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Systems Thinking and Decision Making Models. Mediated Modeling 1/16/07. The goal is to develop an understanding of the potential and limitations of Mediated Modeling as a tool for the involvement of stakeholders in complex decision-making. By the end of this course, you learned:.
Systems Thinking and Decision Making Models Mediated Modeling 1/16/07
The goal is to develop an understanding of the potential and limitations of Mediated Modeling as a tool for the involvement of stakeholders in complex decision-making.
By the end of this course, you learned: • To recognize situations in which Mediated Modeling could be an appropriate tool and discuss ways to evaluate Mediated Modeling as a tool to support Decision-Making • To describe the phases of a Mediated Modeling process in generic terms and discuss the various options available to overcome obstacles during a Mediated Modeling process • To practice a real or hypothetical Mediated Modeling process on a class-wide or personal topic. • Systems thinking, qualitative and quantitative model building in a stakeholder setting to support decision-making
Deliverables • Reflections - 1 hour • Causal diagrams, STELLA model, poster - 2 hours • Review of paper and facilitation - 2 hours • Class project - 4 hours • It is expected that about 9 hours per week are allocated to this course, not counting the 3 hours of class.
Reflections • 1. Describe the experience objectively (CONCEPTS) • 2. Analyze the experience(s) in terms of academic enhancement, personal growth and civic engagement (EXPERIENCE) • 3. Articulate what you learned (SYNTHESIS) • The topic of the reflection for 1/20/07 is: What are your personal learning objectives?
Grading • Weekly reflections: 10% • Weekly causal loop diagram, STELLA model and poster 30% • One chapter/paper review: 10% • Overall participation: 20% • Contribution to class project or separate paper: 30% • Final exam? • Grading rubrics?
Learning objective 1 To recognize situations in which Mediated Modeling could be an appropriate tool and discuss ways to evaluate Mediated Modeling as a tool to support Decision-Making
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them. Laurence J. Peter
Characteristics of a Mediated Model Constructed by stakeholders (about 10 - 30) Modeling for understanding rather than prediction Uses software that is easy to understand (f.ex. STELLA) Models are flexible and easily adjustable over time Synthesis
Modeling…… as a group process • Raising the SHARED level of UNDERSTANDING about a complex system and its dynamics • CONSENSUS BUILDING about the current worldview, a preferred future and the way to reach it
D e g r e e o f U n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e S y s t e m D y n a m i c s M E D I A T E D M O D E L I N G E X P E R T M O D E L I N G T y p i c a l r T y p i c a l r e s u l t : S p e c i a l i z e d m o d e l w h o s e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n n e v e r g e t s i m p l e m e n t e d b e c a u s e t h e y l a c k s t a k e h o l d e r s u p p o r t S T A T U S Q U O M E D I A T E D D I S C U S S I O N T y p i c a l r e s u l t : T y p i c a l r e s u l t : C o n f r o n t a t i o n a l d e b a t e C o n s e n s u s o n g o a l s o r a n d n o i m p r o v e m e n t p r o b l e m s b u t n o h e l p o n h o w t o a c h i e v e t h e g o a l s o r s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m s + e s u l t : C o n s e n s u s o n b o t h p r o b l e m s / g o a l s a n d p r o c e s s - l e a d i n g t o e f f e c t i v e a n d i m p l e m e n t a b l e p o l i c i e s + Degree of Consensus among Stakeholders - -
The antidote to fragmentation is shared understanding and shared commitment. Collective intelligence, collective skill – synchronizing energy for empowered action.
Wickedness requires a systematic inquiry, a commitment to asking why
Listening cycle Listen Guess Validate Write/draw Source: Conklin, 2006
Requirements for a Mediated Modeling process • Complex issue • Stakeholders open to communication
Role of the mediated modeler • Provide the space for group learning to take place • Facilitate the discussion through “listening cycles” • Simultaneous interpret discussion and build model • Remind of vision and questions to be addressed • Synchronize understanding of the past (structure, definitions, order of magnitude) • Maintain creative tension • Establish the milestones for the process, be flexible about how to reach them
Specific characteristics of Mediated Modeling that contribute to making it work • Participants focus on a “shared space” • Gets people to think “out of the box” in a new language focused on the whole system • Keep participants involved and contributing to a group effort • Structures the discussion and the thinking in new ways • Forces the group to become specific and explicit and to define and quantify assumptions and views each step of the way.
Generic workshop process(30-50 hours) Introduction: Group, software, ground rules, envisioning, problem definition and systems boundaries Qualitative model: Sector definition, stocks and flows, feed back loops Quantitative model: Quantification, data gathering, time lags Simulation: Testing, sensitivity analysis Consensus based conclusions & action program
Applications • Policy-making & policy support • Joint fact finding • Integrating a large research program • Summarizing a fragmented program • Initiating (scoping) a group model building process • Complementary tool • Community outreach program • Atelier courses • Conflict resolution
Learning objective 2 To describe the phases of a Mediated Modeling process in generic terms and discuss the various options available to overcome obstacles during a Mediated Modeling process
MM steps • Preparation - identifying stakeholders, setting the stakeholder group/stakeholder management, introductory interviews, prepare preliminary model • Workshops - introduction, problem definition, qualitative model building, quantitative model building, data management, simulation, testing, conclusions • Follow up - tutorial, written material, model, evaluation interview/surveys
Paper/Chapter review • Review a paper of choice; on 1/23: • Teamwork in group model building, by Richardson and Andersen • MM textbook, Chapter 4, page 59-97
Learning objective 3 To practice a real or hypothetical Mediated Modeling process on a class-wide or personal topic.
Ponds and Lakes in VT • ANR will invite minimum 5 stakeholders; VT Federation for Lakes and Ponds, Hunters, Anglers, Trappers of VT, Realtor, legislators, Water Panel. • A context for data gathering effort on shorelines. • Sensitive issue: 1970’s shoreline act instituted and quickly repealed
Open Space • Organize the MM teamwork: Process coaching, recording, model building, data management. • Law of Two Feet: if you are not contributing to a team it is your responsibility to find (or start) a productive team.
Learning objective 4 Systems thinking, qualitative and quantitative model building in a stakeholder setting to support decision-making
Linear thinking A B C Example?
What is a system? A group of interacting, interrelated, or independent components that form a complex and unified whole.
System Characteristics • A system’s parts must all be present for the system to carry out its purpose optimally. • A system’s parts must be arranged in a specific way for the system to carry out its purpose • Systems have specific purposes within larger systems • Systems maintain their stability through fluctuations and adjustments • Systems have feedback.
Systems Thinking A B C Example?
Assignments • Personal objectives in reflections • Causal loop diagram on topic of choice • Download STELLA • Read MM book chapter 4, page 59-97 • Read “Teamwork in group model building” • Project preparation