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Church Schools and Academies of the Future. September 2012. A new educational landscape. The Schools White Paper 2010 The Education Act 2010 Seeing things from another point of view!. The importance of teaching (2010).
Church Schools and Academies of the Future September 2012
A new educational landscape The Schools White Paper 2010 The Education Act 2010 Seeing things from another point of view!
The importance of teaching (2010) ‘Tweaking things at the margins is not an option. Reforms on this scale are absolutely essential if our children are to get the education they deserve’
What is an academy? • an “independent” school • a school’s religious designation or church status should “travel” with it • control over the whole school budget • right of the academy to set its own pay and conditions • additional freedoms around the curriculum • exercise autonomy...the freedom to choose
Reasons to consider Academy Status • Publicly funded independent state schools • Not for profit Academy Trust • Freedom from LA / directly accountable to Secretary of State • Staff employed by Academy Trust • Range of freedoms (curriculum / Ts&Cs / school day) • Funded centrally • Owns/leases and manages land • Trust Board + Local GBs allowed / often smaller than current GBs • Becomes the admissions authority • Need to buy services that are no longer automatically provided from LA • Subject to std legislation on H&S / equality / employment • Law on SEN / Admissions / Exclusions still apply • Route via Conversion or Sponorship • Gov’texpect all schools to become Academies in the long term
Engage, inspire and equip: • the Salisbury Diocesan family of schools and academies to become outstanding, distinctive, Christian learning communities
2010 Academies Act • “The Church does not wish to see a fragmentation or loss of a sense of ‘family’. Diocesan structures and ways of working have, over many years, developed collegially and collaboratively and this has brought great strength to the reputation and achievements of Church schools. It is important that this is maintained and developed, not negated by the creation of new academies”. • National Society Interim Guidance on Academies Nov 2010
The mechanics! • A working group? • A consultation paper to aid conversation with governors, staff and parents/carers • Conversation with DBE • Allocation of a DBE consultant to support you through the process • Legal advice and cost (DBE and solicitors) • The time frame and overview of actions • Pitfalls and problems
A Local Collaborative Trust The Trust reflects the needs and aspirations of the schools; powers are drafted widely so that the LCT may undertake what ever is useful to meet need.
The Board of the LCT... Is local; directors from each school – an effective policy forum for the whole group
An LCT is... Primarily there to procure and deliver services for and to its members – and sell services to third parties to a limited extent
LCT Articles enable... Directors to set up committees to take work forward DBE to become members if invited! Any mixture of schools and academies to partner, including independent schools Agreed budget Agreed work plan