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TOEFL Speaking. 刘苏. Object Exercises. 刘苏. High-tech. What are the advantages and disadvantages for young children to play computer games ? D o you agree with the following statement: Some universities will use electronic books instead of paper book s and magazines .
High-tech What are the advantages and disadvantages for young children to play computer games? Do you agree with the following statement: Some universities will use electronic booksinsteadofpaperbooks andmagazines. Reading books or listening to audio books? Doyouthinkcellphoneplaysanimportantroleinpeople’slife? Do you prefer to usee-mailstocommunicatewithyourfriendsandfamilymembersordoyouprefertousethetelephone?
High-tech Many schools do not allow students to take their laptop computers into the classroom. What do you think are the ad and disad of havinglaptopcomputers intheclassroom?Usespecificdetailsandexamplestosupportyouropinion. Some people read the instruction before using a product. Others start using a product without reading the instruction. Which do you think is better and why? Do you agree with the following statement:Robotsareusefulinworkplaces.
Food Ifaforeignvisitorcomestoyourcountry,whatfoodwillyouintroducetohimorher? What kind of fooddoyourecommendtoaddtofoodmenuoncampuscafeteria?Useexamplesanddetailstosupportyourresponse. Doyoupreferto eatpreparedfoodorfoodmadebyyourself.
Music What’syourfavoritekindofmusic? Whatkindofmusicdoyouliketheleast?Givereasonswhyyoudonotlikethiskindofmusic.
Old stuff Some people like to collect old things such as newspaper. How about you? Explain. Some people like to buy new but expensive books while others prefer to buy old but cheap ones. Which do you prefer? What’syourfavoritetoyorgameinyourchildhood?
BookorStories Describeyourfavoritebook. Describeastorythatyouareinterestedinrecently.
TV and Movie Atypeofmovieyoudonotlike. WatchingTVisnotagooduseoftime.AorD?
Subject Whichofthefollowingthreesubjectswouldyouchoosetolearn?Math,painting,science.Explainwhatyouwanttolearnfromthissubject. Allhighschoolstudentsshouldtakeeconomicclass.