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Stude n t/School Learni n g Ob j ecti v es

Stude n t/School Learni n g Ob j ecti v es. An O v e r vi e w of the WI E du ca t or E f f e c ti v en e ss p r ocess f or d e v elopin g Stude n t/Scho o l Learning Objecti v es. Connec t or. Can y ou do the f oll o wing in the c o nt e x t of y our specific job as t e a ch er ?

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Stude n t/School Learni n g Ob j ecti v es

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  1. Student/SchoolLearningObjectives AnOverview oftheWIEducatorEffectivenessprocessfordevelopingStudent/SchoolLearning Objectives.

  2. Connector Canyoudo the following inthecontextofyourspecificjobas teacher? Identifywhatstudentsare supposedtoknowandbeableto doin theirtimewithyouas buildingleaderorclassroomleader? Assesswhere theyare in their baselineabilitiesas they relateto thoseskills? Assesstheirperiodic growthoverthetimethey are with you?

  3. OUTCOMES Participants will: • •UnderstandtherelationshipoftheSLOtothe • largersystemofEducatorEffectiveness • •UnderstandthekeycomponentsofaqualitySLO • PracticewritingSLOs

  4. Ifwearetrulygoing to transformour schools intoplaceswhereeach andeverystudentis meeting and exceedingstandards,wewill first need toshiftourthinkingtofocuson theresults thatwewant. Conzemius&ONeill (2006)

  5. The EducatorEffectivenessSystem 50%

  6. 2013-14PrincipalOutcomeMeasures State AssessmentGrowth 22.5% StudentLearningObjectives 50% SchoolwideReading Growth/GraduationRatesDistrictChoice 22.5% PrincipalPractice 2.5% 2.5%

  7. 2013-14TeacherOutcomeMeasures StudentLearning Objectives 45% SchoolwideReading Growth/GraduationRates 50% DistrictChoice TeacherPractice 2.5% 2.5%

  8. REQUIREDNUMBER OFSLOS • All educators must develop 2 SLOs annually for a maximum of 6 SLOs in a rating year. SLO #1 SLO #2 StudentOutcomes StudentOutcomes So that…. So that….

  9. REQUIREDNUMBER OFSLOS • PPGs are also required annually. • PPG = Professional Practice Goal aligned to the SLO. PPG InstructionalPractice I will….

  10. Goal Alignment EducatorEvaluationPlan(EEP) SLO PPG StudentOutcomes InstructionalPractice I will…. So that…. PDP (Licensure) 49

  11. Turn andTalk • Turntoyourtable mates andtalk aboutwhat youjustlearnedrelated tothe educator effectivenesssystem andthe SLOprocess. • Whatquestionsdoyouhave so far? 10

  12. Definitionof SLO Student/SchoolLearningObjectives(SLO)are detailed,measurablegoalsforstudentacademicgrowthtobeachievedinaspecificperiodoftime(typicallyan academicyear),basedonpriorstudentlearningdata,and developedcollaborativelybyeducatorsandtheir evaluators.* *Theprocessshouldalso include colleagues, coaches,andpeersinthe development andreviewofSLOs,particularlyin formativeevaluation years.

  13. Dual Meaning of theTermSLO 1.PRINCIPALS - SchoolLearningObjectives Goalsestablishedby thebuildingprincipal,but arefocusedatthe schoollevel 2.TEACHERS-StudentLearningObjectives Academic growthor attainmentgoalsfor entireclassroomsor a targetedpopulationwithinaclassroom/gradelevel Establishedbyindividualteachersor teams ofteachers

  14. Sample Student/SchoolLearning Objective School LearningObjective(Principal): ByMay2014,80%of studentsinGrades3-5 whoscoredbelowproficiencyonthe district writingassessmentadministeredinthefall willincreasetheirscorestotheproficient level asmeasured bythe districtwriting assessmentrubricinthespring. StudentLearningObjective(Teacher): ByMay2014,80%ofmystudents whoscoredbelowproficiencyonthe district writingassessmentadministeredinthefall willincreasetheirscorestotheproficient level asmeasured bythe districtwriting assessmentrubricinthespring.

