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Chemical Sciences Division. Wayne Lukens Staff Scientist. Fundamental research in the chemical sciences and engineering to provide bases for new and improved energy technologies and to understand and mitigate the environmental impact of energy use. Chemical Sciences Division’s Mission.
Chemical Sciences Division Wayne Lukens Staff Scientist
Fundamental research in the chemical sciences and engineering to provide bases for new and improved energy technologies and to understand and mitigate the environmental impact of energy use Chemical Sciences Division’s Mission • Fundamental chemical processes • Catalysis • Actinide and fission product chemistry
Business Manager A. Gill Safety Coordinator J. Bucher Division Director D. Neumark Division Deputy A. Belkacem Division Council D. Neumark, Chair A. Belkacem W. Miller K. Raymond T.D. Tilley A. Gill Safety Management Committee A. Belkacem, Chair D. Neumark J. Bucher K. Wilson W. Lukens D. Rodgers Actinide Chemistry Group K. Raymond, Leader Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences A. Belkacem, Leader Catalytic Science T.D. Tilley, Leader Chemical Physics W. Miller, Leader Chemical Sciences Division Organizational Chart UCB Campus LBNL
CSD Activities – Advanced Light Source Chemical Dynamics Beamline and Mezzanine Lab Mission: fundamental research into behavior of molecules and ions in the gas phase Activity: photoionization of gas phase molecules and ions Main hazards: lasers, toxic gases, chemical, radiation (sealed source) Molecular Environmental Sciences Beamline Mission: understand the behavior of environmental systems at the molecular level Activities: advanced spectroscopy and microscopy to 2 keV. Main hazards: chemical, radiological
CSD Activities – Building 2 Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences (AMO) Group Mission: fundamental research into behavior of electrons in molecules and ions Activities: femtosecond laser spectroscopy, computer modeling, building end-stations for the ALS Main hazards: lasers, chemical (solvents), lifting, ergonomics Chemical Physics Group Mission: fundamental research into behavior of gas phase molecules Activities: femto- and attosecond laser and soft X-ray spectroscopy Main hazards: lasers, chemical (solvents and toxic compounds), radiation (soft x-ray, VUV), toxic gases
CSD Activities – Building 70A Actinide Chemistry Group Mission: fundamental research into the chemistry and physics of actinides and fission products Activities: radiochemistry, chemical synthesis, mouse studies, many types of spectroscopy and physical measurements Main hazards: radiological (primarily contamination), chemical, toxic gases, magnetic fields, X-rays, lasers
CSD Safety Line Management – Division Director Work Planning Reviews PI proposals (1-3 year timeframe) Hazard Identification and Control Reviews hazard guide checklists from PIs Authorizes safe work authorizations (AHDs and RWAs) Work Performance Conducts annual walkarounds Feedback and Improvement Conducts annual self-assessments Runs the CSD near-miss program Conducts all-hands meetings annually Communication
CSD Safety Line Management – Principal Investigator Work Planning Submits proposals through Division (1-3 year timeframe) Communicates with researchers during group meetings Hazard Identification and Control Identifies hazards annually using a hazard guide checklist Reviews and approves JHAs annually or as needed Obtains safe work authorizations (AHDs and RWAs) Provides on-the-job training (OJT) for new group members Work Performance Oversees work of researchers Conducts formal walkarounds Feedback and Improvement Discusses safety issues at group meetings Discusses lessons learned distributed by EH&S if applicable
CSD Safety Line Management – Researcher Work Planning Plans day-to-day activities Applies the core functions of ISM to their work Hazard Identification and Control Notifies PI when scope of work needs to change Work Performance Knows the authorizations they are working under Knows the relevant LBNL regulations Obeys all authorizations: JHA, AHD, RWA, etc. Knows the stop-work rules and uses them if appropriate (applies to all employees, but especially at the bench-level) Feedback and Improvement Communicates issues, especially at group meetings
Objectives of CSD’s Safety Policy Keep workers safe Workers are everyone: LBNL staff, graduate and undergraduate students, postdocs, visitors, and guests. Incorporate the ISM core functions into daily work Scientific method and safety planning go hand-in-hand
HSS Planning VisitJanuary 6, 2009Life Sciences Division Joe Gray, Division Director LIFE SCIENCES DIVISION MISSION: The Life Sciences Division contributes to strategic Berkeley Lab and National efforts by developing and applying advanced technologies for elucidation of mechanisms involved in response to low level ionizing radiation, cancer and the microenvironment, neurodegenerative diseases, bio-fuel production and bioremediation.
