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What does one do in the forest?. Some words of the measurements. 2 persons in the group Main tasks: One leads with the measurement tape using bussol and base map, the second one follows with aerial photograph (or which map works better).
Some words of the measurements • 2 persons in the group • Main tasks: • One leads with the measurement tape using bussol and base map, the second one follows with aerial photograph (or which map works better). • One measures the BA by strata, and writes down the general stand data: pääryhmä, alaryhmä, kasvupaikka, maalaji, kuiv. til, aika oj. kehlk, laatu, pääpuulaji ja toimenpiteet • The other measures the mean height and diameter from the median tree of each stratum
Locating the sample plots • We will first approximately locate the sample plots with measurement tape and bussol. Then we will check with the base map, aerial photog. & GPS, whether one is anywhere near the wanted loaction. • The centre is located with a plastic pole, where we will mark the id, coordinate, group nbr, and year.
Locating the sample plots • Moving the centre at stand borders: we are interested in the spectral reflectance of different types of forests, not the mixtures of the borders. (We would need to measure considerably more mixels to get the same information than by measuring pure pixels). • If at or close to a stand or land-use border, the plot is moved to N, E, S, W so that it is fully inside one stand. The action is recorded to the plot list and to the centre pole (orig coords & the move in I and P-directions)
of Measurements • The works goes most fluently, when the basic tasks are clear for both group members. While performing the measurements the groups discusses of the uncertain points ("is this VT of MT", "is this a good median tree", "should we propose thinning or clear cut").
of Measurements • We will use un-restricted relascope sample plot and factor 2 • In young stands we will use a ~4 m circular plot and calculate the nbr of stems on the plot. Per ha amount x 200. • Own tree measurement row will be made for each stratum. Each tree species forms an own stratum, as well as distinctly different tree layers within tree species (pine seed trees & seedlings, mature spruces & thick understorey of small spruces…)
of Measurements • We will NOT take age cores by increment borer • The age is found out using other ways: calculate rings from recent stumps, annual shoots (pine), general habitus • Ages can also be deducted for part of the area using Ilkka's 3D www-page (was clear cut in year x)!
of Measurements • Measuring the BA (PPA) should be started from the same direction each time (e.g. North), or from the direction of the measurement tape • First it is easiest to calculate each stratum at own BA round. Later, when there is more routine, one can manage with one round.
of Measurements • One treatment chain is given, either • silvicultural (clearing of seedling stand, harrowing, ploughing, planting…) • cutting (thinning, clear cut etc), followed by silvicultural actions as needed • can also be ”do nothing” • Some actions usually require other actions, like äestys, männyn istutus, heinäntorjunta • Next 10 years must be taken into account
Of Measurements • We will estimate also the amount of dead trees according to SOLMU manual