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New York City Transit/ MTA Bus Hybrid Bus Program

New York City Transit/ MTA Bus Hybrid Bus Program. Collette Ericsson Chief Officer Environmental Sustainability New York City Transit/ MTA Bus/ Long Island Bus Presented in Rio de Janeiro July 27, 2011. Connections. Clinton Climate Initiative/C40. New York City Transit. Connections.

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New York City Transit/ MTA Bus Hybrid Bus Program

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  1. New York City Transit/ MTA Bus Hybrid Bus Program Collette Ericsson Chief Officer Environmental Sustainability New York City Transit/ MTA Bus/ Long Island Bus Presented in Rio de Janeiro July 27, 2011

  2. Connections Clinton Climate Initiative/C40 New York City Transit

  3. Connections Romero Lubambo and Dianne Reeves

  4. We are more alike than different Rio NYC

  5. MTA Regional Bus Operations (2009)NYC Transit / MTA Bus / Long Island Bus • Annual Bus Customers 890 Million • Average Weekday Ridership 2.9 Million • Total Buses in Fleet 6,250 • Bus Routes 383 • Bus Stops 22,323 • Total Employees 19,577 • Annual Revenue Mileage 141 Million • (227 Million km) • Gallons of Fuel Consumed65 Million • (Diesel & CNG equivalent) (246 Million liters)

  6. 5 Boroughs of New York City New Jersey Nassau County, Long Island

  7. 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Transit 40 ft Two Stroke Diesel 167 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 ft Four Stroke Diesel 2655 2530 2493 2301 2560 2020 1625 60 ft Four Stroke Diesel Artic. 630 630 630 630 630 630 658 40 ft CNG 481 481 481 481 1005 1005 933 40 ft Diesel/Electric Hybrid 141 325 464 825 985 1525 1675 Coaches 45 ft Four Stroke Diesel 571 571 571 571 1076 1056 1020 TOTALS = 4,645 4,537 4,639 4,808 6,256 6,236 5,911 Note: 1 Includes NYCT, MTA Bus, and Long Island Bus NYC Regional Bus Fleet1 Number of Buses by Type and Year

  8. Original Goals of Hybrid Electric Initiative • Achieve Bus Emission • Reductions

  9. Original Goals of Hybrid Electric Initiative • Achieve Emission Reductions Comparable To Best Available CNG Technology • Politics, lawsuits • Avoid Infrastructure Costs Inherent With Implementing CNG Technology • Achieve Operating Cost Economies • Increase Fuel Economy • Reduce Maintenance Costs

  10. New York City’s Hybrid Buses are: • Diesel electric hybrid • Series • 40-foot (12 m)

  11. Hybrid Bus Programs - Overview • Prototypes in 1996 (Orion VI/GE & Nova) • Pilot fleet of 10 Orion VI/BAE hybrid buses began revenue service in 1998

  12. 1998 ‘Antique’ Hybrid with Cummins ISB-275 Engine

  13. Hybrid Bus Programs - Overview • Prototypes in 1996 (Orion VI/GE & Nova) • Pilot fleet of 10 Orion VI/BAE hybrid buses began revenue service in 1998 • 125 Production Orion VII/BAE Gen. I hybrid buses - production deliveries in 2004 • 200 Production Orion VII/BAE Gen. II hybrid buses - production deliveries in 2005 • 500 Additional Orion VII/BAE Gen. III hybrid buses – production deliveries in 2006-2007 • 850 Additional Orion VII/BAE ”NextGen” hybrid buses – delivered mid-2008 to mid-2010

  14. Hybrid Bus Programs - Overview 1675

  15. Hybrid Systems in Military Applications

  16. Complex Avionics

  17. BAE/Orion VII NG Hybrid System BAE System Configuration 2007 - 2010

  18. Looking Inside from the Back

  19. Hybrid Bus Fleet Reliability (MDBF) Hybrid Fleet Mean Distance Between Failures

  20. NYC Streets are Hard on Buses

  21. NYC Streets are Hard on Buses

  22. NYC Streets are Hard on Buses

  23. Hybrid Fleet Service Miles TOTAL HYBRID FLEET MILES

  24. NYC Transit Fleet Regulated Emissions

  25. Emissions Standards for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines

  26. 4.00 Manhattanville Depot 3.75 Average Depot Speed = 6.53 MPH 3.50 3.25 MTV AVERAGE = 3.1 (76 liters/100km) 3.00 2.75 MPG 2.50 MTV AVERAGE = 2.34 (101 liters/100km) 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 Average All Hybrids at MTV Average All Diesels at MTV 1.00 Jul-05 Jul-06 Jul-07 Jul-08 Jul-09 Oct-09 Oct-05 Oct-06 Oct-07 Oct-08 Apr-10 Apr-06 Apr-07 Apr-08 Apr-09 Jan-10 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Hybrid Fuel Economy

