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“Three Cycle System in the Framework of Bologna Process”, Summer School, Yerevan, Armenia, 2008

“Three Cycle System in the Framework of Bologna Process”, Summer School, Yerevan, Armenia, 2008. European Credit Transfer and Diploma Supplement Label Algirdas Vaclovas Valiulis , Bologna expert, Lithuania. Preface.

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“Three Cycle System in the Framework of Bologna Process”, Summer School, Yerevan, Armenia, 2008

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  1. “Three Cycle System in the Framework of Bologna Process”,Summer School, Yerevan, Armenia, 2008 European Credit Transfer and Diploma Supplement Label Algirdas Vaclovas Valiulis, Bologna expert, Lithuania

  2. Preface The European Credit Transfer System was initially set up in 1989 within the framework of the Commission’s Erasmus programme. Its aim was to facilitate the recognition of study periods undertaken abroad by mobile students through the transfer of credits.

  3. Preface The increasing convergence of European higher education through the Bologna Process has given new importance to the ECTS, which is now also becoming a widely recognised system of credit accumulation for regular study periods. To ensure the objectives of this system, namely the recognition of study periods and the transparency of qualifications, a correct implementation is indispensable. The Commission has therefore created an ECTS Label.

  4. Preface ECTS Label, which functions as a three-year distinction for institutions applying the system reliably and properly throughout their departments. The first annual round of applications started in November 2003.

  5. What is the ECTS Label? An ECTS label can be awarded to institutions which apply ECTS correctly in all first and second cycle degree programmes. The label will raise the profile of the institution as an attractive, reliable and transparent partner in European and international cooperation.

  6. What is the ECTS Label? The criteria for the ECTS label are: • an Information Package/Course Catalogue in the local/national language and English (online or hard copy in one or more booklets) compliant with the checklist for Information Package/Course Catalogues; • correct use of ECTS; • use of ECTS in Erasmus mobility (including samples of Learning Agreements, Transcripts of Records and proof of full academic recognition for Erasmus students).

  7. Checklist for the Information Package Information on the Institution • Name and address; • Academic calendar; • Academic authorities; • General description of the institution (including type and status); • List of degree programmes offered; • Admission/registration procedures; • Main university regulations (notably recognition procedures); • ECTS institutional co-ordinator;

  8. Checklist for the Information Package Information on degree programmes • General description; • Qualification awarded; • Ad mission requirements; • Educational and professional goals; • Access to further studies; • Course structure diagram with credits (60 per year); • Final examination; • Examination and assessment regulations; • ECTS departmental co-ordinator.

  9. Checklist for the Information Package Description of individual course units • Course title • Course code • Type of course • Level of course • Year of study • Semester/trimester • Number of credits allocated (based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives orlearning outcomes)

  10. Checklist for the Information Package Description of individual course units • Name of lecturer; • Objective of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences); • Prerequisites; • Course contents; • Recommended reading; • Teaching methods; • Assessment methods; • Language of instruction;

  11. Dissilussion The low number of prospective Label holders (10% from 91 applicant) initially come as a shockfor HEI. Most institutions ruled themselves out by submitting incomplete applications. Failure to submit a course catalogue in one or both of the required languages, to recognise study periods fully and appropriately, or to use the credits correctly were but a few examples leading to ineligibility. Label Holding Institutions will receive funding to extend theuse of ECTS to Lifelong Learning.

  12. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and University of Management and Economics (Lithuania) have been awarded with a European Credit Transfer System Label in 2006. Untill 2006 only about twenty European universities out of 1500 have been awarded this ECTS Label. These figures illustrate that really stringent requirements and evaluation criteria are applied. This international recognition allows HEI to be recognised as exemplary exchange partners, and students have the opportunity to choose the best institutions of higher education for their exchange programmes. 

  13. Diploma Supplement The Diplpma Supplement is a document attached to a higher education diploma aiming at improving international ‘transparency’ and at facilitating the academic and professional recognition of qualifications. The DS is produced by national institutions according to a template that has been developed by a Joint European Commission - Council of Europe - UNESCO working party that tested and refined it. The Diploma Supplement is part of the Europass.

  14. Diploma Supplement The Diploma Supplement, developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES is a document attached to a degree certificate. It is designed to provide a description of the: • nature, • level, • context, • content, • status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended.

  15. Diploma Supplement The DS is composed of eight sections: • information identifying the holder of the qualification, • information identifying the qualification, • information on the level of the qualification, • information on the contents and results gained, • information on the function of the qualification, • additional information, • certification of the Supplement, • information on the national higher education system. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why.

  16. Diploma Supplement Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why. A description of the national higher education system within which the individual named on the original qualification graduated has to be attached to the DS.

  17. What it is not? • DS is not a Curriculum Vitae. • It is not a substitute for the original qualification or a transcript. • It is not an automatic system that guarantees recognition.

  18. What does the Diploma Supplement offer to students? • A diploma that is more readable and easily comparable abroad. • A precise description of their academic career and the competencies acquired during the study period. • Objective description of their achievements and competencies. • An easier access to opportunities of work or further studies abroad. • It fosters their employability.

  19. What does the Diploma Supplement offer to higher education institutions? • It facilitates academic and professional recognition, thus increasing the transparency of qualifications. • It protects national/institutional autonomy while offering a common frame which is accepted all over Europe. • It promotes informed judgements about qualifications that can be understood in another educational context.

  20. What does the Diploma Supplement offer to higher education institutions? • It raises the visibility of the institution abroad. • It promotes the employability of their graduates at national and international level. • It helps saving time since it provides the answers to a lot of recurrent questions put to administrative services in institutions about the content and portability of diplomas.

  21. Diploma Supplement Label The DS Label is awarded to institutions that are able to demonstrate that they meet the following criteria: • Issue a Diploma Supplement to all graduates in first and second cycle degree programmes offered at the institution, free of charge and in a widely spoken European language. • Use the Diploma Supplement model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. • Make accessible (preferably through its website) public information explaining that the Diploma Supplement is being issued to every student upon graduation.

  22. Diploma Supplement Label The European Commission in November 2003, awarded a Diploma Supplement Label to institutions that ensure transparency and recognition by issuing correct Diploma Supplements. The DS Label (2003) was applied for 85 European higher education institutions, of which 28 were successful.2004 – 30 were successful. Higher Education Institutions are awarded the label for three academic years

  23. Thank You for attention and patience

  24. Do Armenian HEI tried to apply for ECTS and DS label? Do HEI feel necessity for apply?

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