  15. THESLOProcess Step1: ReviewDataandPrepare NotApproved • Pre-Steps • What content (knowledge, skills or understandings) do you want to assess as a baseline? • What assessment process will you use to measure this content? SLO Step2: ReviewandApproveSLO Step3: CollectEvidence and ConductMid-YearReview Step4: ReviewandScore Approved

  16. Reviewstudent baselinedata and evidenceto identifyneeds andtarget • populations. • Forteachers,student data could includeprioryearassessments,portfoliosof work,pre-tests,etc. • Basedonstudentneeds, setstudent growthtargetsandselectan assessmentorevidencesourcethatwillbe usedto measure growth. • Final evidencesourcescanincludenationally-normedassessments,districtcommon assessments,teacherdevelopedassessments,rubrics usedtoscorestudentwork, etc.FinalevidenceshouldnotincludeWKCE/SmarterBalanced. Step1: ReviewDataandPrepare SLO Step2: ReviewandApproveSLO Step3: CollectEvidenceand ConductMid-YearReview Step4: ReviewandScore SLO Step 1 NotApproved Approved

  17. Step1: • Educatorssubmit SLOstotheir • evaluator. ReviewData and Prepare SLO SLO Step 2 NotApproved • Evaluatorsapprove SLOsorrecommend revisions. • Evaluatorsshouldwork with educatorstoreviewand revisetheSLOifneeded(coaching conversations). Step2: ReviewandApproveSLO Step3: CollectEvidence and ConductMid-YearReview Step4: ReviewandScore Approved

  18. Step1: • EducatorscollectevidenceofstudentprogresstowardmeetingSLOgoals. ReviewData and Prepare SLO Step2: Reviewand ApproveSLO Step3: CollectEvidence and ConductMid-YearReview Step4: Reviewand Score SLO Step 3 NotApproved • Educatorsandtheirevaluatorwill conducta mid-yearreviewtoassess studentprogresstowardmeeting SLOgoals. • Adjustmentstogoalonlyifevidencewarrantsadjustment.Use caution. Examples:chronicabsence,transienttargetpopulation. Approved

  19. Attheend ofthe SLOcycle,educators submitfinalassessmentresults and evidenceor otherSLOdocumentation totheirevaluator. • EvaluatorsreviewSLOresults and assignafinalscoreorratingusinga rubric. • Evaluatorsdiscuss theresults with educatorsduringanendofyearconference. • Use resultsto informgoals and professionaldevelopmentforthefollowingschoolyear. Step1: ReviewData and Prepare SLO Step2: Reviewand ApproveSLO Step3: CollectEvidenceand ConductMid-YearReview Step4: Reviewand Score NotApproved SLO Step 4 Approved

  20. Introductionto StudentLearningObjectives

  21. Whatareyoualreadydoingtosetgoals • aroundstudentacademicgrowth? • Which ofthese practicesdoyoualready engagein? • What mightyouneed todotoready yourself, yourteam,andyour buildingfor these practices?

  22. SLO Resources • DPI Website: http://ee.dpi.wi.gov/ • LiveBinder Resources: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=950308&backurl=/shelf/my • SLO Guidebook: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=950308&backurl=/shelf/my#anchor • SLO Info Brief: http://ee.dpi.wi.gov/files/ee/pdf/IB3_SLOs.pdf

  23. SLOs are SMARTGoals • Specific • Goalis focusedonspecificandkeyareasof need • Measurable • Anappropriateevidencesourceisidentified • Attainable • Thegoaliswithin theteacher’s control • Results-based • Progresstowardthegoalcan bemonitored • Time-bound • Thereisa cleardeadlineforthegoal

  24. HowSMARTis thisgoal? TeacherA–SecondGrade Duringthisschool year,mystudentswill improveon wordknowledgeanddecoding,andreading comprehension.

  25. ReviewingTeacherA’s SMARTGoal

  26. RevisingTeacherA’s Goal Original Goal: Duringthisschoolyear,mystudentswill improveonword knowledgeanddecoding,andreadingcomprehension. RevisedGoal: By May,studentswhoarebelowgradelevelinreadingcomprehensionwillincreasetheirinstructionalreading levelby1.5yearsasdemonstratedbytheirFountasand PinnellBenchmarkAssessmentlevel.

