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Basque Body Parts and their Conceptual Structure. Iraide Ibarretxe & Koldo J. Garai U.Deusto & U. Basque Country iraidei@euskalnet.net Ezponda@inicia.es. Body parts and Dictionaries. Lists of meanings for each lexical entry Oin
Basque Body Parts and their Conceptual Structure Iraide Ibarretxe & Koldo J. Garai U.Deusto & U. Basque Country iraidei@euskalnet.net Ezponda@inicia.es
Body parts and Dictionaries • Lists of meanings for each lexical entry • Oin • ‘foot’, ‘lower part’, ‘floor’, ‘syllabic group’, ‘basis’, ‘foundation’, ‘start up capital’, ‘old measurement’, ‘generation’, ‘different degrees of relationship’, ‘settlement, place’, ‘cost’, ‘rate’, ‘step, walk’, ‘humiliate’, ‘subject to sb’s will’, ‘keep one’s status’, ‘measure’, ‘shoes’ • Begi • ‘eye’, ‘sight’, ‘state of mind’, ‘cavity’, ‘hole’, ‘eye of a needle’, ‘hive entrance’, ‘eyelet’, ‘bridge arches’, ‘oil drop in a liquid’, ‘bubble in a liquid’, ‘hole for handles in tools’, ‘chain links’, ‘sprout’, ‘shoot’, ‘spring’, ‘a little bit’, ‘sun beam’, ‘sympathy’, ‘axle’, ‘care’, ‘sight direction’, ‘holes in cheese’, ‘lacing’, ‘hate’, ‘eyelid’, ‘in the direction of’… • Dictionaries consulted: Azkue (1905), Mitxelena (1987-), Mugika (1981), Retana (1976), Sarasola (1984-95), Mokoroa (1990), Garate (1998)
Research questions • Are these semantic extensions related? How? • Do these semantic extensions share the same conceptual structure? • Is this conceptual structure reflected in the idiomatic expressions with these body parts?
Theoretical Framework • Lexical networks and prototypical meaning (Lakoff 1987, Langacker 1991) • Metaphor and metonymy (Kövecses and Radden 1998, Lakoff 1993) • Metonymy-based metaphors (Barcelona 2000, Radden 2000) • Compositional Polysemy (Ibarretxe-Antuñano 1999) • Construction grammar (Goldberg 1995, Fillmore and Kay 1995)
Oin • What do the following meanings have in common? • ‘floor’ • Bigarren oina ‘second floor’ • ‘basis’, ‘foundation’ • Kilinkolonga ibili dabil oinarri sendo gabe ‘it swings, without a strong basis’ • Oin makalak ditu uste horrek ’that idea has a weak basis’ • ‘start up capital’ • Oinak egiten duen irabaziaren erdia… ‘half of the winnings correspond to the start up capital’
‘place, settlement’ • Oin oneko soroka dira gureak ‘our fields are in a good location’ • ‘generation’, ‘different degrees of relationship’ • Oinetik oinera ‘from generation to generation’ • …Matusalen seigarren oineko ilobarekin bizi izan zan ‘Matusalen lived with his sixth generation niece’ • ‘keep one’s position, status, attitude…’ • ...mantendu gura da bere oinean andikeria ‘He wanted to keep his arrogance’ • ‘step, walk’ • Egun sentian zuzendu zuan oña erriruntz ‘At dawn he went towards the town’ • Oineoine ‘step by step’
Oin as function • Metonymy: ENTITY FOR FUNCTION “an entity provides access to or stands for the function it performs” • BODY-PART FOR FUNCTION FOOT FOR FUNCTION • Three subgroups: • FOOT FOR MOTION • FOOT FOR SUPPORT • FOOT FOR MOTION+SUPPORT
FOOT FOR SUPPORT • Metaphor: BASIS, FOUNDATION IS SUPPORT • Ohearen oinak ‘bed legs’ • Mendiaren oinak ‘mountain feet’ • Oinarrizko teoria ‘basic theory’ • Oinarrizko galderak ‘basic questions’ • Ekonomiaren oinarria ‘the basis of economy’ • ‘start up capital’ + COMPOSITIONAL POLYSEMY • Metaphor: PERSISTING IS REMAINING ERECT • ‘keep one’s position, attitude, status’
FOOT FOR MOTION • ‘step, walk’ • Egun sentian zuzendu zuan oña erriruntz ‘At dawn he went towards the town’ FOOT FOR MOTION+SUPPORT • ‘floor’ • Bigarren oina ‘second floor’ • ‘generation’, ‘different degrees of relationship’ • Oinetik oinera ‘from generation to generation’ • …Matusalen seigarren oineko ilobarekin bizi izan zan ‘Matusalen lived with his sixth generation niece’ COMPOSITIONAL POLYSEMY + METAPHOR