Life Sciences Division $60M Research Budget for FY09 495 Members 128 Scientists, 86 Research & Tech Staff, 21 Admin Staff 66 Postdocs, 122 Students 72 Guest Researchers Division Director Joe Gray Deputy for OperationsDeputy for Strategic Planning Rebecca Rishell Gary Karpen Deputy for Technology Damir Sudar Business Manager Bill Johansen Life Sciences Division (LSD) Safety Committee, Scott Taylor – Chair LSD Representation on LBNL Institutional Committees: Animal Welfare and Research Committee Francesco Marchetti Human Subjects Committee Wen-Lin Kuo, Scott Taylor Institutional Biosafety Committee Ellie Blakely, Tamas Torok Radiation Safety Committee Amy Kronenberg, Jim O’Neill Safety Review Committee Scott Taylor Facilities & Resources Manager Tony Linard Animal Facility Manager Randy Deguzman Division Safety Coordinator (DSC) Andrew Peterson – begins 1/26/09 Division Safety Officer Scott Taylor Departments Radiotracer Devlpt & Imaging Technology Derenzo/Jagust Cancer & DNA Damage Responses Cooper/Wyrobek Genome Dynamics Celniker/ Kohwi-Shigematsu Bioenergy/GTL & Structural Biology Downing/TBA
Life Sciences Division in 10 Program Locations 55 56 64 86 84 83 74 70A Building 977 (Potter) Donner 4.8 miles
New Arrivals Within LBNL Recent Departures Building 977 (Potter) Life Sciences on the Move
Life Sciences Division Work Activities Genome Dynamics (Celniker/Kohwi-Shigematsu) Research Activities Chromatin Regulation of Genomic Structure Gene Expression and mRNA Splicing Organization and Gene Expression of the Fruit Fly Genome Regulation of Gene Expression in Cancer and Neuronal Development Associated Hazards Human Tissue Culture Carcinogenic and Toxic Chemicals Ergonomics: Microscope Work Formal Authorizations Biological (4 BUAs, 2 BURs) Locations of Labs Buildings 64, 83, 84
Life Sciences Division Work Activities Cancer & DNA Damage Responses (Cooper/Wyrobek) Research Activities Molecular Analysis and Profiling of Cancer Microenvironment and Cancer Mechanisms of DNA Repair Cancer Cell Transformations Tissue Responses to Environmental Exposures Cellular and Genomic Responses to Radiation Associated Hazards Primary Human Cell Lines Carcinogenic and Toxic Chemicals Cryogenic Storage of Materials Nanotech X-ray and Beam line Use Formal Authorizations Biological (15 BUAs, 1 BUN) Radiological (6 RWA, 3 XA, 1 LAS) Locations of Labs Buildings 1, 70A, 84, 977
Life Sciences Division Work Activities Radiochemistry & Instrumentation (Derenzo/Jagust) Research Activities Development of Medical Imaging Technologies Radiotracer Development Search for New Scintillators Application of Medical Imaging to the Study of Cancer and Brain and Cardiac Disease Associated Hazards Experiments with Human Subjects - BBP Toxic and Reactive Chemicals Lasers Magnetic Fields Cyclotron, X-ray, Radioisotope Use Ovens for Scintillator Synthesis Formal Authorizations Activity Hazard Document (2) Biological (2 BUAs) Radiological (4 RWA, 2 XA, 1 SSA) Locations of Labs Buildings 55, 55A, 56, 64
Life Sciences Division Work Activities Bioenergy/GTL & Structural Biology (Downing) Research Activities Multiscale Imaging Technologies, including Imaging of Cellulosic Structure Structural Cell Biology Genomic/Pathway Interactions Protein-Membrane Interactions Associated Hazards Biological Select Agents Toxic Chemicals Electron Microscope Work (Ergo, Cryogenics, Vacuum) Uranyl Acetate Use Formal Authorizations Biological (3 BUAs, 3 BURs, 2 BUNs) Radiological (4 RWA, 2 LAS) Locations of Labs Buildings 1, 70A, 83
Summaryof Formal Authorizations in Life Sciences • 2 Activity Hazard Documents • 1 Laser • 1 Chemical Use • 32 Biological Authorizations • 24 Biological Use Authorizations (BUA) • 5 Biological Use Registrations (BUR) • 3 Biological Use Notifications (BUN) • 23 Radiological Authorizations • 14 Radiation Work Authorizations (RWA) • 5 X-Ray Authorizations (XA) • 1 Sealed Source Authorization (SSA) • 3 Low Activity Source Authorization (LAS)
