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Cryptographic Applications of Randomness Extractors

Cryptographic Applications of Randomness Extractors. Salil Vadhan Harvard University. http://seas.harvard.edu/~salil. TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A A A A A A. Outline. Definition & Basics Cryptographic Applications (overview)

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Cryptographic Applications of Randomness Extractors

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  1. Cryptographic Applicationsof Randomness Extractors Salil Vadhan Harvard University http://seas.harvard.edu/~salil TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAAAA

  2. Outline • Definition & Basics • Cryptographic Applications (overview) • Extracting Statistical Entropy in Crypto • Extracting Computational Entropy in Crypto Caveats: informal, only small sample

  3. Definition & Basics

  4. Min-entropy • Def: The min-entropy ofX isH1(X):=minx log(1/Pr[X=x]).X isa k-source if H1(X) ¸k, i.e. 8x Pr[X=x]·2-k • Examples: • Unpredictable Source [SV84]: 8i2[n], b1, ..., bi-12{0,1}, • Bit-fixing [CGH+85,BL85,LLS87,CW89]: Some k coordinates of X uniform, rest fixed (or even depend arbitrarily on others). • Flat k-source: Uniform over Sµ{0,1}n, |S|=2k

  5. Extractors [Nisan & Zuckerman `93] Def: Ext : {0,1}n£{0,1}d!{0,1}m is (strong) (k,e)-extractor if 8k-source X, Ud± Ext(X,Ud) is e-close to Ud± Um. k-source of length n “seed” EXT drandom bits maxT|Pr[X2 T]-Pr[Y2 T]|· malmost-uniform bits • Goals: minimize seed length, maximize output length.

  6. flat k-source, i.e. set of size 2k À 2m For mosty, hymaps sets of size2kalmost uniformly onto range. Extractors as Hash Functions {0,1}n {0,1}m

  7. The Optimal Extractor Thm [Sip88,RT97]:For every k·n, 9 a (k,e)-extractor w/ • Seed length d = log(n-k)+2log(1/)+O(1) • Output length m = k -2log(1/)-O(1) “extract almost all the min-entropy w/logarithmic seed” ) in some apps, can eliminate need for truly random seed by trying all 2d = poly(n/) possibilities(e.g. simulating randomized algorithms w/k-source) Long line of work tries to match above nonconstructive bounds with explicit constructions.

  8. Extractors from Hash Functions • Leftover Hash Lemma[BBR85,ILL89]:universal hash functions yield strong extractors • output length:m= k-2log(1/)-O(1) • seed length:d= n • example: Ext(x,a)=first m bits of a¢x in GF(2n) • Almost-universal hash functions [SZ94,GW94]: • seed length:d= O(log n+m)

  9. Cryptographic Applications

  10. Crypto with Weak Random Sources? • Enumerating seeds doesn’t work. • e.g. get several encryptions of a message, most of which are “secure” • Thm[MP97,DOPS04]: Most crypto tasks are impossible with only an (n-1)-source. • Encryption, commitment, secret sharing, zero knowledge,… • Alternative: Seek “seedless” extractors for restricted classes of sources. • Bit-fixing sources, several independent weak sources,efficiently samplable sources, low-degree sources… [many] • Thm[BD07]: Secure encryption is only possible for classes of sources for which there exist seedless extractors.

  11. Seeded Extractors in Crypto • Common setting: information gaps • To parties A, B,…, string X has little or no “entropy” • To parties E, F,…, string X has a lot of “entropy” • After extraction: • To parties A, B,…, r.v. Ext(X)still has little or no “entropy” • To parties E, F,…, r.v. Ext(X) indistinguishable from uniform • Challenges: • Where to get seed? • Working with computational entropy. • Efficiency constraints • Noise

  12. Crypto withStatistical (Min-)Entropy

  13. Privacy Amplification [BBR85] • Common setting: information gaps • A,B share/access a random stringX{0,1}n • E has imperfect info about X X |view(Eve) a k-source. • After extraction: • A, B share Ext(X,R) • Ext(X ,R)|view’(Eve) e-close to Um  A,B can use Ext(X,R) as a key.

