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This programme aims to communicate project knowledge, ensure sustainability, and promote transparency among partners through defined key messages and responsibilities. Project partners will disseminate outcomes at local and national levels, organize workshops and events, and support the dissemination of outputs at the EU level. Various European tools like VALOR and the Erasmus E-Newsletter will be utilized for dissemination activities. The communication matrix includes guidelines for EU funding acknowledgment and the disclaimer for project materials. Dissemination activities will cover tangible and intangible results, newsletters, website launch, reports, and more. The website performance statistics and outstanding activities highlight the ongoing efforts for effective dissemination.
Care 2 Work Programme Dissemination and Communications 3nd Transnational Partners Meeting Andriana Ntziadima – IARS Communications and Youth Projects Manager 15th November 2016 Athens – Greece The Programme is funded by Erasmus+ under 2014-2-UK01-KA205-011967
Communication and Dissemination Objectives Our key objectives are: • To communicate and disseminate knowledge produced by the project • To ensure programme sustainability – exploitation tool At the partnership level we need to ensure • Clarity – transparency – openness and consistency
Programme Messages Messages will be defined by all partners – focus on programmes’ achievements and its positive impact. Key messages: • What is the project about? • Aim of the project • Potential impact on our beneficiaries • Who is involved in the project –partners’ profile should be defined in all activities • Key evidence arise from the programme • Conferences, events and workshops • Milestones
Responsibilities The IARS International Institute has the overall responsibility of the dissemination and communication activities Project partners will contribute to the implementation of their relative actions including: Dissemination of outcomes at local and national level (native language) • Promotion and announcement of national conference – Anziani • Promotion and announcement of international conference - Greece • Organisation and promotion of local workshops • Announcement on participation in local events • Support IARS to disseminate outputs at the EU Level
Other European ToolsDissemination of Outputs VALOR • Valor is the new Dissemination and Exploitation platform that offers a comprehensive overview of all projects funded under the new Erasmus+ and Creative Europe programmes as well as some projects funded under the previous programmes (LifeLong Learning, Youth in Action, Culture 2007-2013, etc.). “Compulsory upload of project results by coordinator” Erasmus E-Newsletter • Feature programme news on the website
Visibility of Union Funding As beneficiaries we must: • Acknowledge European funding and display the EU logo on project publications, outputs or materials • EC guidelines can be found here https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/key-resources#logo • All project materials and publications produced by the project must include the following disclaimer “Any communication or publication related to the Project made by the beneficiaries jointly or individually in any form and using any means, shall indicate that it reflects only the author's view and that the NA and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains”.
Dissemination Activities • Dissemination Activities should include both tangible project results and intangible project results; Tangible results may include: • tools, educational resources, curricula and other materials • Reports or studies • Good practice guides or case studies • Newsletters, information leaflets etc. Intangible results may include the following; • Knowledge and experience gained by learners or staff • Increased skills or achievements • Improved cultural awareness • Improved language skills Intangible results should be considered for dissemination through our newsletter
Dissemination Activities • Completed activities • Launch of the Care 2 Work Project – partnership announcement • Development of the projects website – Completed • Launch of the website and fieldwork announcement • Launch of the national and pan-European Reports • Leaflet development • Newsletter template completed • M10 newsletter produced by IARS (Report launch and Conference in Italy) • Dissemination Strategy drafted by IARS
Website Care2Work.org • Website performance: November 2015 – November 2016 • Total Users: 2.304 • Total Sessions: 3.203 • Total Pages views: 6.973 • Traffic Acquisition: • 52% referrals • 25% organic search • 2% Social media referrals (space for improvement)
Dissemination Activities • Outstanding activities: • NewslettersM18 (Oct 16), M24 (April 17) • The next newsletter will be disseminated in November 2016 to cover the C1 training event. • Each partner to submit a blog for each day of training – partners and guests to be asked to contribute (summary of the day, key learnings, best practice) (blogs max 200-250 words) • Deadline to be agreed by end of November • Conference dates to be including and SAVE the day • Expression of interest in the online training
Dissemination Activities • Outstanding activities: • Conference in London • Target audience: 110 people (in the application body we mentioned 150) • 70 national and 40 international • Proposed week 27th March – 4th April • Structure • Presentations of intellectual outputs in the morning (1 presentation per partner) • Break down the attendees into two working groups • Each working group will be allocated 45minutes – 60 minutes and will contain 15 minutes presentations/case studies/best practices etc. (total 6)
Dissemination Activities • Outstanding activities: • Conference in London • Conference communications plan to be developed • Call for sumbissions to be announced / abused no more partners to be considered for presentations • Other outstanding activities • Publications on academic journal
Dissemination Activities • Areas of improvement Care 2 Work Website Visibility • Social Media Activities – Limited social media activity has been observed; Care2Work doesn’t have its own social media platforms but the following actions are proposed • Use twitter and #Care2Work • Research relevant organisations, identify their twitter handles and tweet directly at them • Use partners hashtags to broaden your audiences • Update your organisations Facebook • Disseminate information via LinkedIn • Always include links to the website Care2Work (you can use the website click in your e-electronic signature • Include links to the Care 2 Work website on your own website eg. as standard feature on the home page
Dissemination Activities • Monitoring and evaluation of dissemination activities All dissemination activities should be monitored regularly and evaluated. Dissemination will be integral part of our progress report to the NA and final project report. In order to monitor your activities please use • Monitoring excel spread sheet that covers why, what, how, when, to whom and where dissemination took place. • For each activity, shared KPI tool (to be send to partners following the meeting (eg. Number of followers, number of newsletter subscribers. (for consistency purposes) Reports to be collected on a 6 month basis – next report by 20th January 2017