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Georgia Alternate Assessment. GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot Training Webinar. Introductions . Georgia Department of Education Jan Reyes, Ed.D., Director of Assessment Development Sandy Greene, Ed.D., Director of Assessment Administration Jonathan Rollins, III, Measurement Program Manager
Georgia Alternate Assessment GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot Training Webinar
Introductions Georgia Department of Education Jan Reyes, Ed.D., Director of Assessment Development Sandy Greene, Ed.D., Director of Assessment Administration Jonathan Rollins, III, Measurement Program Manager Crystal Callaway, Education Program Specialist, Special Education Services Questar Mark Phipps, Senior Program Manager Jenny Read, Program Manager Gaolang Vang, Associate Program Manager Donna Tabat, Assessment Specialist Suzanne Sanders, Training Specialist
Agenda Overview of the Georgia Alternate Assessment 2.0 GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot - Test Design GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot - Pre-Administration Guidance GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot – Nextera: Introduction Key Dates, Resources and Contacts
Overview of GAA 2.0 • In general, the assessment field is making substantial progress in the ways in which students with significant cognitive disabilities are assessed on state academic content standards. • The Georgia Alternate Assessment is being redesigned to better ensure that students with significant cognitive disabilities are: • provided access to the state academic content standards, and • given the opportunity to demonstrate achievement of the knowledge, concepts, and skills inherent in the standards.
AA-AAS Requirements • Both ESSA and IDEA allow for alternate assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities based on alternate achievement standards. • “An alternate achievement standard sets an expectation of performance that differs in complexity from a grade-level achievement standard.” The GAA is an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS).
Introducing the GAA 2.0 Based on the recommendation of a steering committee, the GAA 2.0 will be a structured portfolio. The portfolio blueprint will prescribe content standards to be assessed. The portfolio will consist of standardized performance tasks, with multiple access points, approved by committees of Georgia educators. The portfolio will be evaluated for student achievement, not progress. The testing window for the GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot is May 7 – 25, 2018
GAA 2.0 Overview • The new GAA 2.0 will: • align to the Georgia Standards of Excellence; • reduce teachers’ burden related to selecting or developing tasks; • bring greater standardization to the administration; • improve scoring reliability; and • introduce an online task submission system.
Development Process • Design & Expectations Meeting – Oct 2017 • Participation guidelines • Prioritization of standards • Achievement level descriptors • Assessment Specifications Meeting – Nov 2017 • Review of blueprints • Weighting of claims and targets • Task Development & Review – Feb/Mar 2018 • Content and bias review with educators • Small-scale pilot – May 2018 • Small-scale pilot – September/October 2018 • Statewide operational field test – Spring 2019
ESSA Waiver Request • GaDOE will be seeking a waiver from USED to exclude assessment results for the GAA 2.0 from accountability calculations in 2018-2019. • Approval of the waiver would allow for the exclusion of proficiency designations for GAA 2.0 participants. • Schools and districts would still be held accountable for participation in the 2018-2019 statewide GAA 2.0 field test. • A public notice of the intent to apply for a waiver is available on the GaDOE’s Title I webpage under the ‘Federal Programs’ Links’ heading. • Send any comments to Dr. Allison Timberlake, Deputy Superintendent for Assessment & Accountability, atimberlake@doe.k12.ga.us by May 14, 2018.
Purpose of the GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot The purpose of the spring pilot is to collect evidence on the functioning of the test design to guide new task development and Test Examiner training. Educator feedback through the pilot process will support recommendations and decisions made related to the following: • the effectiveness of the overall test design; • the clarity of the Test Examiner directions; • the ability of the tasks to provide three distinct levels of complexity; • the accessibility of the tasks for the students assessed; • the time required for administration; and • the use of Questar’s online site, Nextera Admin, for managing students and uploading the collection of evidence.
Selected Schools • Schools were selected to be representative of the state’s demographics. • The approximate number of students to test is included in the spreadsheet attached to the March 30 email from Allison Timberlake. • Selected schools are assigned: • Only one grade/content area (3 tasks) • No more than 5 students • Any necessary changes to selected schools should be communicated to Questar Customer Service. • See last slide for email address and telephone number.