OIN AS FUNCTION Metonymy: entity for function (body-part foot for function) FOOT FOR SUPPORT FOOT FOR MOTION Metaphor: basis, foundation is support + Compositional Polysemy Oine-oine ‘walk’ oinarrizko ‘fundamental’ oinarria ‘basis’ mendiaren oina ‘foot of the mountain’ ‘start-up capital’ ‘main idea, argument’ Metaphor: persisting is remaining erect ‘keep one’s position, status’ FOOT FOR MOTION + SUPPORT Compositional Polysemy + Metaphor ‘generation’ ‘floor’
Begi • What do the following meanings have in common? • ‘hole’ • gaztabegi ‘holes in cheese’, ogibegi ‘holes in bread’, ipurbegi‘asshole’ • ‘eye of a needle’ • orratzaren begia ‘eye of a needle’ • ‘oil drop in liquid’ • Esnearen begiak ‘oil drops in milk’ • ‘hive entrance’ • erlategiaren begiak ‘hive entrance’ • ‘bridge arches’ • zubiaren begiak ‘bridge arches’
‘hole for handles in tools’ • aitzurbegi‘hoe’, aizkol begia ‘axe’ • ‘chain links’ • katearen begiak ‘chain links’ • ‘bubble in liquid’ • Ur-gaineko begiak ‘bubble in water’ • ‘spring’ • iturbegi • ‘in the direction of’ • eguzki-begitan ‘in the direction of the sun’ • ‘a little bit’ • Zurizta begia ‘whitish’, andi begia ‘biggish’ • Begi bete (bat) ardao emon eusten ‘he gave me a little bit of wine’
EYE FOR CAVITY • EYE FOR HOLE • ‘hole’: gaztabegi ‘holes in cheese’, ogibegi ‘holes in bread’ • erlategiaren begia ‘hive entrance’ • iturbegi ‘’spring’ ENTITY FOR FUNCTION HOLE FOR EXIT/ENTER • EYE FOR HOOK • ‘hole for handles in tools’: aitzurbegi‘hoe’, aizkol begia ‘axe’ • katearen begiak ‘chain links’ • orratzaren begia ‘eye of a needle’ • zubiaren begiak ‘bridge arches’ aho vs. begi
EYE FOR CONTAINER CAPACITY • ‘a little bit’ • Zurizta begia ‘whitish’, andi begia ‘biggish’ • Begi bete (bat) ardao emon eusten ‘he gave me a little bit of wine’ • Two different cases: • Metaphor QUANTITY IS SIZE SMALL QUANTITY IS EYE • Zurizta begia ‘whitish’, andi begia ‘biggish’ • X bat Y construction ‘X quantity of Y’ • X=container (CONTAINER FOR CAPACITY) • Y=thing contained (to be measured) • bat=numeral Meaning of X,Y = Compositional Polysemy Examples: gela bat ikasle esku bat lan begi bat ardau X bat Y X bat Y X bat Y
EYE FOR CAVITY EYE FOR HOLE EYE FOR HOOK Gaztabegi ‘cheese holes’, ipurbegi ‘asshole’ Aitzurbegi ‘hoe hole’ Katearen begiak ‘chain links’ Orratzbegia ‘eye of needdle’ Zubiaren begiak ‘bridge arches’ Metonymy: entity for function (hole for enterting/exiting) ‘beehive entrance’, iturbegi ‘spring’ EYE FOR CONTAINER CAPACITY Metaphor: quantity is size small quantity is an eye X bat Y construction + Zurizta begia ‘whitish’ andi begia ‘biggish’ Begi bat ardao‘a little bit of wine’
begi buru EYE FOR FOCUSING CAPACITY • Begiak zuzendu ‘direct one’s eyes’ • ‘in the direction of’ • eguzki-begitan ‘in the direction of the sun’ • haize-begitan ‘in the direction of the sun’ ORIENTATION IS EYE DIRECTION • buru ‘head’ vs. begi ‘eye’ ‘in the direction of’ • figure-ground reversal Ground Figure Figure Ground
BEGI AS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Metonymy: entity for physical characteristics (body-part eye for physical characteristics) EYE FOR CAVITY EYE FOR SHAPE (ROUNDED) EYE FOR HOLE EYE FOR HOOK ‘oil drop in a liquid’ Gaztabegi ‘cheese holes’ ipurbegi ‘asshole’ Aitzurbegi ‘hoe hole’ Katearen begiak ‘chain links’ Orratzbegia ‘eye of needdle’ Zubiaren begiak ‘bridge arches’ ‘bubble in a liquid’ Metonymy: entity for function (hole for enterting/exiting) ‘beehive entrance’, iturbegi ‘spring’ EYE FOR CONTAINER CAPACITY Metaphor: quantity is size small quantity is small X bat Y construction + Zurizta begia ‘whitish’ andi begia ‘biggish’ Begi bat ardao‘a little bit of wine’ EYE FOR CLOSING CAPACITY EYE FOR FOCUSING CAPACITY Metaphor: orientation for eyes direction Begiak itxi ‘close eyes’ Begiak zuzendu ‘direct eyes’ Eguzki begitan ‘sun direction’ Haize begitan ‘wind direction’ Metaphor Begiak itxi batean ‘quickly, suddenly’ ‘consider’ Metaphor: considering is orientation Active zones
