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Make Object Detection Easier with Bounding Box Annotation Technique

Automating processes and applications requires training data setsu2014to help the machine learning algorithms learn and grow. Bounding box annotation is one such technique used to label image data sets pixel-by-pixel.<br><br>Know More Details: https://www.damcogroup.com/2D-bounding-box-annotation<br><br>#Boundingboxannotationservices<br>#boundingboxannotation<br>#damcosolutions<br>#boundingboxannotationtechnique

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Make Object Detection Easier with Bounding Box Annotation Technique

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Make Object Detection Easier with Bounding Box Annotation Technique

  2. Table Of Content • Introduction • Bounding Box Annotation – Use Cases • Object Detection in ecommerce • Object Identification in Drone Photography • Indoor Object Recognition • Vehicle Damage detection for Insurance Claims • Object Localization for Autonomous Vehicle Driving • Conclusion

  3. Introduction Bounding box annotation is one of the most used methods in machine learning and deep learning. In this technique, annotators draw boxes around the object of interest according to the project’s requirements. Listed here are a few use cases of bounding box annotation method.

  4. “As a seasoned data annotation company, we offer internationally compliant and high-quality 2D bounding box annotation services aligned with the client’s requirements.”

  5. Bounding Box Annotation – Use Cases • Object Detection in ecommerce • Object Identification in Drone Photography • Indoor Object Recognition • Vehicle Damage detection for Insurance Claims • Object Localization for Autonomous Vehicle Driving

  6. Object Detection in E-commerce One of the significant use cases of the bounding box annotation technique is seen in the ecommerce or online retail industry. The products sold online are labeled using this technique. The boxes help the machine learning models recognize the clothing and accessories brought by the customers.

  7. Object Identification in Drone Photography Objects annotated with bounding box technique assist autonomous machines such as drones and robots to identify different things on the ground. The wide range of objects captured using the bound boxes guide the drones and robots to detect similar physical objects from a distance and behave accordingly.

  8. Indoor Object Recognition Indoor things such as beds, cupboards, tables, chairs, electronic systems, and so on are detected using the bounding box technique. The objects highlighted in boxes help the machine learning algorithms get an idea of a room and the type of objects placed there with position and dimensions.

  9. Vehicle Damage Detection for Insurance Claim The insurance companies can detect cars and other types of vehicles damaged due to accidents. The smart models identify the point and intensity of damages to estimate the cost of claims a customer can get—giving an approximate idea before claiming the insurance.

  10. Object Localization for Autonomous Vehicle Driving The bounding box annotation technique is widely used in training self-driving car perception models. It helps them recognize different objects present on the roads such as potholes, traffic signals, lane obstacles, pedestrians, etc.

  11. Conclusion Engaging in professional data annotation services is a better alternative. Companies not only gain assured excellence, but also get constant access to high-quality, relevant, and accurate data sets. Now you know what needs to be done!

  12. Contact Us 2 Research Way, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA  +1 609 632 0350 info@damcogroup.com https://www.damcogroup.com/2D-bounding-box-annotation

  13. Thank You

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