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Mud Battery Experiment

Learn about Georg Simon Ohm and his research on current electricity, Ohm's Law, and how mud microorganisms can generate electric energy for a mud battery experiment. Understand the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in electrical circuits. Explore the potential of mud batteries and their applications.

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Mud Battery Experiment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mud Battery Experiment Authors: Andrea Gonzalez Alexandra Olano AminaRazzak Kara Rotunno

  2. Georg Simon Ohm • German Physicist • Began his research as a high school math teacher. • Noticed a relationship between the voltage potential difference and current • His findings have greatly influenced the study of current electricity.

  3. Review of Ohm’s Law • I=∆V/R • V – Voltage, Volts (V) • I – Current, Amps (I) • R – Resistance, Ohms (Ω)

  4. How are these terms related mathematically? I=∆V/R What type of relationship is this? What will happen if the voltage is constant and we increase the resistance? What do you think would happen if we keep the current constant and increase the voltage?

  5. Graphical Representation I =∆V/ R V=IR Slope=?

  6. Where do Electrons come from? Mud Microorganisms in the mud Electrons from anaerobic microbes Electron Transport Chain. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072507470/student_view0/chapter25/animation__electron_transport_system_and_formation_of_atp__quiz_1_.html

  7. What’s in the mud? • Anaerobic Bacteria • Chemical energy from bacteria is turned into electric energy • Electron transport chain • Convert fuel to energy

  8. Your mud battery… What did you think would happen? What have your readings been? What do you think will take place next?

  9. What would the circuit for your mud battery look like?

  10. What would the circuit for your mud battery look like? c Mud Battery

  11. What can we determine about your batteries? The magnitude of the current and the direction of positive current. The Power that your battery produces. …

  12. Things to think about… • What are the benefits or disadvantages, if any, of using a mud battery? • What would happen to the readings if: • the electrode surfaces were doubled? • the mud volume was doubled? • the time were increased?

  13. NASA Spaceward Bound A team of students from CPP and Cal Poly SLO Studied life in extreme environments, Analogous to Mars

  14. Mars or Earth?

  15. Mars or Earth?

  16. Special Acknowledgements NASA Spaceward Bound Program Dr. Mogul iPoly and Mrs. Melogno

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