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The XMM-Newton Slew Survey. The XMM-Newton Slew Survey. ESAC. M.P. Esquej a , R.D. Saxton a , A.M. Read c , B. Altieri a , M.J. Freyberg b , D. Bermejo a , V. Lazaro a a European Space Agency (ESA), European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Villafranca, Apartado 50727, 28080 Madrid, Spain
The XMM-Newton Slew Survey The XMM-Newton Slew Survey ESAC M.P. Esqueja, R.D. Saxtona, A.M. Readc, B. Altieria, M.J. Freybergb, D. Bermejoa, V. Lazaroa aEuropean Space Agency (ESA), European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Villafranca, Apartado 50727, 28080 Madrid, Spain bMax-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstrasse 1, 85784 Garching, Germany cDept. of Physics and Astronomy, Leicester University, Leicester LE1 7RH, U.K. Only data from EPIC-pn slew observations are used for the processing due to the faster readout in their observing modes and its high effective area with respect to the EPIC-MOS cameras. The low background of the observations (average ~0.1c/arcmin2) and the tight PSF give good sensitivity to detect extended sources. Some high background observations that were performed at times of enhanced solar activity were rejected for the processing. Slew observations have to be subdivided into 1 square degree images, then sky positions are recalculated. Source search using a near standard pipeline eboxdetect/emldetect tuned for ~zero background. Three different energy bands are source searched independently: total band (0.2–0.5 keV) soft band (0.2–2 keV) hard band (2–12 keV) The XMM-Newton satellite is the most sensitive X-ray observatory flown to date due to the great collecting area of its mirrors coupled with the high quantum efficiency of the EPIC detectors. It performs slewing manoeuvers between observation targets with the EPIC cameras open and the other instruments closed, operating with the observing mode set to the one of the previous pointed observation and the medium filter in place. Slew observations from the EPIC-pn camera in FF, eFF and LW provide data, resulting in 15 seconds on-source time, which can be used to give a uniform survey of the X-ray sky. XMM-Newton Slew 1 (XMMSL1) Detected sources A great variety of sources have been detected during slews, including AGN, QSO, galaxies, cluster of galaxies , LMXB and SNR among others. We can study object variability from sources detected in more than one slew or count rate ratios between the XMM slew sources and RASS sources. • Current status • Images and exposure maps have been created and source searched for 220 slews giving: • 4177 sources in the total band • 2750 sources in the soft band • 844 sources in the hard band • Positional accuracy: 8 arcsec • Source density: ~0.65 sources per square degree • Sky coverage: ~6300 square degrees (~15% of the sky) • Objective: issue of the first slew source catalogue (XMMSL1) by the end of 2005 and provide an upper limit server in 2006 Fig 5. Aitoff projection of the distribution of all XMMSL1 sources obtained during slew observations. Fig.6. Counterpart galaxies of two slew sources derived from the SDSS correlation. Catalogue correlation and positional accuracy Source correlation of 2178 no-extended sources with det_ml>10.0 RASS correlation (Fig 7 left) ~56% of the slew sources have RASS counterpart within 60 arcsec 68% of the sources lies within 15 arcsec SIMBAD correlation (Fig 7 right) 68% of the sources lies within 8 arcsec Flux detection limits: sensitivity of the survey Soft X-ray band detection limit: 6(4.5) 10-13 ergs s-1 cm-2 close to ROSAT BS catalogue Hard X-ray band detection limit deepest ever: 4(3) 10-12 ergs s-1 cm-2 >10× deeper than EXOSAT, HEAO-1 ~2.5× deeper than RXTE (only has 1° positional accuracy) Fig 7. Histogram of the distribution of the angular separation in arcsec derived from correlations of the slew source positions. Left: correlation with the RASS catalogue, 68% of the matches lie within 15 arcsec. Right: correlation with the SIMBAD database, 68% of the matches lie within 8 arcsec. Fig 8. Flux limits of the X-ray large area surveys. The fluxes for the XMM-slew survey have been calculated for a source with DET_ML=10 and passing through the centre of the field of view. These fluxes were derived from count rates based on energy conversion factors assuming an absorbed power-law model with NH=3.0·1020 cm2 and slope 1.7 The X-ray Universe 2005 26-30 September 2005, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain