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Evaluating Organizational Context in Social Research and Change Management

Explore the strategic issues in information systems and change research within the agricultural context, emphasizing the importance of adaptive and collaborative approaches to understand and drive change effectively.

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Evaluating Organizational Context in Social Research and Change Management

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  1. KU05 Session: evaluating organizational context Social research in innovation and change management Mark Paine School of Agri & Food Systems Faculty of Land and Food Resources University of Melbourne

  2. Technology as problem; technology as solution

  3. Dutch AMI

  4. AMI and organics

  5. Strategic Issues- Info Systems and Change Research Farm Extension • Adaptive • Measure Change (measurement/evaluation) • Understand Change Management (extension) • Connectedness (regional, disciplines) • Systems Aware • Collaborative • Policy Aware Extension - central to innovation, understanding what is happening, will happen and why; making sense of stuff for all farmers (big farmers dealing with complexity need help)

  6. Changes in the agricultural innovation regimes Source : (Joly, 2003)

  7. Research Development Extension unfreeze change refreeze Innovators Schein, 1980 Early majority 34% Late majority 34% Early adopters 13.5% 16% Laggards 2.5% -2 -  + Traditional innovation process Commericalisation

  8. Percentage of studies showing positive relationship between adoption index and other variables (Adapted from Van den Ban and Hawkins, 1985)

  9. Food processors Universities & higher education Policy and regulation Farmers Research institutes Agribusiness Agricultural Knowledge Systems

  10. Tools of the trademodels of change unfreeze change refreeze Schein, 1980 OR process Chambers & Jiggens, 1987

  11. The research process Epistemology Theory of knowledge Theory Explanatory schema or model Methodology Logic for arranging & using methods Method Techniques to collect & analyse data Tool Software, instruments etc.

  12. Deductive research (2) Theory Hypothesis Data collection Findings Hypothesis: confirm/ reject Revise Theory

  13. Inductive Research General research questions Select sites/subjects Collect further data Collect data Interpret data Tighter specification of res Q’s Concepts/theories Write-up findings

  14. Methods of the trademethods & the reflective practitioner Participatory action research Participatory technology development Narrative analysis Rapid appraisal of agri knowledge systems Discourse analysis

  15. ‘Thus we envisage a situational analysis which allows one to distinguish between what is normal practice (i.e., within the bounds of normal variation for a given farm system) and what is actually being done at a given time and place.’ Operationalised as a set of three questions to the practitioner: archetype, or system norm normal work by practitioner actual work by practitioner Participatory Technology Development (source: Okali et.al., 1994)

  16. Tools of the trade How can we monitor our performance? Learning logs ~ Δ practice Beliefs and attitudes Mind maps Pedagogical contracts H Forms

  17. Approach Opinions of CO’s Farmer Focus Groups CIDR PGF Natural Case Studies FARM SYSTEMS TRIAL Develop & deliver appropriate technology

  18. predict Error-search Defining rules Solve-retain tools Experience rules methods jargon diagnose Change through interplay of practices Researching Advising Sensemaking Sensemaking position represent judge Farming Sensemaking

  19. P1 I NTERFACE Broker practice P2 Joint performances P3 Pn : : : Interplay model connectibles

  20. Challenge 2 Balancing sense making perspectives • Interaction • Doubt • Roles • Self organizing • Learning to learn • Persuasion • Facts • Power • Responsibility • Efficiency

  21. Special issues with social research in practice • Managing values and beliefs about social research • Attracting the attention of relevant practitioners • Gaining access to critical events, situations and task performances • Build relevant research outputs in real time

  22. Conclusionhow can we utilise knowledge from different disciplines to further our own domains of practice? • recognition of knowledge brokering • Use of research methods to equip the practice based researcher • share lessons and experiences across sectors using the same models of collaboration that we use within our sector

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