  27. Velocidade Muito Lenta em Manhattan

  28. 4.50 Yukon Depot 4.25 Average Depot Speed = 11.75 MPH 4.00 YUKON AVERAGE = 3.85 MPG (61 liters/100km) 3.75 3.50 3.25 YUKON AVERAGE = 3.35 MPG (70 liters/100km) 3.00 MPG 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 Average All Hybrids at Yukon Average All Diesels at Yukon 1.25 1.00 Jul-09 Apr-10 Apr-09 Oct-09 Jan-09 Jan-10 Mar-10 Mar-09 Jun-10 Feb-09 Jun-09 Feb-10 Sep-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Aug-09 May-10 May-09 Hybrid Fuel Economy

  29. Hybrid Bus Fuel Economy Dependency on Driving Cycle

  30. Hybrid Bus Fuel Economy Depends on Driving Cycle • Where average speeds less than 7.5 mph (12 km/hr), fuel economy improvement was 37% • Greater than 7.5 mph, only 16% fuel savings • Biggest payoff for (series) hybrids is in very slow duty cycles with frequent stops

  31. Battery Life Dependency on Driving Cycle • Initial lead acid battery demonstrated life between two and four years • Dependent on average speed • Dependent on total miles per year • Li Ion batteries have a projected life in the seven to ten year range • Dependent on the same factors as lead acid • No regular maintenance required • Current lead acid batteries being retrofitted with new Li Ion batteries with a six year warranty

  32. A123 Lithium Ion Energy Storage System

  33. Impact of Lead Acid Battery Condition on Fuel Economy

  34. Top 10 In-Service Failures, Hybrid vs Diesel 1999 High Floor Diesel Bus 2009 Low Floor Hybrid Bus

  35. Hybrid Maintenance Costs • New York City Transit experience is that the hybrid buses have a higher maintenance costs than conventional diesel buses • More electrical connections/water intrusion • More expensive components • Traction energy storage costs higher than expected • Longer ‘trouble shooting’ times (to diagnose problems) • Software maintenance

  36. Hybrid Maintenance Costs • Initial reliability good, but long term reliability compared to diesel buses unknown • Fuel economy improvements can offset higher costs in some driving cycles but not all • Total Cost of Ownership

  37. Life Cycle Costs – Hybrid vs Standard • US$125,000 - $200,000 more • or R$194,000 – R$310,000 • 30% to 45% better fuel economy in low speed/stop-and-go driving conditions (10% to15% in higher speed duty cycles) • Higher maintenance costs, but may drop as the technology matures • Actual demonstrated life cycle costs are still unknown

  38. Relative Estimated Life Cycle Costs Hybrid vs Standard

  39. NYC Transit Current Fleet Strategy • Replace current CNG buses with new CNG buses where CNG infrastructure is currently in-place. • Procure ‘technology appropriate’ buses to replace retiring diesel fueled vehicles – i.e. conventional buses in locations where driving cycles do not take advantage of hybrid strengths, and hybrid in locations where hybrid benefits can be realized. • Continue to push for more reliable hybrid systems with improved on-board monitoring and prognostic capabilities. • Continue to evaluate zero or partial zero emissions and low noise vehicles as available.

  40. Zero-emissions All-electric Buses

  41. Advantages of Hybrid Electric Bus • Technology has been validated in 100,000,000s of km of actual use in various duty cycles • ‘Bridge’ technology to Zero-(tailpipe)emissions bus • Lower Noise profile than standard diesel • Uses existing fueling infrastructure, including biodiesel

  42. Keys to Success with Hybrid Electric Bus • Choose bus manufacturer with a successful, multi-year relationship with technology integrator (rather than new partners) • Put buses in appropriate duty cycles • Insist on strong local technical support • Transfer of knowledge to local bus mechanics (50-70 hours training)

  43. Learning, Improving, Serving To make our cities the best they can be

  44. You may contact me collette.ericsson@nyct.com

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