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Guideline Adaptation: Enhancing Implementation Strategies

Learn the systematic process of guideline adaptation and its importance for developing and implementing effective healthcare guidelines. Understand how adaptation can reduce duplication of effort, promote transparency, and drive evidence-based practice. Explore the participatory approach and benefit from practical insights for successful implementation in healthcare settings.

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Guideline Adaptation: Enhancing Implementation Strategies

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  1. Using Guidelines: The Need for Adaptation Ian D Graham, PhD, FCAHS December 10, 2012 E-GAPPS

  2. Disclosures No relationships with industry Co-editor of Knowledge Translation in Health Care (2009)- all royalties go to students Co-creator of K2A Cycle, Ottawa Model of Research Use, Practice Guideline Evaluation and Adaptation Cycle Founding member of ADAPTE Collaboration Advisor to CAN-IMPLEMENT Acknowledgements: CAN-IMPLEMENT for permission to use some of their slides

  3. Session will cover What is guideline adaptation Why the need for adaptation Some approaches to adaptation

  4. The Challenge

  5. Guideline ADAPTATION A systematic process that guides local groups to identify, evaluate, adapt and use already available guidelines for their own purposes. Done for two major reasons, to facilitate: guideline development guideline implementation

  6. Guideline ADAPTATION: Done for Development Purposes An alternative to de novo development which requires extensive search and synthesis of primary research data Reduces duplication of effort while maintaining the validity of recommendations Increases knowledge and commitment to evidence-based principles by using reliable methods to ensure quality and validity Promotes explicitness and transparency in documenting recommendations

  7. Guideline ADAPTATION: Done for Implementation Purposes • When an existing guideline does not completely address a setting’s clinical question(adapt from 1 or multiple guidelines to create an adapted de novo guideline that addresses the clinical question) • To prepare for implementing guideline recommendations (prioritizing recommendations, adapting language, aligning recommendation to context, anticipating and addressing implementation barriers)

  8. Guideline ADAPTATION: Social Constructivist Theory Participatory approach engaging key stakeholders means: -> focusing on the clinical question of interest -> interactive problem solving -> co-creating of knowledge -> ownership of recommendations to be implemented -> ensuring consideration of contextual factors to ensure relevance to practice in anticipation of implementation -> increasing likelihood of implementation

  9. First Came the Practice Guideline and Evaluating Cycle(1999-2005) • Developed working with regional group interested in improving wound care in the community • Community of practice formed around adaptation process • Action research, participatory style • Anticipated & dealt with blocks before they became major barriers to implementation • Iterative process of using external evidence & producing local ‘evidence’ for adaptation

  10. Practice Guidelines Evaluation and Adaptation Cycle 1. Identify a Clinical Area to Promote Best Practice 10. Scheduled Review and Revision of Local Guideline 9. Official Endorsement and Adoption of Local Guideline 2. Establish an Interdisciplinary Guideline Evaluation Group 8. Finalize Local Guideline 3. Establish Guideline Appraisal Process 7. External Review – Practioner and Policy Maker Feedback; Expert Peer Review 4. Search and Retrieve Guidelines 6. Adaptation of Guidelines for Local Use • Guidelines Assessment • Quality • Currency • Content

  11. ADAPTE Collaboration • Merging of ADAPTE group and PGEAC group (Jan 2006)  international collaboration • Members include guideline developers, researchers, guideline implementers • Concept, process housed with resources • 12 page manual • Detailed resource toolkit • Web resources • ADAPTE turned over to the Guideline-International-Network

  12. The ADAPTE Collaboration www.adapte.org

  13. CAN-IMPLEMENT (2007-2011) • Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Guideline Action Group project • 5 groups across Canada interested in guideline adaptation to facilitate use of best practice started with ADAPTE process that evolved and expanded with experiential knowledge of adaptation • Adaptation process integrated with Knowledge to Action Cycle

  14. CAN-IMPLEMENT 3 Phase Methodology

  15. Key Points For those thinking implementation, guideline adaptation marks the start of the process, is means to an end vs. the end itself The participatory nature of adaptation fosters end-user engagement in planning for implementation (creation of community of practice around uptake of adapted guideline) The focus on alignment of guideline recommendations with local context/evidence and interactive problem solving regarding potential barriers and solutions to potential resistance enhances ownership and implementation of the adapted guideline

  16. Knowledge, if it does not determine action, is dead to us Plotinus (Roman philosopher 205AD-270AD)

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