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DINOFLAGELLATES. I) PHYLOGENY. “ALVEOLATES”. Ciliates. Dinoflagellates. Apicomplexans. ALVEOLATES. Alveoli. “Amphiesma”. II) NATURAL HISTORY. HABITAT. 13. 7. Symbiodinium. Pfiesteria. 37. Peridinium. Ceratium. Karenia. ENDOSYMBIONTS: “ZOOXANTHELLAE”. 17. 16. Symbiodinium.

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  3. “ALVEOLATES” Ciliates Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans


  5. Alveoli “Amphiesma”


  7. HABITAT 13 7 Symbiodinium Pfiesteria 37 Peridinium Ceratium Karenia

  8. ENDOSYMBIONTS: “ZOOXANTHELLAE” 17 16 Symbiodinium

  9. NUTRITION Heterotrophy Autotrophy

  10. PISCIVORES 23 Pfiesteria 22

  11. 6 Red Tide Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning

  12. Projectiles


  14. Light Detection 40


  16. “Shells” Epicone Hypocone 2

  17. Dinoflagellate Growth Forms Dinokont Desmokont 5

  18. “Grooves”: Cingulum and Sulcus 3

  19. Flagellae: Transverse and Longitudinal

  20. Alveolus (A Sac, including any Thecal Plates) Amphiesma (all the sacs) Fig. 11-1 Graham and Wilcox 2000

  21. Thecal Plates, Sutures 4

  22. Thecate vs. Non-Thecate Dinoflagellates

  23. Growth in Thecate Dinoflagellates

  24. Pusule (Tubes Confluent with Cell Membrane that Open to Cell Exterior) Function: (?) Fig. 7.10 in Lee 1999

  25. “Ejectiles”: Trichocysts Fig. 11-26 in Graham and Wilcox 2000 Fig. 7.14 in Lee 1999

  26. “Ejectiles”: Mucocysts Fig. 11.15 in Graham et al. 2008

  27. “Ejectiles”: Nematocysts (~ “Cnidocysts”) 49 Fig. 11.16 in Graham et al. 2009

  28. 42 Eyespot: Unbound by Dedicated Membrane 43 Katodinium Woloszynskia (Cytoplasmic) (Within Plastid) Figs. 11.35, 11.36 in Graham et al. 2008

  29. Eyespot: Bound by Three Membranes Peridinium

  30. Ocellus 40 Fig. 11-20 in Graham and Wilcox 2000

  31. Ocellus (Hyalosome, Pigment Cup) (Hyalosome surrounded by Mitochondria, Fibers that Change shape of “Lens”) Fig. 11.38 in Graham et al. 2008

  32. Bioluminescence Fig. 11.32 in Graham et al. 2008

  33. Bioluminescence 44

  34. Bioluminescence: Scintillons = Microsource Pyrocystis Day Night Daily Migration of Scintillons

  35. Bioluminescence: Scintillons = Microsource Day Night Lingulodinium Daily Destruction/Nightly Synthesis

  36. “Dinokaryon”: Nucleus Fig. 11.24, 11.26 in Graham et al. 2008

  37. “Dinokaryon”: Chromosomes Figs. 11.21 in Wilcox et al. 2008

  38. NUTRITION 27 25 28 26 24

  39. Heterotrophy: Phagocytosis / Engulfment 45 Noctiluna

  40. Heterotrophy: Feeding Tubes (Phagopods) Figs. 11-29, 11-30 in Wilcox et al. 2008

  41. Heterotrophy: Feeding Tubes (Peduncle) Fig. 11.28 in Wilcox et al. 2008

  42. Heterotrophy: Feeding Veils (Pallium) Fig. 3.5 in Wilcox et al. 2008

  43. Autotrophy: Plastids, Pigments 46 “Peridinin Plastid” Fig. 11.34 in Wilcox et al. 2008 47

  44. Peridinin Plastids: Pigments Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll c Peridinin

  45. Peridinin Plastids: Rubisco Rubisco in Peridinin Plastid “Normal” Rubisco

  46. Origin of Peridinin Plastid? Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2 Stramenopile (Brown Alga) Rhodophyte (Red Alga)

  47. Other Stable and/or Temporary Plastids Cryptomonad Diatom 47 Chlorophyte (Green Alga) Haptophyte

  48. Pyrenoids, Storage Products

  49. Nutrition: Mixotrophy Heterotrophy Autotrophy Particulate Carbon (POC) Dissolved Carbon (DOC) • Osmotrophy • Photosynthesis • Phagotrophy • Feeding Tubes

  50. Asexual Reproduction Prorocentrum

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