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Unveiling Perception Mysteries and Illusions in Psychology

Explore the world of optical illusions, perceptive organization, ESP, and depth perception in psychology. Learn how perception shapes our reality.

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Unveiling Perception Mysteries and Illusions in Psychology

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  1. Chapter 8.3:Perception, Illusions, and ESP Mr. Loeffler Psychology

  2. Do-Now:(Discussion) • What are optical illusions? • Why do you think we experience them? • Provide an example of one optical illusion that you have experienced.

  3. Perceptual Organization • Gestalt: • The experience that comes from organizing bits and pieces into meaningful wholes

  4. Perceptual Organization

  5. Pop Out Features

  6. Subliminal Messages • Brief auditory or visual messages that are presented below the absolute threshold • First reported being used in a movie theatre “Eat Popcorn”

  7. Pepsi Cool Can from the 90’s

  8. Camel Tobacco

  9. No ring on Finger • Red mask is upside down • Red mask covering backside is symbolic of animal in heat

  10. Depth Perception • Depth Perception: • The ability to recognize distances and three-dimensionality

  11. Monocular Depth Cues • Monocular Depth Cues: • Cues that can be used with a single eye • E.g.: • Relative Height • Interposition – overlapping of images • Light and Shadows • Texture/Detail – further away = less detail • Motion Parallax • Linear Perspective-lines converge in the distance • Relative Motion

  12. Monocular Depth Cues How can you use monocular depth cues to perceive distance in this image?

  13. Binocular Depth Cues • Binocular Depth Cues: • Cues that depend upon the movement of both eyes • E.g.: • Convergence – eyes turn inward to see nearby objects • Retinal Disparity – position of your eyes

  14. Video Clip:“Is Seeing Believing?” Why do the people in this “Illusion Room” appear to change heights as they switch positions? How are our monocular depth cuesbeing misled?

  15. Perceiving certain objects in the same way regardless of changing angle, distance or lighting

  16. Illusions • Illusions: • Perceptions that misrepresent physical stimuli

  17. Illusions

  18. 3-D Sidewalk Illusions

  19. 3-D Sidewalk Illusions

  20. 3-D Sidewalk Illusions

  21. 3-D Sidewalk Illusions

  22. 3-D Sidewalk Illusions

  23. Extrasensory Perception • Extrasensory Perception (ESP): • An ability to gain information by some means other than the ordinary senses • Types of ESP: • Clairvoyance • Telepathy • Psychokinesis • Precognition

  24. Homework • Study for Test • Chapter 8: Sensation & Perception • Bring your book!!!!! • YOU GOT IT, YOU CAN USE IT

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