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Lesson 7

http://www.yourgenome.org/downloads/animations.shtml Your genome http://www.abpischools.org.uk/page/modules/genome/dna2.cfm. Lesson 7. Should GM crops worry us?. Objectives: To be able to discuss the ethics of genetic modification in particular its use in developing countries.

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Lesson 7

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  1. http://www.yourgenome.org/downloads/animations.shtmlYour genomehttp://www.abpischools.org.uk/page/modules/genome/dna2.cfm

  2. Lesson 7 Should GM crops worry us? • Objectives: • To be able to discuss the ethics of genetic modification in particular its use in developing countries.

  3. Genetic Technology Here are the opening paragraphs from two websites introducing genetic engineering – which one is Greenpeace and which is Monsanto?

  4. Genetically Modified Crops • Using http://www.beep.ac.uk/content/367.0.html: • Task 1 • Find the definition of genetically modified crops • List the potential benefits and risks • Task 2 • Use this website to complete the sheet ‘GM Crops’. Imagine you are in the role of the different groups given and give the goals, rights and responsibilities of these groups. • You will then represent theses different groups in turn and argue your case.

  5. Genetic engineering is the scientific alteration of genes or genetic material to produce desirable new traits in organisms or to eliminate undesirable ones. It means removing one gene from one living organism and putting it into another.

  6. Whats your opinion? ‘GM crops should be allowed in the UK’ ‘GM crops should be allowed in developing countries’

  7. http://af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFJOE58S0IK20090929

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