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Open House: Intensive Math. Why is my child in Intensive Math?
Open House: Intensive Math Why is my child in Intensive Math? Your child has been placed in Intensive Math because he/she did not receive a passing score on the FCAT or has been recommended by a previous teacher. This “double dose” of Math will help your child by reinforcing those skills being taught in their regular math class. Students experience each math concepts two times a day by two different teachers.
Suggested Supplies • 1 inch binder • Pencils (2-4) available at all times • Pens (red, blue) • Pencil Sharpener • Highlighter (4) • Glue Stick • Loose leaf paper • One pack of copy paper • Flash drive at least 1 GB recommended • 5 dividers • Index cards • Scissors • Tape • Graph paper
Mrs. Perdomo’s Web Page • http://teacherweb.com/FL/SunnyIslesBeachCommunitySchool/Perdomo/index.html • Easy access to my webpage by visiting the school website at: http://sib.dadeschools.net/ And then find my name in the staff section under 6thGradeTeachers. NEWSFLASH !
Parent Portal • Access to Real Time grades • Must obtain PIN from front office with a picture ID • Parent Portal Training Sept. 10th @ 9:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m. VERY IMPORTANT AND INFORMATIVE!
Classroom Rules: “R” 1. Respect yourself, your fellow students, and most of all, your teacher. 2. No eating, drinking or chewing gum in class. 3. No talking out of turn. 4. Avoid unnecessary conversation. 5. Respect School Property. 6. Take your seat and begin the warm-up immediately upon entering the room. 7. Stay in your assigned seats unless you have permission to stand. 8. Always come prepared for class. 9. Any items not used exclusively for school purposes should be left at home or kept out of sight, this includes cell phones which must be turned off. 10. Class ends only when I have dismissed you.
Progressive Discipline Plan If any student does not adhere to the above Rules and Expectations, the following steps will be taken. Depending on the severity of the situation, steps may be skipped. 1. Warning – A student will be verbally warned when a disruptive behavior is exhibited. 2. Student/Teacher Conference – A teacher will have a conference with the student which may result in a grade cut. 3. Parent Contact – Your parent will be contacted via telephone call, letter, or email explaining the situation. 4. Detention – The student will be required to remain in the classroom either before or after school. The exact time of the detention will be determined by the teacher and a written notice will be sent home the prior day explaining the circumstances. 5. Administrative Referral – Continuous or serious situations will result in a written referral to the grade level administrator. Serious misbehavior that requires immediate attention will result in a written referral to the administration with follow-up parent contact. 6. Parent/Teacher Conference – When a situation requires the meeting of student and parent/guardian, a conference will be scheduled to discuss the student’s conduct and/or academic progress. Strategies will be developed to assist the student and parent with the situation.
Attendance/Tardies • If your child is absent from school, he/she will have up to 3 days to bring in a note for the absence to be excused. It is your child’s responsibility to obtain their missed assignments. This must be done outside of class time (7:45 a.m.) • Tardies: School begins at 8:35 a.m. Students arriving at 8:36 a.m. will be marked tardy. Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. must go to Student Services to obtain a tardy admit to class. • ABSENCES SERIOUSLY AFFECT YOUR GRADES AND DISTURB THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT!!! Please do not schedule vacation on school days.
Textbook/Materials • Students are responsible for the textbooks and workbooks assigned to them. Please care for them accordingly. • Our class workbooks are shared consumables. That is, both of the students’ Math classes will be using them regularly. The students may write in them and must bring them to class daily. • Binder must contain all class notes and handouts.
Grade Breakdown and Policy: • Grades are broken down into four categories: • -- Daily Work/Quizzes/Homework = 1 grade • -- Projects = 3-5 grades for each major project • -- Tests = 2-3 grades • -- Online Activities = 1 grade
***All final drafts of assignments and projects, as well as quizzes and test scores that are graded and handed back to the student must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned the next class time. All graded assignments will remain in the student’s class file until the completion of the school year. • ***Late assignments may be accepted at teacher’s discretion: 10-20 points will be deducted for assignments received 1 day late by the teacher. No points will be given any day after that.
Home Learning Home Learning is a tool used to reinforce skills and material taught in the classroom. The amount of home learning is carefully considered. Home Learning assignments must be copied from the back board before leaving class. It is also updated on the class website periodically. Students are responsible for knowing their basic multiplication facts and be able to do basic mental math. Students should practice this skill daily until they have perfected it. We can not spend class time on this!
Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating: • PLAGIARISM: Webster’s Definition: “the act of stealing and passing off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own; to use (a created production) without crediting the source ~ to commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source” • CHEATING: Webster’s Definition: “to practice fraud or trickery: to violate rules dishonestly (as on an examination)… “the obtaining of property from another by intentional active distortion of the truth” • ***Note: Putting something in your own words does not mean rewriting it with a few simple word changes. This is also considered plagiarism and cheating. • The CONSEQUENCE FOR PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING is an automatic zero on the assignment with absolutely no chance of making up the points/grade.
Point Values • In order for your child to pass each class he/she must obtain 10 points in each class for the year. • Below is the breakdown of points for quarter grades: A=4 x 2.5 B=3 x 2.5 C=2 x 2.5 D=1 x 2.5 F=0 x 2.5
Conferences • Requests by parents for conferences can be made at any time through an email or note brought in by the student. Please allow 24-48 hours for me to schedule you in and confirm the time and date. • Conference times are usually in the morning, but may vary depending on the day and/or the teachers involved. • Telephone Conferences will occur as needed.
Good Night! • Thank you for attending our Open House. I look forward to working with your child. • Please proceed to your child’s next class.