References. • Barcelona, Antonio (ed.). 2000a. Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads. A Cognitive Perspective. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. • Fillmore, Charles and Paul Kay. 1995. Construction Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications (forthcoming). • Kay, Paul. 1997. Words and the Grammar of Context. Stanford: CSLI. • Goldberg, Adele. 1995. Constructions. A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure. Chicago: Chicago University Press. • Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide. 1999. Polysemy and Metaphor in Perception Verbs: A Cross-linguistic Study. PhD Thesis. University of Edinburgh. • Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide. 2002. ‘The conceptual structure of Basque buru ‘head’. Fontes Linguae Vasconum91: 463-491. • Kövecses, Zoltán and Günter Radden. 1998 ‘Metonymy: Developing a cognitive linguistic approach’. Cognitive Linguistics 9.1:37-77. • Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. What Categories Reveal about the Mind. Chicago and London: Chicago University Press. • Lakoff, George. 1993. ‘The contemporary theory of metaphor’ In: Andrew Ortony (ed.), Metaphor and Thought 202-251. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Langacker, Ronald W. 1991. Concept, Image, and Symbol. The Cognitive Basis of Grammar. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. • Radden, Günter. 2000. ‘How metonymic are metaphors?’. In: Antonio Barcelona (ed.), Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads. A Cognitive Perspective, 93-108. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. • Sandra, Dominiek and Sally Rice. 1995. ‘Network analyses of prepositional meaning: Mirroring whose mind- the linguist’s or the language user’s?’. Cognitive Linguistics 6-1: 89-130. • DICTIONARIES: • Azkue, Resurrección María de. 1905. Diccionario Vasco-Español-Francés I-II. Bilbao: La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca. (az). • Diccionario Hiru Mila Hiztegia. Adorez 7. 1996. Bilbo: Bostak Bat. (hm). • Diccionario Retana de Autoridades del Euskera. 1976. Bilbao: Biblioteca de la Gran Enciclopedia Vasca. (ar). • Michelena, Luis. 1987-. Diccionario General Vasco. Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia. Bilbao: Euskaltzaindia. (lm). • Morris, Mikel. 1998. Morris Student Plus. Euskara-Ingelesa. English-Basque. Donostia: Klaudio Harluxet Fundazioa. • Mugica Barrondo, Placido. 1981. Diccionario Vasco -Castellano I,II. Bilbao: Mensajero. • Sarasola, Ibon. 1984-95. Hauta-lanerako Euskal Hiztegia. Zarauz: Itxaropena. (is). • Mokoroa Mugika, Justo M. 1990. “Ortik eta Emendik” Repertorio de Locuciones del Habla Popular Vasca, Oral y Escrita, en sus diversas variedades. Bilbao: Labayru-Etor-Eusko Jaurlaritza.
foot for size foot for motion + support entity for size metonymy foot for lower part Foot for support Foot for motion entity for location metonymy OIN entity for function metonymy entity for garment metonymy foot for shoe
BEGI AS FUNCTION Metonymy: entity for function (body-part eye for sight) Metonymy: eye for sight Metaphor: mind-as-body Begiratu, begitu ‘look’ Metaphor: understanding is seeing begi argi ‘sharp-eye’ Metaphor: touching is seeing Begiz jo ‘observe’ Metaphor: examining is seeing Begietsi ‘visit’ Metaphor: socialising is seeing Metaphor: taking care is seeing Begietsi ‘visit’ Begia atxiki ‘take care of’