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1. ISLAMIYAT COMPULSORY CSS 2014 . An out line . Why Islamyiat. 2. CSS and Islamyiat Islam and Islamyiat Muslims and Islamyiat We and Islamyiat And Yours ????????. 3. Prescribed Books. 4. Suggested Books. 5. Islamic way of life by Dr.Liaqat Niazi (Bi-lingual)
Why Islamyiat 2 • CSS and Islamyiat • Islam and Islamyiat • Muslims and Islamyiat • We and Islamyiat And Yours ????????
Suggested Books 5 • Islamic way of life by Dr.Liaqat Niazi (Bi-lingual) • An introduction to Islamic Ideology by Anwar Hashami (Eng) • Islamyiat CSS by Laqa-ul-Mohsin (Urdu) • Islami Nazria-e-Hyat by Pro-Khursheed
Course 6 • Four Parts • Part 1 Basic Concepts 1 • Part 2 Aqaid and Ebadat 1 or 2 • Part 3 Islamic way of Life/Systems 2 • Part 4 Contemporary Affairs of Islam 3 • Weightage • Objectives 10 or 20 • Translations 10 or Zero • 5 Questions 80 = 16 x 5
Part- 1 7 • Basic Problems of Human Life and their Solutions • Various sources of knowledge-revelation (Wahy) as a source of knowledge and solution to human problem. Divinity and Supremacy of Wahy. • Need of Religion and its role in Human Life ,Islam and other religions, Islam ,Its concept and meanings Deen and Muzhab, • Place of Humanity in Islam, Man as Vicegerent of Allah • Chief Characteristics of Islamic Ideology
Part 2-Fundamental Beliefs and Practices of Islam 8 • Aqaid-Faiths • Tauheed (Unity of Allah), • Risalat (Finality of the Prophet hood) • Akhirat (Day of Judgment) • Ebadat/Rituals • Salat, Soum • Zakat, Hajj • Jehad
Part 3-Islamic Way of Life 9 • Sources of Shariah: • The Qu'ran, Sunnah, Ijma (Consensus), Qiyas and Ijtihad (reasoning). • Islamic Systems • Social system in Islam, Morality in Islam Concept of morality • Islamic Political System • Judicial System
Part-4 Contemporary Islamic Affairs 10 • Muslim Ummuh Role and objectives of Muslim Ummah • Compilation of Quran • Jihad and Terrorism • Concept of World, Quran and Science • HR • Women Rights • Rights of Minorities • General HR
Quranic Ayat and their Translation 11 • Following last 10 surrah of the Holy Quran with their translations • SURRAH AL-FEEL • SURRAH AL-QURESH • SURRAH AL-MAOON • SURRAH AL-KAUSAR • SURRAH AL-KAFAROON • SURRAH AN-NASR • SURRAH AL-L'AHAB • SURRAH- AL- AKHLAS • SURRAH ALFALAK • SURRAH-AN-NAS Note- Full question did not appear in CSS-2012 but few objectives
PAPER OF ISLAMIAT CSS 2013 12 • Q.No.2. What is Human Dignity? Explain how Islam recognized it and what efforts have been adopted to maintain the superiority of man? (16)Q.No.3 Describe the importance and philosophy of Fasting (SAUM). Also explain its individual and collective benefits? (16)Q.No.4. Define Tauheed (Unity of Allah) in a scholarly manner describing its significance and its effects on human life? (16)Q.No.5. What is the significance of “Jihad” in the light of Quran and Sunnah? What are its kinds, principles and conditions? (16)
Cont…. 13 • Q.No.6. Define and explain Judicio-Political System of Islam? (16)Q.No.7. write down in detail the problems of “Ummah” in the contemporary world.Q.No.8. Discuss the concept of veil and freedom of women from Islamic point of view while analyzing the law against veil in France. (16)Q.No.9. The Holy Quran is the fountain-head at all kind of knowledge. Discuss (16)
CSS 2012 Paper 14 • عقیدہ آخرت سے کیا مراد ہے ؟ انسانی زندگی پر اس کےاثرات • ان صلاۃ تنھی عن الفحشاء ولمنکر کی روشنی میں نماز کے فوائد اور اثرات بیان کیجیۓاسلام کا سیاسی نظام فلاحی ریاست کی ضمانت دیتا ہے ۔وضاحت کیجیۓجدید تہذیب و تمدن کا نقطہ نظر بیان کرتے ہوۓ مسلم امہ پر اس کے اثرات بیان کیجیۓ
اسلام ایک مکمل ضابطہ حیات ہے ۔ بحث کیجیۓخطبہ حجتہ الوداع کی روشنی میں اسلام میں انسانی حقوق واضح کریںاسلام کے اقتصادی قوانین کی وضاحت اجتماعی عدل کی روشنی میں بیان کیجۓانسان کے لیۓ مذہب کی ضرورت اور اہمیت کو بیان کرتے ہوۓ انسانی زندگی پر اس کے اثرات واضح کریںشریعت سے کیا مراد ہے ؟ شریعت کے مختلف ماخذ بیان کریںقرآن کی جمع و تدوین پر تفصیلاً بحث کیجیۓ 15
CSS Paper 2011 16 • Q.2 To follow an ideal is very necessary for the progress of nation. In your view what are basic characteristic of ideal and how Islamic ideology of life affects the individual and communal life with reference to basic characteristic of Islamic ideology? Elucidate.Q.3 what is meant by civilization and culture and how it effects collective life and also analyzes the foundation of modern civilization and highlights the problems caused by it?
Cont… 17 • Q.4 Discuss the concept of veil and freedom of woman from Islamic point of view while analyzing the law against veil in FranceQ.5 it is necessary to establish priority of law for the development of society. What is your point of view that today Islamic punishments are regarded as Savagery? While discussing the Islamic philosophy of the reward and punishment also describe the basic characteristic of Islamic concept of punishments
Cont… 18 Q.6 it is the period of basic human rights. What is meant by human rights and what is a western concept of human right, discuss human rights of Islam in the light of the sermon of Hajjatul Widah.Q.7 In the present period the Muslim Ummah is facing different problems and for the solution of these problem “ijtehad” is necessary, so point out such an institution that can offer solution of the new problems with the help of Ijtehad
Cont… 19 • Q.8 Discuss in detail the importance of Akle-Halal form Islamic pint of view and explain how unfair resources can be checked in the light of Islamic teachings?Q.9 In the present era, Muslim Ummah has all the resources, but it is the victim of disunity, while analysis the reasons of disunity, suggest measures to maintain unity amount the Muslim Ummah