GAA 2.0 Test Design Structure of GAA 2.0 Discrete tasks developed for each grade and content area. Tasks written to 3 levels of complexity, starting with the least complex part and increasing in complexity. Most students should be able to engage with and respond to at least one part of each task. A scenario or passage is provided at the beginning of each task and serves as an introduction.
Task Structure • Tasks begin with a scenario, and then progress from the least complex activity to the most complex activity. • A high level of scaffolding is provided for Part A; the scaffolding decreases as the complexity of the activity increases.
Scenario • Purpose: • Introduce the topic • Engage the student • Provide a brief reminder of prior learning • Suggest the relevance of the topic • The scenario is not intended to replace good instruction, but it may help students recall what they have learned.
Sample Task Scenario There are different kinds of numbers. There are whole numbers, like one, two, and three. There are fractions, like one-half and one-third. [Point to the sections of the table as you refer to them.] Today we are going to talk about fractions.
Part A Low complexity & high support The most basic presentation of the GSEs and Extended Standards May assess pre-requisite skills Basic text and simplified graphics help to support understanding at this level Two answer options are provided at this level; most answer options include graphics
Part A Part A: Low complexity/High support Here are two fraction bars. Each fraction bar is divided into two equal parts. [Point to each fraction bar.] Which picture shows one-half?
Part B Moderate complexity & moderate support Represents an entry-level skill Features simple text with some academic language Graphics tend to be more academic in nature than those provided for Part A Scaffolding may be provided by having the Test Examiner point out key features of the graphic.
Part B Part B: Moderate complexity/Moderate support Use the fraction bars to add one-fourth plus two-fourths. [Point to the fraction bars as you read the equation.]
Part B What is one-fourth plus two-fourths? [Point to the answer options as you read them.]
Part C High complexity & low support May include multiple parts, require the student to make inferences, or require the application of previous learning. Graphics for Part C are more challenging than those for Part B and may require the student to interpret or make an inference. Graphics not included for all activities in Part C
Part C Part C: High complexity/Low support We can subtract fractions. The denominators are the same. [Point to the denominators.] This means we just subtract the numerators. [Point to the numerators.]
Part C [Point to the equation as you read it.] What is two-fifths minus one-fifth? [Point to the answer options as you read them.]
GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 PilotAdministration Materials • GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot Manual • The manual will be posted on the Nextera Admin site under the HELP tab • Test Books • Stimulus Cards • District & School Return Kits (for coordinators only) Items 2–4 above will be packaged by school and shipped to each district to arrive by April 30.
Test Books A test book will be provided for each grade and content area. Information in the test books include: • Test Examiner script • Graphics • Prompts
Stimulus Cards A set of stimulus cards will accompany the test books to assist with presentation of the tasks to students. Information on these cards will include: • Larger Graphics • Answer Options • Reading passages, if applicable • Fill-in-the blank questions will include the sentence starter
District & School Return Kits Return kits will include: • Questar Return Labels • UPS Shipping Labels
Test Security • The GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot requires meticulous test security, including active participation by all stakeholders to ensure test security. • All parts of the test materials are considered to be secure documents. Secure documents should be: • kept in a locked drawer or cabinet when not being handled by the Test Examiner • viewed only by persons who are part of the test administration process • accounted for before, during, and after the test administration window
System Test Coordinator – Before/During Testing • Ensure School Test Coordinators receive training for Nextera and the administration of the GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot • Create Nextera accounts for School Test Coordinators • this will be addressed in more detail on a later slide • Receive and verify all testing materials • Distribute testing materials to selected schools • Ensure the security of Assessment Materials • Monitor each school and be available during the testing window to answer questions and provide support
School Test Coordinator – Before/During Testing • Train Test Examiners on Nextera and on the administration of the GAA 2.0 Spring 2018 Pilot • Receive, verify, and distribute all testing materials • Ensure the security of all testing materials • Be available during the testing window to answer questions and provide support • Confirm that you have received each student’s Learning Characteristics Inventory • This will need to be entered into Nextera. We will review in more detail on another slide.
