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The Future of the US Church and Its Mission

The Future of the US Church and Its Mission. Thoughts on the people and processes that will serve God ’ s mission to all nations. Dr. Paul McKaughan.

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The Future of the US Church and Its Mission

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  1. The Future of the US Church and Its Mission Thoughts on the people and processes that will serve God’s mission to all nations

  2. Dr. Paul McKaughan Paul McKaughan has more than 40 years of mission experience ranging from 14 years on the field in Brazil to denominational and para-church leadership roles.

  3. The Future • “I am intensely interested in the future because I expect to spend the rest of my life there.” • “Futurists exist to make soothsayers look good at predicting the future.” • 85% of what will exist 25 years from now is already with us. • I am not a prophet! I will tell you what I am seeing, hearing and reading and what I think it means. • Remember: My conclusions may be totally wrong.

  4. The U.S. Church • Response from Mission Execs who travel globally • U.S. Church growth is transfer growth • How the U.S. Church has changed • ??? The future of the Mega Church

  5. U.S. Missions Establishment • Mission Establishment has plateaued. • We are a “Mature industry.” • Support is increasingly individual not corporate. • Little relationship with the growing parts of today’s Church • We are numerically much smaller than the global churches we planted.

  6. Global Involvement of U.S. Christians: Never Greater Than Today • Flowing through new streams.

  7. Unprecedented Activity • Collaboration (NIH persists) • Fragmentation

  8. Global Need • Never greater • Little progress reaching the least-reached • The rich/poor gap has widened. • The challenge of the future • The Great Commission never rescinded

  9. Future U.S. Missional Trends • I will not consider technological trends and their impact. • The Center of Church influence will continue to shift to the Majority World. • It will be Chaordic. • Our role becomes supportive/enabling.

  10. Future U.S. Missionary Trends • Mission in bursts • Bi-vocational lifestyles • Less corporate support • More individual initiative required • Lifetime commitment to Christ and the Great Commission • Relationally facilitated and driven

  11. Bottom Line • Number of career missionaries will be much smaller. • Number of those periodically engaged will be much larger. • It will be a mission world of paradox.

  12. How To Serve In The New Missional World • Be informed (reading & interaction). • Know who you are (as couples). • Build relationships.

  13. Conclusion ? • The world changes continually. (God’s Word is eternal) • God is calling out a people from every tribe. • You can choose to be a part or just watch.

  14. What Questions Do You Have?

  15. Further Information • The PP slides and recording of this webinar will be posted at www.finishers.org . The Upcoming October Webinar • Every Believer a Missions Mobilizer: Fulfilling the Great Commission by Becoming a Successful Missions Mobilizer Presenter: Mark Stebbins with the Navigators When: Wednesday, October 19, 11:00 PDT (2:00 EDT)

  16. Coming Next! • Put this on your calendar: October Webinar • Every Believer a Missions Mobilizer: Fulfilling the Great Commission by Becoming a Successful Missions Mobilizer Presenter: Mark Stebbins with the Navigators When: Wednesday, October 19, 11:00 PDT (2:00 EDT)

  17. Did You Like This Webinar? Share it with a friend! Tell them about the upcoming October Webinar.

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