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Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Welcome 2010-2011 Participants! Agenda FFVP History Review program requirements Who What When Where Claims History 1 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program initially began as a pilot project authorized by

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Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

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  1. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Welcome 2010-2011 Participants!

  2. Agenda • FFVP History • Review program requirements • Who • What • When • Where • Claims

  3. History 1 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program initially began as a pilot project authorized by Congress in 2002. The pilot provided funds to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables in four states and an Indian Tribal Organization (ITO) for School Year 2002-2003. The purpose of the pilot was to determine the best practices for increasing fruit (both fresh and dried) and fresh vegetable consumption. Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 The success of the pilot led to the enactment of legislation in 2004 to expand the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program and to make it a permanent program under the National School Lunch Act. The law added four additional states and two ITOs for School Year 2004-2005. The Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006 This Act appropriated a one-time funding of $6,000,000 to further expand the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program in six additional states.

  4. History 2 Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2008 The 2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act expanded the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program nationwide and provided approximately $9.9 million to begin program operations for School Year 2008-2009. The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Farm Bill) The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 amended the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act by adding section 19, the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. Section 19 permanently authorized the program nationwide, consolidated all prior operations under Section 19 and provided a significant funding increase, beginning with $40 million in FY 2009.

  5. Goals of the FFVP • Create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices. • Increase variety and consumption of different fruits and vegetables. • Learn about different fruits and vegetables. • Make a difference in children’s diets to impact their present and future health.

  6. School Criteria • Elementary School • Operate the National School Lunch Program • Submit an application for participation • 50%+ students eligible for free/reduced price meals

  7. Each School Must: • Make fresh fruits and vegetables available to all enrolled children for FREE • Provide nutrition education • Follow all food safety/HACCP • Process all reports on time • Publicize • Students are aware of all locations and again, that the produce is FREE!

  8. Who? • Any student who is enrolled in the school • Teachers • Head Start Program • Split Kindergarten • Children in a Child Care Center within the school

  9. The FFVP is NOT intended for community residents or adults who are attending school functions. • The fruits and vegetables cannot be used as gifts or rewards. They also may not be withheld for disciplinary reasons.

  10. What Can I Serve? • Fresh fruits • Fresh vegetables • Cooked vegetables** • Low fat dressings for vegetables only • Fresh herbs if making a prepared dish ** **Limited and must be w/ nutrition education**

  11. Fruit/Vegetable Ideas • Watermelon radishes • Kiwi • Watermelon • English cucumber • Peaches • Nectarines • Berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) • Artichokes • Tomatoes (heirloom, different colors, shapes) • Avocado • Cherimoya • Durian • Eggplant • Honeydew • Cantaloupe • Starfruit • Yellow watermelon • Zucchini • Squash (all varieties) • Xigua • Ugli • Figs • Pomegranate • Grapes • Currants (black and red) • Pumpkin • Grapefruit • Boysenberry • Apricots • Cherries (sweet and tart) • Plum • Pears • Green beans • Wax/yellow beans • Guava • Mango • Papaya • Mini bananas • Plantains • Sweet potatoes • Pineapple • Yams • Jicama

  12. Remember! • Variety is important! • This may be the only chance the student has to have FRESH produce! • Try NEW and interesting types of fresh fruits and vegetables

  13. What is a serving? YOU DECIDE! • ½ cup cut fruit/vegetables • 1 medium piece of fruit • 1 cup leafy greens • ½ cup cooked vegetable (limited use) (Try sample sizes for new items)

  14. Not Allowed • FULL FAT DRESSINGS • Yogurt for fruit • Dip for fruit • Peanut butter • Nuts/seeds of any kind • Dried fruit/vegetables • Fruit leathers • Cottage cheese • Smoothies • Trail mix • Spices • Dried herbs • Frozen fruits/vegetables • Canned fruits/vegetables • Fruit/vegetable pizza • Vacuum packed fruits/vegetables • ‘Edible Arrangements’

  15. Limitations • Cooked vegetables (cooked sweet potatoes) • Prepared fruits/vegetables (salsa) • Low fat dressing/dips for vegetables ~1-2 Tablespoons

  16. Limitations Cooked fruits and vegetables MUST be accompanied with nutrition education. This is also limited to one time per week.

  17. Limitations When in doubt, call CDE before you make a purchase!

  18. Timing is Everything! • Must be during the regular school day! • Mid-morning snack • Afternoon snack • NOT during the SBP, NSLP, or before/after school care

  19. Where? • Classrooms • Hallways • Nurse and school offices • Kiosks around the school • FREE vending machines • As part of nutrition education activities • Cafeteria (as long as FFVP service is not during SBP and NSLP)

  20. Nutrition Education • A critical component to the program’s success. • The school might be the student’s only access to fresh fruits and vegetables (through the FFVP and/or the NSLP/SBP).

  21. Nutrition Education • Develop nutrition education that fits your students’ needs • Use FREE resources and education materials • Websites are valuable resources • Integrate lessons into the regular classroom lesson plans

  22. Nutrition Education • Work with those you have partnered with to obtain promotional items (flyers, posters, etc.) • Advertise/educate on the monthly menus • Include articles in the school or district newsletter or website.

  23. Purchasing • All schools must find reliable vendors and follow proper procurement procedures. All produce purchased should be graded and inspected according to local, state and federal guidelines.

  24. Purchasing • Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 amended the National School Lunch Act to allow institutions receiving funds through the CNP to apply a geographic preference when procuring unprocessed locally grown or raised agriculture products.

  25. Purchasing See: SP 30: Applying Geographic Preference in Procurements for the Child Nutrition Programs, dated July 9, 2008.

