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  2. Central Java (Indonesian: Provinsi Jawa Tengah) is a province of Indonesia. The administrative capital is Semarang. It is one of six provinces on the island of Java. The province of Central Java is 32,548.20 km2 in area; approximately a quarter of the total land area of Java. Its population is 32,864,000 (As of 2009[update]), making it the third most-populous province in Indonesia after West Java and East Java.

  3. I. Traditional House: Joglo

  4. II. Traditional Clothes • Traditional Dress • Women's traditional dress, especially in Yogya and Solo court families, consisting of : • Jarit or Tapih or SinjangA 'kainpanjang' (long cloth of batik) measuring around 2 m x 1 m to cover the lower body, tightened with stagen (large waist band) • KebayaIt is a traditional long sleeved shirt (the material used is not from batik, usually from silk and other fine materials). SelendangIt is used as attractive piece of clothing to compliment the traditional dress. The 2 m x 0,5 m selendang cloth hung over one shoulder. Kemben or SemekanIt is special for ceremonies in Karaton (palace) or Royal family ceremonies. Instead of wearing Kebaya, to cover the upper body, a kemben is worn.

  5. Men's Traditional DressesJarit or BebedMen kainpanjang, tightened with stagen. SurjanMen traditional long sleeved shirt (only for Yogya style) and the material is not batik. BeskapInstead of wearing surjan, the men wear a coat (beskap of Solo style or Atila of Yogya style), the materials is not batik. BlangkonIt is a headgear made from batik. KerisThe dagger is worn at backside of the waist, as a compliment to the dress. • DodotIs a very long jarit to cover the lower body. It is worn only on a very special occasion such as the king coronation by the king himself. The wearing of dodot or kampuhan is very complicated. It may take two hours to wear a dodot with the help of specialist-dressers!


  7. 1. Wayang • There is no evidence that wayang existed before Hinduism came to Southeast Asia sometime in the First Century. • The first record of a wayang performance is from an inscription dated 930 CE which says "si Galigi mawayang," or "Sir Galigi played wayang".

  8. a. Wayang Kulit • Kulit means skin and refers to the leather construction of the puppets that are carefully chiseled with very fine tools and supported with carefully shaped buffalo horn handles and control rods. • The stories are from the Ramayana, the Mahabharata or the Serat Menak.

  9. b. Wayang wong • Wayang wong is a type of theatrical performance with themes from the kingdom of Jenggala, in which the players wear masks known as wayang topeng or wayang gedog. • The word "gedog" comes from "kedok", which, like "topeng" means "mask".

  10. 3. Batik

  11. The making of batik

  12. 2. Gamelan • In his book 'music of Java' Jaap Kunst says, "Gamelan is comparable to only two things, moonlight and flowing water. ...mysterious like moonlight and always changing like flowing water ...” • There are two kinds of laras (tuning) in gamelan, namely slendro (comparable to minor key in Western music) and Pelog (major key). • A complete set of gamelan consist of two sets of different instruments of Slendro and Pelog,

  13. Bonang

  14. Gendang

  15. Gong

  16. Saron

  17. Songs

  18. Cublak 2 suwengSuwengi ting gelenderMambuketundhunggudelPak gempongleralereSopongguyundelekakesir... sir pong dele kopongsir... sir pong dele kopong 2X • Gundul 2 paculGembelenganNyunggi 2 wakulkulGembelengan WakulnggelempangSeganedadisaklatar! 2X • SuweorajamuJamugodongteloSuweoraketemuTemupisangawegelo

  19. Gambangsuling • Gambang suling ngumandang swaraneTulat tulit kepenak unineUnine mung nrenyuh akeBarengan lan kentrung ketipung sulingSigrak kendangane kacang karo rotiadi diparingi

