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Birth of a Database

Learn about the creation of a searchable database containing a comprehensive bibliography of health care resources in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Birth of a Database

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  1. Birth of a Database Newfoundland and Labrador Health Bibliography A labour of love Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  2. Introduction • The Bibliography of Health Care in Newfoundland published 1986. • Sabbatical leave 2004-2005 • Goal: Update the Bibliography and create a searchable database available on the Web Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  3. Background • 1991Original file was converted to the Spires database management system • Did the file still exist? Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  4. Select the software Reviewed the literature Consulted Systems at QE II Design the Database Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  5. Design the Database Unicorn II Database Properties • One Format • HEALTHBIB • One Template • Lists all the fields Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  6. Document types 4 document types in the original file Article Book Chapter Thesis Design the Database Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  7. Design the Database • Fields Assign fields to the 4 document types • Flexibility • Searching • Display of information • Output Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  8. Original 12 Fields ID Category Author Title Found.In Volume Number Pages Publisher Address Subject Print Date Revised Fields Record No Document Type Author Title Publication Info Volume Number Pages Publisher Place Subject Date Fields Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  9. Other Title Journal Abbrev General Note General Subject Publication Date Original No Language ISSN Unique ID Article ID Availability Copy Note Journal Title Edition Publisher Place Added Author Series ISBN Main Author Main Title Dissertation Note 22 New Fields Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  10. Author Added Author Main Author General Note ISBN ISSN Series Subject Availability Repeatable Fields Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  11. Journal Title Field • Add the full journal titles Sample from Journal Title file AbdomSurg|Abdominal surgery ApplNursRes|Applied nursing research: ANR Can FamPhysician|Canadian family physician = Médecin de famillecanadien Can Med Assoc J|Canadian Medical Association journal CMAJ|CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’AssociationmédicalecanadienneNursPap|Nursing papers = Perspectives en nursing Polar Rec (G Brit) |The Polar record Progr Med (Paris) |Le Progrèsmédicale Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  12. Availability Field Links: • Memorial holdings: Links to the catalogue records were added using: • ISSN • ISBN • Control numbers • Full-text: Links using DOI Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  13. Design the Database • MARC tags • MARC tag required for each field • Not a cataloguer Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  14. 001 Record No 008 Date 012 Document Type 014 Unique ID 020 ISBN 022 ISSN 100 Author 210 Journal Abbrev 222 Journal Title 242 Other Title 245 Title 250 Edition 260 Publisher 270 Place 440 Series 500 General Note 502 Dissertation Note 512Volume 517Number 519Pages 529Publication Date 546Language 650Subject 695General Subject 700Added Author 704Main Author 730Main Title 773Publication Info 851Article ID 856Availability 890 Copy Note 891Original No MARC Tags Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  15. Design the Database • Limits • Assign limit fields Three fields were selected: • Year • Document Type • Language Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  16. Design the Database • Indexes • Create Keyword and Browse indexes • Author • Title • Journal • Subject • Everything • Assign fields to each index Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  17. Author Index Author Added Author Main Author Title Index Title Other Title Main Title Series Journal Index Journal Abbrev Journal Title Subject Index Subject General Subject Everything Indexes Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  18. Design the Database • Style • Vancouver style • MeSH headings assigned as subjects • General Subjects • broad subject categories based on NLM classificationoutline, e.g. Pediatrics, Cardiovascular System Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  19. Design the Database • Display of Records Four display views: • Hit list of results • Full view (default) • Brief • All Define the displays for the 4 record types Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  20. Hit List Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  21. Brief View Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  22. Full View Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  23. Full View • Link to Full-Text Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  24. Full View • Link to PDF Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  25. Full View • Link to Catalogue Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  26. Full View • Link to Catalogue Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  27. All View Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  28. Build the Database September 2004 • Systems added a new database to the UnicornII system • Problems • Generic framework – customization needed • No records Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  29. Build the Database November 