ISM Implementation in Life Sciences • Define Work • Work is initially defined by the PI • In discussions with staff and collaborators • Formalized in research proposals • Further characterized in formal work authorizations • Developed in research protocols with involved staff • Analyze Hazards • Hazards are determined by the PI • NEPA/CEQA process during grant submittal • Preparation of formal authorizations and JHA (w/ DSC and SME) • Planning discussions with work group • Additional participation by Division and SMEs • Divisional review of NEPA/CEQA (by DSC) • Identification of potential hazards during walkthroughs • Ergo evaluations by Division and EH&S • Discussions regarding hazards during LSD Safety Committee mtgs
ISM Implementation in Life Sciences • Establish Controls • Engineering Controls • Fume-hoods and Bio-hoods • Shielding • Chemical management, including segregation and containment • Ergonomic furniture and equipment • Administrative Controls • Written authorizations (JHA, Formal Authorizations) • Training (formal courses and OJT) • Appropriate signage • Experimental protocols • Appropriate PPE 22
ISM Implementation in Life Sciences • Perform Work • Work is supervised by PI • Assignment of a Work Lead when appropriate • Rad work requiresdaily logs to insure work performed as authorized • Divisional and EH&S Oversight • Divisional walkthroughs to establish controls are in place and in use. In FY08, 135 walkthroughs of Divisional space were completed, including two of all Divisional space by DD. New LSD program for FY09 mandates Dept Heads semi-annual walkthrough of all Departmental space with DSC. • Rad work monitored (weekly/monthly) by Rad Protection Group • Biological Authorizations audited by LBNL Biological Safety Officer • Laser AHDs audited by LBNL Laser Safety Officer
ISM Implementation in Life Sciences • Feedback and Improvement • Annual Self-Assessment Reviews and tri-annual Management of Environment, Safety & Health Reviews • Discussions at the group level of experimental results and problems and further discussions at yearly group JHA meetings • Identification of Near-Hits and Best Practices via the LSD Safety Committee; contributors receive LSD awards • Near-Hits shared at LBNL Division Directors’ Meetings • Sharing of incidents at Lab-wide Division Safety Coordinator meetings • Accident investigations and LBNL tracking of injury and illness • Corrective Action Tracking System • Other audits by EH&S, BSO, and outside agencies • Discussed at LSD Safety Committee meetings, LSD Director’s Advisory Committee meetings, and/or Division-wide all-hands meetings and/or distributed via all-hands e-mail messages and safety bulletins
LSD Invests in Safety In FY07, LSD learned from talking to research staff and from LBNL ergo evaluations that ergo hazards in labs were not being well addressed. In FY08, LSD provided $186K to 35 LSD research groups to improve computer and microscope work environments and to minimize repetitive stress at the bench in the labs. A similar level of support is planned for FY09. LSD will provide ~$40K in FY09 to support the replacement of fabric covered chairs/stools in all LSD BSL 1 and 2 areas. To promote safety awareness in our labs, LSD is awarding $250 to groups that bring the best examples of Near-Hits or Best Practices to monthly safety meetings. LSD facilitating the purchase of prescription safety glasses and providing ~$10K to make optical grade, fitted, nonprescription safety glasses available to all staff.
Physical Biosciences DivisionDirector: Jay D. KeaslingHSS Environment, Safety & Health Inspection Planning Visit Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryJanuary 6, 2009
PBD Overview Division Director: J.D. Keasling Deputy Director, Science: P.D. Adams Deputy Director, Science: D.A. Fletcher Deputy Director, Strategic Development.: K.H. Balder-Froid Business Manager: K. Montgomery ES&H Safety Coordinator (100%): J. Dionne Scientific Advisor for Safety: N. Sauter Facilities Vangie Peterson BIOENERGY RESEARCH (JOINT BIOENERGY INSTITUTE) SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY RESEARCH SOLAR ENERGY RESEARCH ADVANCED IMAGING STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY RESEARCH SYSTEMS BIOLOGY RESEARCH Physical Biosciences Mission To integrate the techniques and concepts of the physical and engineering sciences into the investigation of biological systems and to use this information to solve society’s most significant challenges.