  20. Dances Classical Court DanceThe famous court dances which are available up to present date are Bedoyo and Srimpi. • Bedoyo is sacred court dance performed by nine girls-dancers. All the performers must be in the holy state, physically and souly, this is a mythological dance depicting the meeting between PanembahanSenopati, the first ruler of the Mataram Kingdom II with KanjengRatuKidul, the powerful and beautiful goddess-the Queen of South Sea. The gamelan accompaniment reflecting the voices of sea wind and other natural voices. For those who has learned in depth mysticism, during the dance performance, a tenth "invisible" dancer appears. It is said that she is a very beautiful princess, dancing impressively elegant. Some said that Bedoyo dance is sacred, as it is symbolizing a meditator’s highest achievement during samedi (medititation) by closing 9 human orifices & deflating all bad desires

  21. Bedoyo dance • Bedoyo is sacred court dance performed by nine girls-dancers. • All the performers must be in the holy state, physically and souly, this is a mythological dance depicting the meeting between Panembahan Senopati, the first ruler of the Mataram Kingdom II with Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, the powerful and beautiful goddess-the Queen of South Sea. • The gamelan accompaniment reflecting the voices of sea wind and other natural voices.

  22. Srimpi dance • This dance is also a sacred dance performed by four girls-dancers. • The Srimpi dance originally performed in the Pendopo (open hall) of Javanese mansion with four main pillars in the middle. • It is believed when Srimpi dance is performed correctly, it should give magical power. The dance has a very soft movement depicting a good moral behavior. • The dancers have the same dresses and make up, wish that people not to be jealous one to another.

  23. Petilan Dance • 3. PetilanThis dance describing a part of a story e.g the fight between two warriors e.g Srikandi against Larasati. In the Petilan dance it could describe a fight between two warriors or movements of adoration between two lovers. In fact the movements are almost the same, only the topic is different. Probably the movement in love or in a fight sometimes is slow and the other times flare up.

  24. IV. Tools and Weapons

  25. Weapons • KERIS is The most famous pusaka or heirloom for Javanese people is Keris (dagger). In the ancient time, a man is not considered as a real man if he has no keris. The keris is highly valued, treated and respected with special care. • This pusaka is usually inherited from fore fathers. According to Javanese ancient tradition, especially in the court families, a father was obliged to give to his adult son at least a keris. The process of the making of the blade in the old days may last one year only for one keris. The keris maker is called an Empu. Only the respectable Empus could make a high quality keris, physically and spiritually. Empu has to do some spiritual deeds to prepare a keris, like fasting, not sleeping for several days and nights, meditation, etc.

  26. Keris

  27. Traditional Wedding • THE PREPARATION OF A WEDDING CEREMONYA sincere and mutual love between a woman and a man should end in marriage. In places like Java, the marriage occurred due to the decision by a loving couple. This is a matter of principle since the ancient time. It could hoppened due to the wish of their parents. A Javanese proverb says: "'Tresnojalaransakakulino" means "love grows when you are get used to each other". Up to now, a Javanese always stays close to the family. Family solidarity is of prime important. The loving couple should inform their parents accordingly and several steps should be taken to prepare the wedding.

  28. The ProposalThe parents of the man (would be bridegroom) should send an envoy or envoys to the parents of the woman (would be bride), proposing that their son is willing to marry their daughter. Nowadays, for practical reason, the parents of both sides could talk directly. The parents of the couple should approved the planned marriage. They should fix convenient and good days of wedding procedures which must be followed such as Peningsetan (traditional engagement), Siraman (holy bathing), Midodaremi (ceremony in the eve of the wedding day), the Panggih and other traditional rituals.Usually, the parents of the would be bride have a greater say as they are the ones who organize the ceremony. It should be decided also what kind of marriage pattern is chosen, among other PaesAgeng (great make up) or Kesatrian (knight's make up which is simpler). Every marriage pattern differs in make up and dresses for the bride and bridegroom.It should be decided also what kind of dresses the parents should wear, what kind of Batik pattern and shirt/coat design, which color etc.

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