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Learning Community. Classroom Guidelines Classroom Jobs Cooperative Learning/ Learning Clubs Character Counts Responsibility Respect Trustworthiness Fairness Caring Citzenship. Classroom/Lifelong Guidelines. Personal Best
Learning Community • Classroom Guidelines • Classroom Jobs • Cooperative Learning/ Learning Clubs • Character Counts Responsibility Respect Trustworthiness Fairness Caring Citzenship
Classroom/Lifelong Guidelines Personal Best We will do our best to follow directions and complete assignments. Active Listening We will listen silently and pay close attention when others are speaking. Trustworthiness We will honor the rights of others. Truthfulness We will be honest and always tell the truth. Be Friendly We will appreciate and be kind to others.
Attributes of our Learning Community • Flexible groupings: whole group, small groups, and individual • Hands-on learning activities • A balance between teacher-directed and child-directed activities • Integrated curriculum • Learning centers or stations • Weekly class or den meetings
Reading/Language Arts Program HMR Guided Reading SQUIRT Writing Writer’s Workshop WordStudy
Sustained Quiet Uninterrupted Independent Reading Time SQUIRT
HMR Hear Me Read Teacher Selected Read Alouds (Modeling Reading Aloud)
CAFE Comprehension – I understand what read Accuracy - I can read the words Fluency - I can read accurately, with expression, and understand what I read. Expand Vocabulary - I know, find and use use interesting words.
Guided Reading • Direct Instruction • Whole group or small group setting • Decoding, vocabulary, and comprehension
WORD STUDY • High Frequency Words • Weekly Spelling Words….Word Patterns (Phonics) • Homophones • Prefix/Root/Suffix • Synonyms • Antonyms
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STUDY SKILLS • Organization of Study Skills Binder • Following Oral/Written Directions • Alphabetizing • Book Parts • Beginning Dictionary Skills • Map Skills • Analogies • Note-taking • Test-taking Strategies
Thinking Maps • A common visual language within and across all curriculum content • areas. • The thinking map tools correspond with eight fundamental thinking • processes, thus there are eight maps. • These maps can be used individually or in various combinations to form a • common language for the students and teacher in all subject areas.
SPECIALS • Art - Monday • Library - Tuesday • Computer Lab - Wednesday • P.E. - Thursday • Music - Friday
HOMEWORKan extension of learning to provide additional practice and reinforcement • Monday: Family Reading (45 min. per week; complete Reading Log daily); Word Study • Tuesday: Language Arts/Reading • Wednesday: Math related activity • Thursday: Total Weekly Reading Minutes; Parent Signature • Writing:1-2 Times Per Month • Project: 1 per semester Flat Stanley
Parent’s Role in Homework • Set up a consistent homework schedule. • Provide a quiet place to work. • Review Assignment Calendar everyday after school with your child. • Look over homework sheets and review directions with your child. • Review completed homework. If there is a mistake, point it out and use it as a learning moment. • Model reading behaviors-predicting, asking question, making connections, etc.) • Make sure reading log is updated daily • Book Club - CONVERSATION
STUDY SKILLS • Following Oral and Written Directions • When giving an oral direction to your child, make sure you have eye contact, lips zipped, and hands still. • Ask your child to repeat the direction. • Expect an immediate response without reminder. • Use checklists for written directions. • Encourage your child to check off a task as it is completed. • Praise your child for completing a task in a timely manner.
COMMUNICATIONS • Weekly Parent Update (emailed) • Correspondence Pocket in Binder • Completed Work Envelopes/every few weeks on Monday • kwhigh@kyrene.org • Classroom Web Page
Be Our P.A.L. Be a Parent Aiding Learning • Check binder daily • Family Reading • Practice Math Facts • (Math Fact Café.com or on our web page) • Word Study/Spelling/Vocabulary • Play Games (Set, Quidler, etc.) • Provide support and review homework assigned • Assign chores/jobs for home to teach responsibility
Adult Responsibility • It is our job to work together to make this the best year for your second grader. To help us accomplish this: • Send your child to school rested, fed, and on time. • Support and review the weekly homework with your child. Please correct and go over it before it is turned in to school. • The work that comes home in the completed work envelope needs to be looked at with your child. Help your child with any assignments that is not correct so that he/she can succeed. Extra practice leads to understanding. • Play games, let them work along side you to learn!
Miscellaneous • PALS..Parents Aiding Learning Volunteers • Class Donations THANK YOU!!!!!!! • PTO • Conferences • Progress Reports • Assessments/Reviews • Collecting • Boxtops for Education
Mrs. Whigham • Iowa native…GO HAWKS! Go SUN DEVILS! GO SOONERS! • Moved to Arizona in 1984 and part of the Kyrene Family since 1985 • Married…Mr. Whigham is an administrator/athletic director at Aprende Middle School • Three Children….Cory (firefighter in Guadalupe Fire Department/EMT), Carrie (University of Oklahoma), and Conner (10th) • Dog…Chester • Monte Vista….1989 teaching 2nd and 3rd Grade • Love shopping, the beach, and sports especially golf, tennis, and soccer • Play golf and tennis and like to hike. • Enjoy spending time with family and friends!
Together we will work as a TEAM to make this school year a positive one for our students. Thanks for being our PAL!
Teamwork Equals Success • Planning units of study and lessons • Meeting the needs of our students in small group settings • Introducing learning concepts through mini lessons