PBD Research Locations Bldg 64: 2 research labs, 1 computational group ALS: Bldgs 6 & 80: 5 research labs, offices, and 6 participating research teams Bldg 66: 2 research labs 5 miles awayEmeryville, CA UC BerkeleyCampus Donner Lab, Bldg 1: 3 research labs, Division administrative offices Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI), Bldg 978: 180-seat research institute
BioEnergy Research: The Joint BioEnergy Institute Location: JBEI building (978), Emeryville Research Activities General molecular biology Chemical analysis Mass spectrometry Spectroscopy Hazards Radiological isotopes Biological—BSL 1 & 2 Magnetic fields Cryogens Ergonomics – general & robotics areas Robotics Microfluidics use of laser source, confocal microscopy Formal Authorizations Biological (BUAs) Radiological (RWA), Controlled access-room at JBEI (14C, 109Cd, 3H, 32P, 35S) Laser AHD
Synchrotron Beamlines at the Advanced Light Source Location: Building 6 (Advanced Light Source Experimental Floor) Research Activities Eight macromolecular crystallography beamlines Soft X-ray tomography beamline (National Center for X-ray Tomography) Soft X-ray spectroscopy program Hazards Radiation (soft and hard X-ray sources) Cryogenic (liquid nitrogen and helium) Sealed radiation source Electrical Ergonomics Formal Authorizations ALS radiological facility authorization Shielding change authorization Beamline design reviews Beamline readiness reviews User hazards (cf. JHA) defined via the Experimental Safety Sheet (ESS)
Solar Energy Research: Photosynthesis Location: Building 66 Research Activities Organic and Inorganic chemical synthesis Laser spectroscopy Hazards Toxic gases Hazardous chemicals Lasers Nanoparticles Ergonomics – general Formal Authorizations Laser AHD Toxic gas AHD
General Laboratory Research Location: Building 64, Donner Lab, Building 80 & Building 6 (ALS) Research Activities Biological sample preparation Molecular biology Structural biology technology development (hardware and software) Nanoscience Hazards Biological—BSL 1 & 2 Radiological isotopes Cryogens Robotics Nanoparticles Ergonomics – general & robotics areas Formal Authorizations Biological (BUAs) Sealed source authorization (building 6) AHDs as necessary (e.g. Oxygen sensor in area with chance of nitrogen overflow)
Prototyping Best Practices at JBEI Laboratory protective equipment requirements established prior to occupation of building (2008): Mandatory wearing of protective eyewear in all JBEI lab spaces JBEI funds used to pay for prescription eyewear when required Comprehensive enforcement of existing LBNL PPE policies: Wearing of close-toed shoes when working in lab spaces Wearing of long pants when working in lab spaces Lab coats worn when experimental work exposes researcher to hazardous chemicals Ergonomic furniture part of the building planning and outfitting Near hit program: Incentivized reporting of potential safety issues 4 awards given in 2008 Resulted in switch from ethidium bromide to Sybr Safe
ISM Implementation in Physical Biosciences Define work By the Principal Investigator in collaboration with: Research staff & collaborators PBD Safety Coordinator / Local safety coordinators (e.g. ALS) / LBNL EH&S Formalized in research proposals (Division approval required for submission) Formalized in engineering designs (e.g. beamline development at ALS) Analyze Hazards By the Principal Investigator in collaboration with: Research staff PBD Safety Coordinator / Local safety coordinators (e.g. ALS) / LBNL EH&S Formal mechanisms: NEPA/CEQA during proposal submission JHA, Experimental Safety Sheet for beamline users Other formal authorizations (e.g. Activity Hazard Documents, Beamline Design Reviews) Walkthroughs Specialist evaluations (e.g. ergonomics) Development of standard protocols Division-wide safety discussions at PBD safety meetings
ISM Implementation in Physical Biosciences Establish Controls: Engineering Interlocks (laser, robotics, beamline hutches) Containment (fume and bio-hoods) Physical shielding (radiation shielding at beamlines) Chemical management: segregation, containment, appropriate storage environment Ergonomic furniture and specialized equipment Establish Controls: Administrative Job Hazard Analysis Training (determined by work described in JHA process) Other formal mechanisms: e.g. AHDs, BUAs, Shielding change authorization Signage Standard experimental protocols Establish Controls: PPE Personal protective equipment (cryogens, electrical, laboratory)
