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The Jane Adeny Memorial School for Girls, Kenya. © Diana L. Swanson, Teresa Wasonga , and Andrew Otieno , 2012. This presentation is dedicated to the future of Kenya and with joy in the Nobel Laureates of 2012 . Leymah Gbowee Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Tawakkul Karman .
The Jane Adeny Memorial School for Girls, Kenya © Diana L. Swanson, Teresa Wasonga, and Andrew Otieno, 2012
This presentation is dedicated to the future of Kenya and with joy in the Nobel Laureates of 2012 LeymahGbowee Ellen Johnson SirleafTawakkul Karman
and in Memory of 2004 Nobel Peace Laureate,the late Prof. WangariMaathai
The Mission & Goals of JAMS • Create “a school good enough for the richest, open to the poorest” (Horace Mann) • Be an innovative pedagogical model for the nation • Empower students to ask questions • Show that corporal punishment is unnecessary • Create an active, collaborative learning environment • Show that enriching the learning environment gets good results (library, extracurricular activities) • Empower girls to become women who participate fully in the life of the nation
JAMS Enrollment in 2012 Form 1 (9th grade): 33 Form 2 (10th grade): 22 Increased from 12 to 55 in one year!
Some of the students’ experiences Lost her father to AIDS and now her mother is dying Orphaned at age 5, lived with her poverty-stricken grandmother, roamed the countryside to find sugar cane to sell in order to buy food Her widowed father went insane and now wanders the streets of the local village Pushed her wheel-chair-bound father 6K to ask for help to go to school Beaten by her father when she protested his beating of her mother Lives on one meal a day at home
Poverty in Kenya Total population: 41.1 million people 46% of total population lives below the national poverty line 20% live on less than $1 a day Men’s employment rate: 61.2% Women’s employment rate: 49.1%
Education in Kenya 98% of children start primary school 45% finish primary school About 23% enter secondary technical training 24% enter secondary school 18.7% finish secondary school 3% enter university
The “hidden curriculum” Kenyan curriculum largely unaffected by women’s studies and gender-neutral curriculum development. Girls in schools subjected to significantly higher levels of harassment, including sexual harassment, from students and from teachers, than boys. “Teachers’ attitudes and behavior reveal lower expectations for adolescent girls, traditional assumptions about gender roles, and double standards about sexual activity.” Mensch and Lloyd, “Gender Differences in the Schooling Experiences of Adolescents in Low-Income Countries: The Case of Kenya,” Studies in Family Planning 29.2 (1998): 167-184.
Why educate girls? They have the same existential value and the same right to develop their potential as boys.
Educating girls is also necessary to eliminating poverty, epidemics, and inequality worldwide. “Investing in girls is . . . central to boosting development, breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty, and allowing girls, and then women—50 percent of the world’s population—to lead better, fairer and more productive lives.” World Bank President, Robert Zoellick “ “Getting to Equal: How Educating Every Girl Can Help Break the Cycle of Poverty” <http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTEDUCATION/0,,contentMDK:23009825~menuPK:282424~pagePK:64020865~piPK:149114~theSitePK:282386,00.html>
Return on Investment in the developing world Women and girls return ca. 80% of the money invested in them to their families and communities. Men and boys return ca. 40%. Source: Kurt Thurmaier, Professor of Public Administration, NIU, presentation to TeachGirlsGlobal, DeKalb, IL, April, 2011
The JAMS Campus Nyanza Province Kenya
Nyanza is one of the smaller provinces of Kenya. Nyanza is relatively under-resourced due to the political history of the nation since independence from Britain in 1963. NYANZA PROVINCE
A memoir workshop in the library with a TeachGirlsGlobal volunteer
The Kenyan Secondary School Curriculum • Kiswahili • English • Geography • History • Mathematics • Physics • Chemistry • Biology • Business • Agriculture • Christian Religious Education • These subjects are mandated and regulated by the national ministry of education.
JAMS results so far • The students speak up and ask questions much more often than when they arrived • The students express themselves in English and Kiswahili much better than when they arrived • 2012 final, cumulative exam results: • 12 students got As • 16 students got Bs • 23 students got Cs • 3 students got Ds
CampusSustainability Farming the campus Rainwater catchment Solar power
Two of the students, happy and proud of their harvest of cow peas
Growth in enrollment a new class added each year until all four secondary school forms (grades) are filled total enrollment planned to be between 120 and 160 additional teachers as enrollment grows an administrator of residence life
Construction of facilities Teacher housing More solar panels Well ( to be drilled in January-February, 2013, supported by Rotary Clubs of Barrington and Morrison, Illinois) Solar water heating system Science building (3 laboratory classrooms) More water tanks for rain catchment
Three years ago, the school site looked like this.MUCH can be accomplished in the next three years!