  27. HowSMARTis thisgoal? TeacherB– Elementary PhysicalEducation 100%ofthirdgraderswhohadnotmetbenchmarkbythe endof2ndgradewilldemonstrateproficiencylocomotor skills asdescribedonlevel3ofthestandards-based observationalassessmentrubric(rubricattached) (Standard1).

  28. ReviewingTeacherB’s SMARTGoal 30

  29. RevisingTeacherB’s Goal Original Goal: 100% ofthirdgraderswhohadnotmetbenchmarkbytheend of2ndgradewilldemonstrateproficiencylocomotorskillsasdescribedon level3ofthestandards-basedobservational assessmentrubric(rubricattached) (Standard1). RevisedGoal: BytheendofMarch2015, 90%ofthe44%ofthirdgraderswhohadnot metbenchmarkbytheend of2ndgradewilldemonstrateproficiencyon5 outof7locomotorskillsasdescribed onlevel3ofthestandards-basedobservationalassessmentrubric(rubricattached)(Standard1). 31

  30. SLO Planning TemplateUse this template to plan your SLO.You will enter it in Teachscape eventually.

  31. Fine Arts Samples • DPI link • https://sites.google.com/a/dpi.wi.gov/fineartspd/slo-arts

  32. BeginningofYear Step1: ReviewDataandPrepare SLO Step2: ReviewandApproveSLO Step3: CollectEvidence and ConductMid-YearReview Step4: ReviewandScore • Pre-Steps • What content (knowledge, skills or understandings) do you want to assess as a baseline? • What assessment process will you use to measure this content? NotApproved Approved 90% ofSLOworktakes placeduringthe beginningoftheyear.

  33. SLOPlanningTemplate SMART Goal

  34. KeyCharacteristicsof SLO Plans BaselineData and Rationale Whydidyouchoosethis objectiveand whatsourcesof datadidyou examine? LearningContent Which contentstandard(s)and/or skillsdoesthe objectiveaddress?(e.g., CommonCore) Population Whichstudentsareincludedin this objective? Interval Whattimeframeis involved?(typically year-long) EvidenceSources Howwillyoumeasuretheobjective? TargetedGrowth/Attainment Whatis yourgoal forstudent growth/attainment? Strategies/InstructionalPractices Whatmethodsorinterventionswill youuseto supportthis SLO? Identify relatedDomainsandComponents. Support Whatinstructional supportor professionaldevelopmentisnecessary toaccomplishthisSLO?

  35. Group SLO Practice Task #1 – SLO SMART Goal Task #2 – SLO Planning Template

  36. TASK #1:SLO Activity-Write an SLO SMART Goal Organize with a partner or in a small group. Discuss and select an assessment to be used as a baseline assessment (pre-steps). Determine how you would analyze the data from the assessment. Determine how you would select students for the SLO target. Write a SMART SLO goal statement together using this assessment. Write the sample SLO on chart paper to share.

  37. TASK #2: Practice completing the SLO Planning Template • After writing the SLO SMART goal statement • Try completing the entire planning template – either individually or as a group

  38. Bring Back to Share • Chart paper with SMART goal • Your SLO Planning Template

  39. SLO ReviewCarousel • Walk aroundtheroomandreviewtheSLOs. • Writecommentsonpost-itnotesandattachthemto • thechartpaper.Consider: • DoestheSLOfollowSMARTgoalcriteria? • Whatfeedbackmightyouprovidetostrengthenthe SLO?

  40. Consider how you would Revisethe SLO

  41. SLO Selection/ApprovalRubric/Guide

  42. Rubric Reflection With a partner, use the rubric to review the SLO template. How does this approval rubric guide the development of an SLO?

  43. AdditionalSLOResources EducatorEffectivenessWebsite: http://ee.dpi.wi.gov/ SLOInformation Brief: http://ee.dpi.wi.gov/files/ee/pdf/IB3_SLOs.pdf LiveBinder SLOToolkit: http://bit.ly/170d4sU SLORepository: http://bit.ly/1dmJ0us Fine Arts Examples https://sites.google.com/a/dpi.wi.gov/fineartspd/slo-arts 75

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