ISM Implementation in Physical Biosciences Perform Work Supervised by principal investigator or work lead Supervisor walkthroughs to monitor use of controls Semi-annual walkthroughs by Division Director All supervisors are required to take walkthrough training Weekly walkthroughs of JBEI space by JBEI VPs Line management partnership with subject experts: BUAs audited by LBNL Biological Safety Officer Laser AHDs audited by LBNL Laser Safety Officer Routine safety discussions PBD safety meeting (every six weeks) Ad hoc group meetings (e.g. BCSB holds weekly staff meeting) Physical measurement Beamline readiness reviews (radiation leak testing by LBNL/ALS specialists)
ISM Implementation in Physical Biosciences Feedback and Improvement Divisional and Institutional (self) assessment Annual Division Self-assessment reviews Labwide Technical Assurance Program Internal and external audits Formal and other mechanisms Entry into CATS (Corrective Action Tracking System) database Supervisor/EH&S accident investigations and LBNL injury/illness tracking Weekly Divisional safety planning team meetings (led by Safety Coordinator) Staff (worker & line management) reporting Near hit program (incentivized reporting of near hits) At the group level (staff meetings) At the management level (e.g. JBEI Operations meetings) At the Divisional level (PBD safety committee meetings) Safety discussions at weekly Division Management meetings Near hit sharing and discussion at LBNL Division Directors’ Meetings
PBD has multiple mechanisms to promote safety Near Hit Programs To increase Safety Awareness, we are rolling out Near Hit Programs across the Division after prototyping a program at JBEI. Safety Communication - Sharing Lessons Learned from the Laboratory and DOE Incident information is disseminated to PBD employees and guests via safety representatives to foster accident prevention and hazard awareness. Personnel Review 2009 evaluations for Division personnel include ES&H performance. Annual Divisional Self-Assessment Division members working in LBNL space perform an individual self-assessment review, which includes a written checklist to be completed by a fixed date, usually in July. Supervisors assure that all group members participate.
PBD’s Commitment to Safety PBD has a strong self-assessment program Safety Committee meets every six weeks Director, PIs, Work Leads & Supervisors are all trained to look at safety by doing frequent walkthroughs We have staffed a full time Safety Coordinator position with an experienced safety professional (formally at Clorox Corp.) to support line management safety efforts. PBD conducted 2 “Focus on Safety” days in 2008 (100% laboratory/group participation) Focus on Safety days included reviewing JHAs, training, Near Hits, Lessons Learned and laboratory walkthroughs. Memorandum of Understanding for operation of ALS beamlines PBD follows ALS ISM practices for beamline operation and modification BCSB implemented LN2 PPE guidance and user documentation more than two years ago The Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) has instituted Best Practices Safety part of the planning, construction and outfitting of Institute Memorandum of understanding between six partners – single safety program applies to all JBEI staff (regardless of home institution) Recognized in the first Annual DOE Program Review for “its commitment to a strong safety and worker health culture”
ALS Mission Statement Support users in doing outstanding science in a safe environment 41
Safety at the ALS is a line management function 200+ staff 1900 users Salmon ALS Division Other non-ALS 44
User Services • Assist users in the application, registration, & experimental startup processes. • Manage Experiment Safety Sheet (ESS) system for Users Scientific Support/Experiment Systems • Provide scientific and technical support to users in carrying out their experiments • Safety oversight and authorization to users Accelerator Physics/Operations • Provide high quality beam to users • Accelerator safety Engineering • Provide technical and professional expertise • Equipment reviews (interlocks, seismic, etc.)
Routine work • Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs) for all resident staff • Group JHAs for Beamline, Operations, Accelerator Physics, technical Engineering staff • Very comprehensive • High degree of interaction with supervisors • Regular, periodic discussions • Accelerator; Beamline; Engineering technical • Procedures Center
ALS Work Permit process for complex work • Thresholds defined for work that requires an internal Work Permit • Based on Brookhaven NSLS model • >3 groups involved • 3 or more ‘medium’ level EHS hazards • Formal Independent Review • EHS, Electrical, Mechanical, Operations • Other SMEs as necessary • Incorporated Subcontractor JHA into this process
Formal authorizations at ALS • AHDs • Class 3b/4 lasers • Toxic gases • De minimus quantities of insensitive HE • RWAs • Accelerator • Rad material • X-ray authorizations • Bio Use Registrations • Others (burn permits, lead permits, confined space)