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Explore the historic Cold War rivalry between the United States and USSR, analyzing its causes, characteristics, and impact on the world. Learn about NATO, the Warsaw Pact, and key events like the Yalta Conference. Uncover the political, economic, and ideological differences between capitalism and communism that fueled this global standoff. Discover how the battle for influence and power shaped post-World War II international relations and strategies employed by both sides. Delve into the origins of the conflict and its lasting effects on nations and societies worldwide.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights- 1948 • Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, • Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights- 1948 • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status
United Nations Created • Peace keeping organization • General Assembly • Security Council- power to investigate and settle disputes • 5 permanent members (US, USSR, China, France, GB)- each has the veto power
IDK… There are lots of rivalries today!
Cold War Characterisitcs • A political, strategic and ideological struggle between the US and the USSR that spread throughout the world-Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. • Each side denied the others right to exist. • Each side used propaganda against the other.
Why did allies become enemies? • Allied powers: US, USSR, GB, F • But… U.S. and USSR not happy with one another… • U.S. mad at USSR Non-aggression pact with Hitler • Stalin was mad that the US hadn’t invaded Europe before 1944 • failure of the Soviet Union to withdraw from Eastern Europe Soviet dominance over Eastern European nations
All property, including the means of production are privately owned Private businesses and individuals are free from public control- make own econ. Decisions Prices are determined by supply and demand Competition Socio-economic classes Gov’t owns means of production, distribution and exchange Gov’t officials make all basic econ decisions Gov’t plans the economy Limited production of consumer goods- industrial growth is the target Gov’t determines prices and wages No Social Classes (supposedly) Capitalism VS Communism(free market vs command)
United States Encourage democracy Prevent rise of communism Gain access to raw materials & markets Reunite Germany to stabilize Europe USSR Encourage communism Rebuild war damaged cities & industry Control Eastern Europe to secure borders Balance the US influence in Western Europe Keep Germany divided US & USSR have different goals
What should we do with this loser? Now back to Germany?
February 1945 (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin) Decision to divide Germany Stalin promised to allow Eastern Europe to hold free elections BUT DOES HE? Yalta Conference
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe “ Churchill The Iron Curtain
NATO vs Warsaw Pact • What are Truman and Stalin up to?
NATO • Set up in 1949 by western nations to co-ordinate their defense against Russia. • It consisted of:-America, Canada, Britain, France, Holland, Belgium,Luxembourg, Portugal, Denmark, Norway and Italy • committed the United States to a peacetime military alliance • Based on principle of COLLECTIVE SECURITY • Still around today
Warsaw pact • Response to NATO (1949) and the re-militarization of West Germany in 1954 [both were viewed as a threat to the Eastern countries] • Supposedly the pact was based on total equality of member nations & mutual non-interference in one another’s internal affairs • In reality—the Pact quickly became a powerful political tool for the Soviet Union to hold sway over its allies and harness the powers of their combined military.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) • United States • Belgium • Britain • Canada • Denmark • France • Iceland • Italy • Luxemburg • Netherlands • Norway • Portugal • 1952: Greece & Turkey • 1955: West Germany • 1983: Spain
Warsaw Pact (1955) • U. S. S. R. • Albania • Bulgaria • Czechoslovakia • East Germany • Hungary • Poland • Rumania
Truman Doctrine (1947) America promised it would support free countries to help fight communism. Greece received large amounts of arms and supplies, and by 1949 had defeated the communists.
Marshall Plan1948 GOAL: Help Europe recover from the damage caused by the war. There were two motives for this: Quick economic recovery would provide markets for American goods, so benefiting American industry. Healthy economy is more likely to: RESIST COMMUNISM
Map 28.1: The New European Alliance Systems in the 1950s and 1960s
Senator Joe McCarthy—Red Scare 1950s Red Scare: fears of subversion can lead to the erosion of constitutional liberties
During this time one state required pro wrestlers to take a loyalty oath before stepping into the ring. In Indiana, a group of anti-communists indicted Robin Hood as communist literature and forced librarians to pull the book from the shelves. Baseball's Cincinnati Reds renamed themselves the "Redlegs.“ Participation, or even past participation, in extremist movements was viewed as un-American
1000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb Set off on Bikini Island in the Marshall Islands US Test Hydrogen Bomb-1952
CONTAINMENT United States Government supported dictatorships in economically less developed nations since World War II because they were ANTI-COMMUNISTS!
Korean War (1950-1953 Cease Fire) • Korea: divided at the 38th Parallel between U.S. (south of line) and U.S.S.R (north of line) • Absence of free elections throughout peninsula=increased tension • Cross-border raids and fighting escalated to full scale war on June 25 1950 • 1st significant armed conflict of Cold War—the United Nations used military force to oppose aggression • 28,000 U.S. Troops remain in S. Korea • General MacArthur challenged the concept of civilian control over the military and was relieved of command
Korea 2010 • S. Korea blames N. Korea—Kim Jong IL for March 26th sinking of warship, Cheonan. • 46 killed (violation of 1953 cease fire) • Kim ordered 1.2 million troops ready for combat Pyongyang—Capital of N. Korea Seoul—Capital of Republic of Korea (South)
N. Korean military exercise—Tuesday—May, 25th 2010!! South Korean soldiers check fences set up along the demilitarized zone between South and North Korea, in Yanggu, South Korea, on Monday.
Vietnam War • Communist North vs. Anti-Communist South • War fought to prevent a communist take over of South Vietnam
Hungarian Revolt 1956 • Imre Nagy—Nationalist & communist • Ended 1 party rule • Got rid of Soviet troops • Withdrew Hungary from Warsaw Pact • Soviet union sends troops & Tanks • 1,000’s died • Revolt suppressed
Czechoslovakia 1968 • Alexander Dubcek • Calls for liberal reforms • Eased censorship • Plan for new constitution • Troops sent in • Gov’t overturned & communist dictatorship set up
The Vietnam War • President Lyndon Johnson sends larger numbers of troops to Vietnam, 1965 • Domino Theory • If the communists succeed in Vietnam, other nations in Asia would fall to communism • President Richard Nixon (1913-1994) vows to bring an honorable end • Begins withdrawing troops • Peace treaty signed January 1973 calls for removal of all US troops