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Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

Explore the Swiss cadastral system and review the LAS model, discussing the country's experience, positive and negative aspects, EU influence, key improvements, and critique of the integrated model.

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Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

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  1. Day: Wednesday 9th November • Session: 13.30 - 15.45 • Speaker: Daniel Steudler • Topic: Switzerland LAS Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  2. Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model Dr. Daniel Steudler Swiss Federal Directorate of Cadastral Surveying

  3. Table of Content • Country description • Positive aspects of country experience • Negative aspects of country experience • Building in the cadastre • EU influence • Three key improvements in the next decade • Critique of the integrated model in context of Switzerland with a view to improving the LAS Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  4. SWITZERLAND 7.3 million people 41'290 km2 4.0 million parcels Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  5. 26 Cantons … Cantons maintain political and administrative bodies on their own Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  6. … and 2903 Municipalities Cantons are further divided into municipalities Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  7. 26 Cantonal Governments 26 Cantonal Parliaments 21 Cantonal Surveying Offices Cantonal Level ~350 Cantonal and Regional Land Registry Offices ~15 City & Municipal Surveying Offices ~270 Private Licensed Land Surveying Offices Community Level Private Notary Offices Organisations involved in cadastral system Cadastral Surveying Land Registration Government Federal Parliament Dept. for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports Department of Justice- and Police 7 Federal Departments Federal Level Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) Federal Office for Justice COSIG Office for Land Registry and Real Estate Law Directorate of Cad. Surveying Licensing Commission for Cadastral Surveying Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  8. Federal Directorateof Cadastral Surveying Supervision,strategic management ~15 employees Agreements Operational management Cantonal Surveying Offices ~300 employees Contracts Private Land Surveying Offices City Surveying Offices Execution ~3000 employees Organisation of cadastral surveying Level Organisation Tasks Confederation Canton Municipality Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model Office heads at all levels: have to hold the federal license for cadastral land surveyor

