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Science Alliance Missie Science Alliance Science uses profits to make knowledge, The market uses knowledge to make profits... market knowledge profit science ...together they are the catalyst for innovation. 1. Organisatie structuur Directie FZ Conference Management (EvM) ICT
Missie Science Alliance Science uses profits to make knowledge, The market uses knowledge to make profits... market knowledge profit science ...together they are the catalyst for innovation.
1. Organisatie structuur Directie FZ Conference Management (EvM) ICT Management (JB) Office Management (AvN) Financieel Management (MdR) IR (MJ) WTC (XdL) China (GIV) Overheid (SL) RI (PV) LS (DP) ASTP WLF ICLN Netwerken & allianties DCTF3D ODH IDD Co-Innov. NPO TNP Bijeenkomsten DCTF congres TNP congres ODH IDD Match Making Valorisatie dag WLF congres Onderzoek & Advies
Clusters • Regional Innovation • Life Sciences • China • International Law • Overheid en Algemeen • Wetenschapscommunicatie (WTC) • Association of European Technology Transfer Professional (ASTP) = geen cluster
Cluster Regional Innovation • The Technopolicy Network (TPN) • National & European competitions for the • “Most Entrepreneurial Scientist” (NL – UK – USA – Denmark – • Sweden) • Evaluating Science Based Incubators • Inter-regionale samenwerking • Analyses dmv Technopolicy Model
Transatlantic Research & Business Accelerator: Connecting the business support services of America’s and Europe’s most innovative regions. Supporting Science Based Entrepreneurs to become International Gazelles
Stimulate Scientific Entrepreneurship Most Entrepreneurial Scientist Award The first winners To let entrepreneurial scientists become a role model for colleagues and students ? NL Prof. Dr. Adriaan Beukers UK Prof. Christopher Lowe USA Paul Schimmel Ph.D.
Join the 7th annual contest & conference: “Best Practices in Science Based Incubators” Paris, 10-12 December 2008 • Meet experts on incubation & innovation from Europe, the USA and Asia • Including the announcement of the winner of the • “Best Science Based Incubator Award 2008”
Cluster Life Sciences • Dutch Clinical Trial Foundation • Improving the efficiency of clinical trials held in the Netherlands • Dutch Discoveries Disclosed • stimulating the commercialization of Dutch life science based discoveries
Europe USA 1992 Europe USA 2000 10 0 2 4 6 8 Dutch Clinical Trial Foundation Origin of the top 10 medicines by worldwide sales • Aims to improve: • the position of The Netherlands as a clinical research country • the worldwide share of clinical trials held in The Netherlands • This is done by: • improving transparency • stimulating professionalization and efficiency of clinical trials (Source: EFPIA)
Dutch Discoveries Disclosed • Aim: • to stimulate commercialization of Dutch Life Science based discoveries • This is done by: • providing immediate access to the most recent scientific discoveries in The Netherlands • creating an international marketplace • using an efficient and confidential method of email alerts For more information: www.dutchdiscoveries.com
Cluster China • South Holland-Shanghai Pudong Co-Innovation • Program (SHIP) • South Holland-Hebei Co-Development Program • Representative Office Science Alliance in Shanghai • research services, operational support, information • and consultation services
Connecting South Holland and Shanghai in Life Science, ICT and New Materials www.coinnovation.net
South Holland – Hebei Co-Development Program www.holland-hebei.net The Co-Development Program (CDP) is an initiative of South Holland Province, the Netherlands and Hebei Province, China. Its aim is to stimulate economic growth and cooperation between Hebei and South Holland. The partners of the CDP can be found in the following sectors: Bussiness and Commerce Education and Research Public Sector
Creating a South-Holland Innovation House in Shanghai The Science Alliance Representatieve Office was founded in March 2005 and is located in the Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park and functions as a joint hub for Dutch companies and researchs institutes. The representative office can offer your company the following services: Market Research Operational support Information and consultation services www.science-alliance.nl
Cluster International Law • International Criminal Law Network • Organising Professional and Social Interaction between Academics, Policymakers and Legal Professionals in International Criminal Law • World Legal Forum foundation • World Legal Forum is the place where experts from different fields (multinationals, supranational institutions and academics) can interact in an informal setting
The International Criminal Law Network (www.icln.net) (300 members/60 countries) ICLN organises annual international conferences, workshops, seminars in The Hague region and abroad for international experts on criminal law
Cluster Overheid en Algemeen • Netwerk voor Publieke Onderzoeksprogrammering • Cursus “Lokale en Regionale Onderzoeksprogrammering”, Kennismarkt voor Onderzoek en Beleid:“Arbeidsmarkt en allochtonen”, Jaarcongres: “Vormgeving van Kennisintensief Beleid”
Cluster Wetenschapscommunicatie • Op de HoogteStudie- en beroepskeuzevoorlichting voor scholieren van 5 en 6 VWO: etaleren van topwetenschap en loopbanen bij overheid en bedrijf • In de DiepteWetenschappelijke en beroepsmatige verdieping voor docenten en decanen van het voortgezet onderwijs binnen wetenschap en techniek • VTB-summerschoolsWetenschapsdagen voor leraren van het primair onderwijs en studenten van de pabo op het gebied van bèta en techniek
Op de Hoogte in Den Haag Studie- en beroepskeuzevoorlichting voor scholieren van 5 en 6 VWO: etaleren van topwetenschap en loopbanen bij overheid en bedrijf • Lezingen van topwetenschappers enpresentaties van managers uit de praktijk • Gevolgd door een bedrijfsbezoekof culturele excursie • Ingebed in bestaand onderwijsaanbod www.opdehoogte.com
Actualisering Kennis Toepassing praktijk Carrière-perspectieven Educatieve instrumenten VO Docenten Instroom studenten N&G / N&T IN DE DIEPTE Wetenschappelijke en beroepsmatige verdieping voor docenten en decanen van het voortgezet onderwijs binnen wetenschap en techniek • Actualisering van kennis • Nieuwe praktijktoepassingen van kennis • Carrièreperspectieven in de bèta en techniek • Educatieve instrumenten voor op school
Wetenschapsdagen voor leraren van het primair onderwijs en studenten van de pabo op het gebied van bèta en techniek • Worden primair georganiseerd door universiteiten • Science Alliance voert algemene projectcoördinatie • Doel: structureel meer aandacht voor wetenschap en techniek in het basisonderwijs www.vtb-summerschool.nl
Growth of ASTP 600 570 500 560 540 400 462 Members 300 406 354 200 281 242 160 100 116 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 April 2009 Year The mission of ASTP is to “professionalise and promote technology and knowledge transfer between the European science base and industry” Development of Membership