  26. Where can I buy from? • Grocery stores/ retail food sellers • Local agriculture producers • Farmers market • Orchards

  27. Procurement Procedures The “Buy American” requirement also applies to purchases for the FFVP. Bananas that are not a domestic product may be purchased even though they are not domestic. You may order your produce through the Department of Defense Produce-- DoD-Fresh

  28. Partnerships • Outside support and collaboration is key to your program’s success. • Help schools better manage the FFVP • Resolve logistical challenges of the program • Obtain education materials from them

  29. Partnerships • Encourage commitment and cooperation from school partners • Administrators • Teachers • Food service staff • Custodial staff • Parents • PTA • Student Government

  30. Partnership • Relationships with outside partners • Extension agencies • Local grocers and stores • Health associations • County and state agriculture departments • Community health agencies • State and national affiliates of the American Cancer, Diabetes, Dietetic, and Heart Associations and School Nutrition Association

  31. Food Safety • Make sure all staff who prepare or serve food are trained on how to properly wash, store, and serve fresh fruits and vegetables. • Wash hands using proper procedures • Wash-Rinse-Sanitize • Wash all produce! • Cold water • Chemicals that comply w/ FDA Food Code

  32. Food Safety 2 • Scrub surfaces of firm skin fruits and vegetables • Remove all damaged/bruised areas • Label, date, and refrigerate fresh cut items • Do not serve raw seed sprouts • Make sure all cold produce stays cold! • Always check in with your local health department!

  33. Claims!

  34. General Claiming Info • This is a reimbursement program • What you spend for the program = what CDE will pay. • Not meals x rates. • CDE reimburses when you buy NOT when you serve. • Monthly Reimbursement • Forms / Instructions on CDE website • http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdenutritran/nutriFFVPP.htm • Claim form is in Excel – can download/save • Be as complete / accurate as possible.

  35. Claims • If awarded money for more than one school in your district, you may not exceed the amount claimed for that school even if other schools have not gone over and have extra funds. • This also applies to administrative costs.

  36. Timing • Submission • 60-Day rule • Must be submitted within 60 days following the close of the claiming month. • Use the regular claim rules – annual CDE memo. • Combining claims • Full month/partial month – the deadline for the full month applies. Same rules (10 days or less) as regular NSLP/SBP claim.

  37. Claims are by SITE • Claims are filed on a site basis. • $ limits are per site. • Only direct costs can be claimed. • Cannot claim “general administrative costs” • Cannot claim “central office” costs

  38. Costs $$$ • Program costs are broken down into two categories • Operational • Administrative

  39. Operational vs. Administrative Operational Costs Administrative Costs Large pieces of equipment used for prep/service (kiosks) Labor for the planning and claiming of the FFVP. Limited to 10% of the total award amount • Fruits/vegetables • Non-food items used for preparing and serving the fruits/vegetables • Labor directly related to the preparation and serving of the produce

  40. Allowable Expenditures • Allowed: • Fruit &Vegetables (Extra costs such as delivery, etc.) • Low fat dip • Ordinary expenditures for the program • Consult USDA guidelines / OMB Circular A-87 • Examples – spoilage/breakage/loss • Not allowed: • Educational or promotional materials • Smoothies • Veggie Pizza • Classes for employees • Supervision of students

  41. Claim Reminders • Must be “NECESSARY” and “REASONABLE”. • Not acceptable to claim: • ‘Edible Arrangements’ • Items for which fruit / vegetable is not the primary cost • Items for which labor is main ingredient

  42. Use Caution • Please try to purchase all small and large equipment at the beginning of the year so you will get maximum usage out of the equipment.

  43. Labor on Claims • Labor • # of hours * (pay rate + benefits) • CLAIM (2 options –best solution for SFA) • When the hours are worked • When the amount is paid • Contact CDE with questions on labor

  44. Submitting the Claim • CDE will review the claims • Are the expenditures reasonable/allowable? • Is the math correct? (Please review) • Do the cost sheets match the summary page? • Has district exceeded allowance? • Administration is limited to 10% (per site). • Is the claim form signed/dated? (if manual) • Is claim forwarded from correct e-mail?

  45. Possible Delay • Questions • CDE will contact you if there is a question about the information on the claim

  46. Submitting the Claim • Two Options • “Hard Copy” through U.S. Mail • **E-Mail Claim to CDE (NEW!) • Payment • Through CDE • Separate state warrant • Grant code – 4582 • CFDA Number: 10.582

  47. Use Caution! • Things to remember • This is a reimbursement program • Separate costs into operational/administrative • Costs are calculated by site • When you buy is the controlling date. • Regular claim rules apply. • WHEN IN DOUBT – CALL CDE!!

  48. NEW for 2010-2011! • Accepting claims by email! • How? • Download the template from the CDE Child Nutrition website. (Excel format) • Complete the district, school, and claim information on the summary sheet. • Complete the Operational and Administrative costs spreadsheets. Entering the information on these 3 sheets will automatically report the totals on the summary sheet. • Save the claim file to a district computer.

  49. E-Mail Claims • Must be sent by the person who ‘signs’ the claims (usually Food Service Director) • Make sure claims are saved as Excel files using the following naming rules: • YEAR_MONTH_DISTRICT_SCHOOL.xls • SEE EXAMPLE BELOW! • E-mail the Excel file (as an attachment) to CDE.

  50. Reviews • If your district is up for a CRE, we will visit the school(s) that are participating in the FFVP. • Reviews may be done in the same CRE school as well as additional visits to the FFVP schools. • We are excited to come visit and see your programs up and running!

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