2004 • Spires records were uploaded to WF • Numerous problems • Obtained text file of Spires records December 2004 • Records had been dumped and reloaded twice in WF Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  30. Build the DatabaseHow to Proceed? • Problems with the database • Lack of WF experience Decision: • Work with the text file (original records) • Upload it later to WF Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  31. Original Spires record **** ID = 1; CATEGORY = Article; AUTHOR = P W Allderdice; AUTHOR = N Browne; AUTHOR = D P Murphy; TITLE = Chromosome 3 duplication q21 qter deletion p25 pter syndrome in children of carriers of a pericentric inversion inv(3)(p25q21).; FOUND.IN = Am J Hum Genet; VOLUME = 27; NUMBER = 6; PAGES = 699-718; SUBJECT = Chromosomes, Human, Pair 3; SUBJECT = Inversion (Genetics); SUBJECT = Chromosome Aberrations; SUBJECT = Chromosome Abnormalities; SUBJECT = Genetics; ENTERED = 04/25/1991; MODIFIED = 01/26/1996; PRINT-DATE = 1975 ; ; Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  32. Original record **** ID = 1; CATEGORY = Article; AUTHOR = P W Allderdice; AUTHOR = N Browne; AUTHOR = D P Murphy; TITLE = Chromosome 3 duplication q21 qter deletion p25 pter syndrome in children of carriers of a pericentric inversion inv(3)(p25q21).; FOUND.IN = Am J Hum Genet; VOLUME = 27; NUMBER = 6; PAGES = 699-718; SUBJECT = Chromosomes, Human, Pair 3; SUBJECT = Inversion (Genetics); SUBJECT = Chromosome Aberrations; SUBJECT = Chromosome Abnormalities; SUBJECT = Genetics; ENTERED = 04/25/1991; MODIFIED = 01/26/1996; PRINT-DATE = 1975 ; ; New version of record **** RECORD NO = 1; DOCUMENT TYPE = Article; AUTHOR = Allderdice PW; AUTHOR = Browne N; AUTHOR = Murphy DP; TITLE = Chromosome 3 duplication q21 leads to qter deletion p25 leads to pter syndrome in children of carriers of a pericentric inversion inv(3)(p25q21).; JOURNAL ABBREV = Am J Hum Genet; VOLUME = 27; NUMBER = 6; PAGES = 699-718; SUBJECT = Chromosomes, Human, Pair 3; SUBJECT = Inversion (Genetics); SUBJECT = Chromosome Aberrations; SUBJECT = Chromosome Abnormalities; GENERAL SUBJECT = Genetics; DATE = 1975; PUBLICATION DATE = 1975 Nov; ORIGINAL NO = 120; ISSN = 0002-9297 (p); ISSN = 1537-6605 (e); UNIQUE ID = 1200027; AVAILABILITY = Memorial's holdings:|uhttp://info.library.mun.ca/uhtbin/issn-search/0002-9297; COPY NOTE = Copy available at the Circulation Desk, Health Sciences Library as NL Bib. No. 1; ; Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  33. Build the Database New Content • Criteria for inclusion • Basically unchanged • Term “health” - used in the broadest sense • Range of material • Primarily journal articles Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  34. Build the Database Journal Articles • Searchdatabases • Hand search journals • Obtain hard copy of articles • Determine if article is relevant • Check bibliographies for additional material • Create a template for adding new records Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  35. Template for New Articles **** RECORD NO = ; DOCUMENT TYPE = Article; AUTHOR = ; AUTHOR = ; AUTHOR = ; AUTHOR = ; TITLE = .; OTHER TITLE = [ ]; JOURNAL ABBREV = ; VOLUME = ; NUMBER = ; PAGES = ; GENERAL NOTE = ; SUBJECT = ; SUBJECT = ; SUBJECT = ; SUBJECT = ; GENERAL SUBJECT = ; DATE = ; PUBLICATION DATE = ; LANGUAGE = ; ISSN = (p); ISSN = (e); UNIQUE ID = ; ARTICLE ID = doi: 10. ; AVAILABILITY = Memorial's holdings:|uhttp://info.library.mun.ca/uhtbin/issn-search/; AVAILABILITY = Full-text:|uhttp://dx.doi.org/10 ; COPY NOTE = Copy available at the Circulation Desk, Health Sciences Library as NL Bib. No. ; ; Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  36. Build the Database September 2005 • File was ready to be uploaded to WF • Now 2000 records in text file October 2005 • Records uploaded to WorkFlows • Journal Title file uploaded Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  37. Implementation Fall 2005 All records were now in WF • Created a Webpage • Created customized Help • Next step • Test • Review Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  38. Implementation WF Problems • Records missing • Template • Display and format of information • Journal Titles did not map properly • Search and Browse problems Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  39. Implementation WorkFlows • File reloaded a number of times March 2006 • Final reload of records • Manual edits Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  40. ALL 2000 records were edited at least once! Manual Cleanup Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  41. Manual Cleanup – Journal Titles Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  42. Manual Cleanup – Publication Info Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  43. Manual Cleanup - Chapters Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  44. Manual Cleanup – Filing Indicators Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  45. Manual Cleanup - Accents Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  46. Manual Cleanup - Links Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  47. Manual Cleanup - Limits Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  48. Implementation Keyword • Title • Journal • Subject • Limits WorkFlows: • Search Browse • Author • Title • Journal • Subject • Browse Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  49. Implementation Display • Journal Title links • Series • Full View • Browse Journal • Search screen Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

  50. Adding New Records in WF Shelagh Wotherspoon NLHLA May 9, 2008

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