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Managing Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: Diagnosis and Treatment Approach

Gain insights and skills in handling menstrual cycle disruptions in women. This lesson covers diagnostics, treatment, and practical skills. Develop abilities in emergency care, diagnostics, and decision-making for women with DUB.

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Managing Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: Diagnosis and Treatment Approach

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THEME: Disturbance of the menstrualcycle. Dysfunctional uterinebleeding.Clinic.Diagnos-tics.Treatment.Routineinspectionof children and adolescents

  2. СТРУКТУРА ЗАНЯТИЙ • Introduction • 2. Theoretical part • 3. Practical part • - Curatio sick • - an algorithm practical skill on fakes • - an analysis to histories disease • 4. Analytical part • - organaiser • - a test checking • - training play

  3. Flow chartof lesson

  4. Технологическая карта учебного занятия

  5. Цель учебного занятия • The Purpose of the scholastic occupation: Deepenning and expansion of the knowledges on tactician of conduct of the womans with disfunction by uterine bleedings. The Development to abilities of the estimation, analysis to situations, choice tacticians conduct, diagnostics, rendering urgent help, rational transportation and to rehabilitations of the womans with DUB at a rate of primary.

  6. PROBLEMS: • consecutively to reveal the criteria of the diagnostics and treatments of the breach of the menstrual cycle o conducts the differential diagnostics under vaginal bleedings o select, value, analyse the clinical situation and the general condition of the womans with dysfunctional by uterine bleedings. • By itself form the algorithm an action for stating the diagnosis. • work out the algorithm an action rendering emergency help if required develop the skill independent decision making at conduct of the womans with dysfunctional by uterine bleedings in condition SVP And GVP Student must know how: • " Conduct the clinical examination, interpret

  7. PROBLEMS:: • " Conduct the clinical examination, interpret laboratory and instrumental methods of the study for revision of the diagnosis; • " Define the criteria to hospitalizations at breaches of the menstrual cycle; • " Value gravity of the condition sick and render first medical help on up to hospitalization stage under given to pathology; • " Realize the complex treatment on poststationary s


  9. Checklists. • Classificationof dysfunctional uterine bleeding2.Diagnosisof dysfunctional uterinebleedingwithpersistentfollicles3.Diagnosisof dysfunctional uterine bleedingas a consequence offollicularatresia.4.Diagnosisof juvenilebleeding5.What are themostcommongenitaldiseasesshould be differentiatedDMKwomen of reproductiveage6.What are themostcommongenitaldiseasesshould be differentiatedMQMinmenopause7.What are the stagesis the treatmentDMK8.TreatmentDMKjuvenile period

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