Test Examiner –Before Testing • Review testing materials • Become familiar with the Nextera Admin site • Schedule time and place for the administration • Plan for the most accessible presentation mode • Gather all needed supplementary materials • Plan for the student’s response mode • Plan for the collection of evidence • Provide Learner Characteristic Inventory to your School Test Coordinator • Review survey questions to be completed after testing • Survey can be found in the HELP tab in Nextera • Contact your School Test Coordinator if there are any questions
Scheduling Schedule time and place for the administration • Consider student needs when scheduling (alertness, medical needs, etc.) • Arrange for a location that will be free from distractions • If other students are in the room, another responsible adult would need to be available to supervise.
Planning and Preparation • Familiarize yourself with “Say” and “Do” statements embedded in script. • Plan for the following: • Presentation Mode – Use the same presentation mode as used for daily instruction. • Supplementary Materials – Are any supplementary materials needed? • A suggested list will be available in the HELP tab in Nextera • Student Response Mode – If any special equipment is needed, ensure it is available. • Collection of Evidence – What type of evidence will you collect? If audio or video are needed, have recording equipment available.
Presentation Mode Plan for the most accessible presentation mode; any combination of the following may be used. • Auditory/ASL – the Test Examiner may read/sign all parts of the task to the student • Visual – the Test Examiner may reference stimulus cards or materials projected via a SMART Board. • Tactile - the Text Examiner incorporates familiar objects or manipulatives into the presentation of the task, such as counters, representational objects or textured materials (e.g., puffy paint)
Response Mode Plan in advance. Students may respond in any of the following ways: • Select a response (circles, stamps, checks, or in some other way makes a mark on the testing materials). • Respond verbally or with ASL. • Produce a written response in response to a writing task. • Point, gesture, or touch an answer option. Student may also hand the Test Examiner a manipulative. • Student uses assistive technology (AT) or alternative augmentative communication (AAC), such as switches or eye gaze.
Types of Evidence Image of Student Work • Photo of student work, which may be scribed. May include photo of student at the completion of the task • Scannedcopy of student work, which may be scribed • Image capture of student work (e.g., SMART Board) Recording of Student Engaged in Task • Series of 2 or 3 photos of student completing the task; must include captioning • Audio/Video Recording of student working through task to completion; must include captioning
Captioning A form for recording captioning can be found in the HELP tab in Nextera. Download the form prior to administration. Once complete, the form may be scanned and uploaded in the Collection of Evidence tool. On this brief form, record the student’s name, the task number, what the student said, and what the student did. This form should only be submitted when the evidence is series of photos or a recording (audio or video) of the student engaged in the task.
Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI) A student specific inventory that goes beyond typical student demographics Will help us identify the range of characteristics of students taking an alternate assessment Developed by the National Alternate Assessment Center (NAAC) in 2006* *Kearns, J., Kleinert, H., Kleinert, J., and Towles-Reeves, E. (2006). Learner Characteristics Inventory. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky, National Alternate Assessment Center.
Complete the LCI The LCI for each student must be entered within the Nextera Admin site before the student’s collection of evidence is submitted. A “paper” version of the LCI form is available under the HELP tab in Nextera. This form can be downloaded, completed by the Test Examiner, and provided to the School Test Coordinator. Alternatively, Test Examiners may meet with School Test Coordinators and provide the information for the LCI. It will be the responsibility of the School Test Coordinator to enter the LCI information in Nextera.
Test Examiner – During Testing Use appropriate testing techniques: • Encourage the student to do his or her best. • Provide accommodations documented in the student’s IEP to ensure student access to academic concepts. • Accept all modes of purposeful response and communication. • Repeat questions and directions as necessary.
Test Examiner – During Testing • Administer the task from Part A to Part C. Once a student has provided a response, move on to the next part of the task. • If a student provides an incorrect response, do not re-administer; move on to the next part of the task. • Ensure that you do not cue correct answers with your intonation, body language, or in any other manner.
Physical Prompting • All students may receive a general reminder to stay on task or complete a task. This does not impact test administration. • Some students will need physical prompting to support them as they respond to a task. • If physical prompting is necessary, provide the lowest frequency level needed by the student. • Document the Type and Frequency of Prompting on the Data Sheet • It is important to note that the student must make choices. The Test Examiner’s role is to provide support. • If you have additional questions about physical prompting, please contact your School Test Coordinator.