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Maniac Magee Civil Rights Activists Research A WebQuest for 5th Grade (Language Arts/Social Studies) Designed by Elizabeth McDaniel elizabethamcdaniel00@sagu.edu Introduction | The Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Teacher Page. Introduction.
Maniac Magee Civil Rights Activists Research A WebQuest for 5th Grade (Language Arts/Social Studies) Designed by Elizabeth McDanielelizabethamcdaniel00@sagu.edu Introduction | The Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Teacher Page
Introduction In the novel Maniac Magee, the city of Two Mills was divided in half by race – the East End and the West End. In 1954, a movement began which changed the United States forever. This movement is known as the Civil Rights Movement. You will research a famous Civil Rights activist, then with a partner you will compare and contrast the two activists and then create a powerpoint depicting your findings. Watch the following video from the movie Maniac Magee explaining why the town was divided in half and why Maniac was discriminated in the book on each side of town. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP_TOLoc4GE&feature=related Home
Task With a partner, create a powerpoint where all of the information about each Civil Rights activists is presented, as well as completely answering all the given questions. Include all graphic organizers to assist with your explanations. Home
Process • First you will choose a Civil Rights Activist to research. • Use the following questions to assist you with your research: • What role did your activist play in the Civil Rights Movement? • How did your activist get involved in the movement? • How would the Civil Rights movement been different if your person was not involved? • Write 5 other facts about your person. Home
Process Cont. • Use the following websites to assist you with your research. • http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmpeople2.html • http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112391/civil_rights_leaders.htm • http://www.biography.com/blackhistory/people/activists.jsp • http://www.dmoz.org/Kids_and_Teens/People_and_Society/Biography/Civil_Rights_Leaders/ • http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/africanamericanbios_civil.htm • http://www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/119368/civil-rights-movement Home
Process Cont. • Use the following concept chart to assist with your research. Home
Process Cont. With a partner, compare and contrast each activist. Use the following Venn diagram. Use the information on your concept chart. Home
Process cont. With a partner, create a power point depicting both the information in the Venn Diagram and the concept map to compare and contrast each activist. Use the following powerpoint template to help you with your presentation. powerpoint template Home
Evaluation In your final presentation, make sure you include all of the information in the rubric. rubric.doc You must document your sources. Home
Conclusion Maniac Magee was blind to color. He did not understand why the Easties and the Westies did not like or tolerate each other. After researching, you discovered 2 people who was also blind to color but they also knew a change was needed. Like Maniac, they crossed racial barriers. What would it be like today if those barriers would never had been crossed? Watch Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech. It will give you a fantastic feel for how people in America were feeling in 1963. http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm Home
Teacher Page • Appropriate for 5th Grade • Use after the class has read Maniac Magee • Texas TEKS addressed: • Language Arts: • 5.3 C: Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: explain the effect of a historical event or movement on the theme of a work of literature. • 5.10: Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author's purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to draw conclusions from the information presented by an author and evaluate how well the author's purpose was achieved. • 5.11: Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: • (A) summarize the main ideas and supporting details in a text in ways that maintain meaning and logical order; • (B) determine the facts in text and verify them through established methods; • (C) analyze how the organizational pattern of a text (e.g., cause-and-effect, compare-and-contrast, sequential order, logical order, classification schemes) influences the relationships among the ideas; • (D) use multiple text features and graphics to gain an overview of the contents of text and to locate information; and • (E) synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres. Home
5.14 A: Reading/Media Literacy. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to: • (A) explain how messages conveyed in various forms of media are presented differently (e.g., documentaries, online information, televised news) • 5.15: Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to: • (D) edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling; and • (E) revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences. • 5.22: Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling. Students spell correctly. Students are expected to: • (D) use spelling patterns and rules and print and electronic resources to determine and check correct spellings • 5.24: Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to: • (A) follow the research plan to collect data from a range of print and electronic resources (e.g., reference texts, periodicals, web pages, online sources) and data from experts • (C) record data, utilizing available technology (e.g., word processors) in order to see the relationships between ideas, and convert graphic/visual data (e.g., charts, diagrams, timelines) into written notes Social Studies TEKS: 5.5: History. The student understands important issues, events, and individuals of the 20th century in the United States. The student is expected to (B) identify the accomplishments of notable individuals such as Carrie Chapman Catt, Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Colin Powell, and Franklin D. Roosevelt who have made contributions to society in the areas of civil rights, women's rights, military actions, and politics Home
Image Cites: Maniac Magee book cover: http://www.mset.rst2.edu Group picture on slide 1: http://trendsupdates.com/the-us-civil-rights-movement-fighting-for-acceptance-in-a-judgemental-society/ Dr. Martin Luther King: http://muslimmatters.org/2011/03/03/what-does-the-civil-rights-movement-mean-for-muslims/ Rosa Parks: http://bakati.com/s~q-civil%20rights%20movement.aspx We are not afraid: http://www.realcourage.org/2009/11/kkk-killen-boasted-in-prison/ Civil Rights Movement group slide 3: http://www.abbeville.com/images-catalog/full-size/0789206560.jpg Road to Freedom slide 4: http://lightresearch.net/reviews/roadtofreedom.html Malcolm X slide 5: http://www.workers.org/2007/us/malcolm-x-0222/ Civil rights Montage slide 5: http://multimedialearning.org/presentations/civilrights.php Freedom School slide 8: http://kpbs.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2010/04/13/ae-eop-freedom-school_tx700.jpg?8e0a8887e886a6ff6e13ee030987b3616fc57cd3 Evaluating the Dream slide 8: http://www.pitzer.edu/participant_online/2008_winter/around-the-mounds/evaluating-the-dream.asp Civil Right in America slide 9: http://www.zunal.com/index-matrix.php?Curriculum=110&Grade=102&page=13 Malcolm X slide 9: http://www.rnw.nl/english/article/malcolm-x-killer-be-released Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King slide 9: http://www.adaliaconfidenceandsuccessblog.com/2011/01/15/little-known-facts-about-martin-luther-king-jr/ • 5.26 Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to: • (D) create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies Other Cites: Spinelli, Jerry. Maniac Magee . S.l.: s.n., 2009. Inspiration software was used to create the graphic sources: We Shall Overcome sound bite: http://www.dilandau.eu/download_music/we-shall-overcome-bruce-springsteen-1.html#1 http://www.inspiration.com/Freetrial Home