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Map of Belize. Bird Identification. Bird Identification. Habitat Types. Cloud Forest Submontane Broadleaf Forest Lowland Broadleaf Forest Submontane Pine Woodland Lowland Pine Woodland and Savanna Seasonally Wet Meadow Marshes and Lagoons Mangrove and Littoral Forests
Habitat Types Cloud Forest Submontane Broadleaf Forest Lowland Broadleaf Forest Submontane Pine Woodland Lowland Pine Woodland and Savanna Seasonally Wet Meadow Marshes and Lagoons Mangrove and Littoral Forests Human-altered Habitats
Food Habits • Frugivore • Nectarivore • Herbivore • Insectivore • Piscivore • Carnivore
Feeding Behavior • Ground foraging • Bark drillers and probers • Foliage gleaning • Flycatching • Ant followers • Sit and wait predators
Open-country Kites, Laughing Falcon, Crane Hawk, and Harrier
Tinamous and Gallinaceous Birds Ground dwellers Seed and arthropod feeders
Sandpipers Probe for arthropods in sediments
Parrots Gregarious Frugivores
Cuckoos and Anis Cuckoos are usually arboreal and insectivorous Anis are gregarious and forage in groups, mostly on insects
Hummingbirds Nectar feeders
Toucans Frugivores Kingfishers Found near streams and rivers Piscivores
Woodpeckers Insect eaters Bark probers and drillers
Woodcreepers, Foliage-Gleaners, and Leaftossers Insect eaters Bark probers and drillers or gleaners
Xenops, Spinetail, Antbirds, and Antthrush Follow ant swarms Glean foliage for insects
Tyrant Flycatchers and Mourners Insectivores Often catch prey in flight
Manakins, Becards, Cotingas, and Tityras Frugivores Some exhibit lek behavior
Swallows Aerial insectivores
Wrens and Gnatwrens Insectivores Low levels of the forest, thickets, grasslands, and marshes
Wood Warblers Insect eaters Bark probers and leaf gleaners
Common along forest edges Tanagers Feed on fruits, nectar, and insects Often in mixed flocks and important seed dispersers
Seedeaters, Buntings, and “Blue” Grosbeaks Seed eaters
Saltators, Grosbeaks, and Sparrows Mostly seed eaters but some species may also take fruit and insects Typically found in open areas and forage on the ground
Sparrows and Finches Seed eaters
Occur in many habitat types, especially open areas Blackbirds Eat a wide variety of food types Oropendolas and caciques breed in colonies Cow birds are brood parasites
Orioles Mixed-species feeding flocks