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Welcome mums and/ or dads !. What we stand for – our mission happy babies !. An open house: open communication with our parents Check out our website please ! Information sharing Provide social emotional , parenting and medical support
What we stand for – ourmission happy babies! • Anopen house: • open communicationwithourparents • Check out our website please! • Informationsharing • Provide socialemotional, parenting and medical support • Keep up withchanges/ the latest in the area of child care • Makeyour baby feelsafe: try to have a regularchildcareassistantforhim/her everyday
This is how we do things… 6 Different day care centers: Kabouterberg – kabouters Villa Babyhome Peutertuin Grootpark
Slightly different way of working • Kabouterberg: structuredmixed-agegroups • Peutertuin: • one mixed agegroup / othergroupssemi-mixed • Villa: same-agegroups • Babyhome: same-agegroups • Grootpark: • one mixed agegroup/ otherssemi-mixed
What’s the differenceexactly? • Mixed age- groups: • baby’s formonegroupalongwithtodlers, theystay in the samegroupuntill school • They have a team of max 4 childcareassistants • Semi-mixed: • Baby’s and todlers up til the age of 18 monthsformonegroupwith a childcareassistant • Todlersfrom 1,5 years and up form a groupwith a newchildcareassistant • Same- agegroups: • Baby’s of the sameagestaytogetheruntillthey start school, they have onechildcareassistantduring all thoseyears
What do youthink? How do youfeelaboutourway of working? Do youfeelyour baby is happy in his/her group? Do youprefersame-agegroups, semi-mixed, mixed groups? • Questionnary in October • In coorporationwithProf.Dr Ferre Laevers from CEGO • Target: oneway of workingin all the day care centers bysummer of nextyear
Need to know We tryour absolute best to provide a regular childcareassistant However: Peoplesometimesgetsick Peopleget pregnant People want to workless Peopleretire… Sometimesyouwillfindthere are substituteswhotake care of yourchild in cases like these
We wouldlike to askyouthis… Provide play-clothingthatmaygetdirty Sochildrencanplayoutside without ourchildcareassistantworryingtoomuch
We wouldlike to askyou as well… Don’tbringyouchild to the day care center whenit’ssick! Your baby shouldbe free of feverfor as long as 24 hoursbeforereturning to daycare • To protectyourchild: • sickchildrenneed time to rest and recover • To protectotherchildren • To protectourstaff: • so we can provide continuity in our care We do notadministermedication, only medication to lower a fiever, with a written agreementfromparents and doctor We callparentswhenyourchild is not feeling well, pleasecome to yourdaycare center ASAP
What’s a daylikeforyourchild? Whenyou drop yourchildoff quiteearly (before 8 a.m), youwillfindyourchildstays in a groupwithchildrenfrom different “families” (units) until all ourstaff is present (different workshifts). This is “de vroege”.
Anordinarydayforyour baby Round 8 a.m.they go to their “classroom” and staythereduring the daywiththeirregularchildcare assistant Withour baby’s, we try to follow theirdayrythmefrom home and let them sleep and eat whentheyneedit
Toddlers’ day… Toddlers have a more structuredday: • playtimetill 11, • then lunch, (ALMA provides ourmeals) • thennappy time tillaround 2 pm, • playtimeagain, • snacktimeround 15: anapple a day… ;-) • playtimetill mum ordadarrives… Round 6 the childrenwhoaren’tpicked up yet, gather in one room, we callthis ‘de late” More of all this later.. Please, try to arrive in time, notafterclosinghours!
How was mychild’sday? Ifyoupick up yourchild in “de late”, youmay not have the chance to talk to its’ regular childcareassistanteveryday • How to knowhowyourchilds’ day was then?/ howhe/she is doing in general? • Diary (heen en weer boekje): • is filled out withusefullinformation: • Diapers update, sleep, feedings, anekdotes… • Pleasewrite down important/funthings … • “Look, I’mgrowing up”: how is yourchilddevelopping?
If ever youshouldworry… • wetheryourchild is developpingwell • Wetheryourchild is feeling happy in the nursery • wetheryourchild is readyforpre-school • Wetheryourchild is readyforpotty training Oryou have otherquestionsaboutparenting/ The wellbeing of yourchild… Please let usknow! Contact your manager of the nursery, askforanappointementwith Marina- Oureducationalist, ormakeanappointmentwith me.