  9. Legal basis and objectives Swiss Civil Code, 1912 Objectives of the legislator: • Security of ownership, efficient land market, and mortgaging of real estates Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  10. Swiss civil code (in force since 1.1.1912) • Art. 942 • 1 All rights on real estates have to be registered in the land registry. • 2 The land registry consists of the main book with its associated maps, the auxiliary registers (in particular the list of property owners), the deeds (records and evidences), the description of properties, and the day book. • Art. 950 • 1 Registration and description of the properties in the land register have to be done on the basis of a map, which as a rule, has to be the result of an official cadastral survey. • 2 The Federal Council decides on which principles these maps have to be basedupon. Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  11. Swiss cadastral system Land Register Cadastral Surveying • main book • auxiliary registers (in particular the list of property owners) • deeds (records and evidences) • description of properties • day book Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  12. Verordnung über die Amtliche Vermessung (VAV, 1.1.1993) Art. 1 Begriff und Zweck 1 Als amtliche Vermessungen im Sinne des ZGB gelten die zur Anlage und Führung des Grundbuches vom Bund anerkannten Vermessungen. 2 Die Daten der amtlichen Vermessung sollen als Grundlage für den Aufbau und den Betrieb von Landinformationssystemen dienen und für öffentliche und private Zwecke verwendet werden können. Legal act 1993, adding a new and extended purpose Ordnance for Official Surveying (VAV, 1.1.1993) Art. 1: Definition and Objective 1 In terms of the Civil Law, cadastral surveyingis considered to be surveying – approved by the Confederation – for the purpose of operating the land registry. 2 The data of cadastral surveying shall serve as basis for theestablishment and the operation of land information systems and shall be suited for public and private purposes. Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  13. Basic principles of the cadastral system • Partnership Confederation - Canton (- Communities) • Public Private Partnership (PPP) • Decentralized structure • Free market, tendering • Costs are borne mainly by Confederation Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  14. ili itf Conceptual elements of AV93 - Clear definition of the product - Freedom of methods and systems (as basis for tendering) - Independent information layers (link between layers only trough geographic location) - Standardized way of description and transfer of data (INTERLIS) Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  15. TRANSFER Data_Catalogue; MODEL Basic_Data_Set DOMAIN LKoord = COORD2 480000.000 70000.000 840000.000 300000.000; HKoord = COORD3 480000.000 70000.000 0.000 840000.000 300000.000 5000.000; Height = DIM1 0.000 5000.000; Precision = [0 .. 300]; Reliability = (yes, no); LetterOrientation = GRADS 0.0 400.0; Status = (planned, valid); TOPIC Control_Points = ......... END Control_Points; TOPIC Land_Cover = ......... END Land_Cover; TOPIC Ownership = DOMAIN Monumentation = (border_stone, plastic_peg, cross, not_monumented); OwnershipType = (parcel, distinct_right, construction_right, water_source_ right); TABLE LimitPoint = OSKey: OPTIONAL -> OwnershipMaintenance; Identifier: OPTIONAL TEXT*12; Geometry: LKoord; PositionPrecision: Precision; PositionReliability: Reliability; Origin: OPTIONAL TEXT*30; SymbolOrientation: OPTIONAL LetterOrientation; !! Default: 0.0 IDENT Geometry; END LimitPoint; END Ownership. END Basic_Data_Set. Control points Land cover Single objects Heights Local names Ownership Pipelines >5bar Administrative subdivisions 8 Information Layers (Possibility to realise the layers separately) Data Model (UML) (Entity-Relationship-Diagram) Data Description Language INTERLIS (system independent) With this method of data modelling, the use and exchange of AV93 data is independent from the used GIS or software system. Technical Elements Standardized data modelling and cadastral data definition (introduced in 1993) Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  16. Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  17. common geodetic reference framework Two preconditions: common data modelling concept Possible future structure for LIS Legal topic Stakeholders (data owners) spatial data textual data Water protection Local government Noise protection Local government Environmental protection Environmental department Planning department Land use planning Indigenous land rights Tribe, clan Corporations Collective land rights Land ownership, cadastre National government State government Local government Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  18. Drilling the topics from different stakeholders Property parcel #: 1234 Building #: A445 Building permit: lease Easement: parcel 1235 Land-use zone: residential 2-floors Property parcel #: 1234 Building #: A445 Building permit: lease Easement: parcel 1235 Land-use zone: residential 2-floors Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  19. public law LIS / GIS private law 2005 New constitu-tional article about land information 2008 Full coverage 20xx 1912 Introduction of Civil Code 1993 Digital Standard AV93 Trend of increasing purpose and content of cadastral system Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  20. Profession • all surveyors active in cadastral surveying are required to have the licence • 4 ½ years of academic education at ETH • 2 years of practical work • practical exams for Federal licence (responsibility of Federal Directorate of Cadastral Surveying) • professional associations ("Geosuisse" and "Ingenieur-Geometer Schweiz IGS") Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  21. Cadastral Surveying • contracts with communities/cantons for the maintenance and updating of cadastral surveying data (acting agents for authorities) • carrying out of projects for acquisition of AV93 data and renovation of old existing cadastral surveys • service to clients (public bodies of all levels, facilities companies, etc.) LIS Role of Private Sector (1/2) Main Tasks of Private Land Surveyors: Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  22. Public Sector Private Sector Role of Private Sector (2/2) Two Partners: • legislation (Federal and cantonal level) • financing structure • setting standards • supervision • co-ordination • verification • production • maintenance • service to clients • innovation Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  23. Positive aspects of country experience • Standardized data modelling approach right from beginning (1993) • Independence of information layers allows much lighter data model, independent data ownership, acquisition and maintenance Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  24. Negative aspects of country experience • Rather slow transition to fully digital data, coverage not satisfying (decentralized organization and funding) • Horizontal cooperation between federal agencies not always positive (lack of leadership ?) • Decentralized organization with 26 Cantons is not always efficient (although it ensures the link to the local government level) Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  25. Buildings in cadastre • Today: buildings are traditionally part of cadastral surveying (as one element in land cover layer) • Tomorrow: working group is studying 3D aspects (with a focus mainly on viewing, rather than registration of 3D objects) Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  26. EU influences • Strong cooperation within Europe (D-A-CH, CLGE, GE, FIG, Eurogi, …) • Increasingly involved in activities of EuroGeographics (in newly established "Expert Group on Cadastre and Land Registry" with 3 working groups) • INSPIRE Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  27. Three key improvements in the next decade • NGDI established and operational • supplied with all relevant data, above all cadastral data • complete coverage of cadastral surveying data • data sharing is taking place on large scale • Strong focus on users and customers (key is: data, information, services  homogenization of data and fee structure) • Overcome the drawbacks of Federalism, while retaining the benefits Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  28. Sustainable Development Economic, Social, Environment e-Citizenship e-Government Land Administration Functions Land Tenure, Land Value, Land-Use, Land Development Land Policy Framework Land Information Infrastructures Country Context Institutional Arrangements Review of Swiss LAS with proposed model Is achieved, cadastre may soon be improved by accommodating public-right restrictions and responsibilities. Although broadband penetration is very high, e-citizenship is not well established (not much of information available or when available, awkward to find and access) Federalism seems to be a hindrance for the development of e-government structures (first tests of e-voting / tax form on web / infrastructure for digital signatures not established) Seems to be in place, but neither politicians nor citizens are aware of its comprehensive character Very much in place on cantonal level, but not aggregated yet at national, federal level. The single LA functions are well established, and data are being shared. However, cross-administration cooperation could be improved. Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

  29. Sustainable Development Economic, Social, Environment e-Citizenship e-Government Land Administration Functions Land Tenure, Land Value, Land-Use, Land Development Land Policy Framework Land Information Infrastructures Country Context Institutional Arrangements Review of LAS model from a Swiss perspective • Education, academic sector • Regular review process of strategy and concept Analysis of Swiss Cadastral System and Review of LAS Model

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