back Minions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Back Minions Warm Up Is On The Board

  2. Warm Up Questions • How can an atom behave like a magnet? • How are Magnetic Domains arranged in a magnetic material? • How can magnets be changed?

  3. Atomic Flashback An atom contains neutrons and positively charged protons in its nucleus. Negatively charged electrons move randomly throughout an atom.

  4. Electron Spin • Electron Spin • A spinning electron produces a magnetic field that makes the electron behave like a tiny magnet in an atom. • In an atom, most electrons tend to form pairs where each spin in opposite directions of each other, cancelling out the magnetic charge. • BUT!!! Some atoms contain electrons that are not paired. These atoms tend to have strong magnetic properties!

  5. Magnetic Domains • Most material have their magnetic fields point in random directions. This cancel each other out entirely.

  6. Magnetic Domains In a magnetized material, all or most of the magnet domains are arranged in the same direction.

  7. Magnetic Domains Modern magnets come in a variety of shapes and are made from many different materials.

  8. Magnetic Materials • Ferromagnetic Material • A material that shows strong magnetic properties. • Tend to be made of alloys. • Example: Alnico (Aluminum, Nickel, Iron, Cobalt) • Most magnets made from Ferrite • Mixture of substances that contain ferromagnetic elements. • Stronger & less expensive that metal magnets.

  9. World’s Strongest Magnet • National High Magnetic Field Laboratory • Florida State University • 500,000 times stronger than Earth’s Magnetic Field • Custom built split magnet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGytW_C6hR8

  10. Making a Magnet • The easier it is to make an object magnetized, the quicker the object loses its magnetism. • Temporary Magnet • The harder it is to magnetize an object, the longer the object stays magnetized! • Permanent Magnet

  11. Make a Magnet

  12. Destroy a Magnet • A couple of ways… • Strike the magnet. • Knocks the domain out of alignment • Heating the magnet. • Heat = more random movement. • Makes it difficult to keep domains aligned!

  13. Breaking a Magnet Each piece of a magnet retains its magnetic properties after it is cut in half.

  14. Wrap-up • How can an atom behave like a magnet? • How are Magnetic Domains arranged in a magnetic material? • How can magnets be changed?

  15. Ticket out the door… • 1st Column • What does it take to make a magnet? • 2nd Column • What does it take to destroy a magnet? • 3rd Column • What happens when you break a magnet?

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