  14. Partial Info & Min-Entropy • Adversary learning sbits of info about X reduces its min-entropy by roughlys. • Cf. Shannon entropy: H(X|Z)  H(X)-H(Z)  H(X)-s • Lemma: (X,Z) (correlated) random vars, w.p. ¸ 1-e over zÃZ, X|Z=z is a (k-s-log(1/e))-source. X a k-source and |Z|=s • [DRS03]: H*(X|Z)  H(X) –H0(Z)  H(X) –s, where H*(X|Z) = log(1/Ez Z[maxx Pr[X=x|Z=z]])

  15. Examples of Partial Info Partial Key Exposure [CDHKS00]: • adversary readssactual bits of private key X • X|viewactually a “bit-fixing source” [CFGHRS85] • Honest parties use Ext(X) (no seed necessary!) Bounded-storage model [M90,ADR99,L02,V03] • adversary readss-bit function of high-rate bitstreamX • honest parties compute Ext(X ; R), where R = private key • need Ext that reads only few bits from X

  16. Examples of Partial Info (cont.) Biometrics [DRS03]: • need to derive key from unreliable fingerprintX • store seed R & short error-correcting info C on server(“information reconciliation” [BBR85]) • X|Ca k-source Ext(X;R)|C,RsUm • C = X mod (high-rate error-correcting code)

  17. Crypto withComputational (Min-)Entropy

  18. Computational Entropy • Def [HLR07]: X has unpredictability-entropy at least k if it can be predicted in poly-time w.p. at most 2-k • if fis a one-way function, then X|f(X) has unpredictability entropy (log n) • Can extract pseudorandom bits using an extractor with “efficient local list-decoding” [GL89,TZ01]. • Def [HILL90]: X has pseudoentropy at least k if X cY, Y a k-source. • Any poly-time extractor works!

  19. Extracting Computational Entropy (1-1) PRGs  OWF [HILL90]: • X|f(X) has unpredictability-entropy but no real entropy • Y=(f(X),Ext1(X)) has pseudoentropy > real entropy = |X|Ext1 = extractor with “local list-decoding” (eg GL) • Ext2[Y1,…,Yt] pseudorandomExt2 = any efficient extractor • Seeds for Ext1, Ext2: from PRG seed. • Hardcore Lemma [I95,STV01,H05]: unpredictability-entropy pseudoentropy for 1-bit r.v.’s

  20. Extracting Computational Entropy Bounded-Retrieval Model [D06,DP08] • Leakage over time may exceed |X|. • Idea: regain loss by X’ = PRG(Ext(X)). • Problem: X only pseudorandom • If X is pseudorandom and adversary knows s bits about X, then X|view has “metric pseudoentropy”  n-s [BSW03] • If s=O(log n), then metric pseudoentropy n-s  pseudoentropy n-s [RTV08,I08].

  21. Extracting Computational Entropy Leakage-Resilient Public-Key Encryption [AGV09] • Adversary learns s bits about X=SK, plus PK=f(SK). • Problem: encryptor doesn’t know SK, can’t extract • Leakage independent of PK: take longer SK, set PK = (f(Ext(SK;R)),R). • Leakage can depend on PK:show that encryption itself can be viewed as extracting from SK

  22. Statistically Hiding Commitments from CRHF[NY89,DPP93,HRVW09] CRHF { F : {0,1}n! {0,1}n-k } • H1(X|F(X),F) ¸ k • Hacc(X|F(X),F) = 0 • M -close to Ut given R’s view • Hacc(M) = 0 given S’s view S COMMIT R F M2{0,1}t XÃ{0,1}n F(X), R,M=Ext(X,R) REVEAL accept/reject (M,X) (M,K)

  23. Statistically Hiding Commitments from CRHF [NY89,DPP93,HRVW09] CRHF { F : {0,1}n! {0,1}n-k } • H1(X|F*(X),F*) ¸ k • Hacc (X*|F(X*),F) = 0 • M -close to Ut given R*’s view • Hacc(M) = 0 given S*’s view S COMMIT R F F(X),R,M=Ext(X,R) REVEAL accept/reject (M,X)

  24. Conclusions • Randomness extractors address a basic problem in crypto: exploiting assymetry of information • Language and basic results (about min-entropy, pseudoentropy, etc.) as important as the actual constructions. • Interplay between cryptography, theory of computation, probability & information theory(also combinatorics, algebra, …)

  25. Pointers • N. Nisan and A. Ta-Shma. Extracting randomness: a survey and new constructions. Journal of Computer & System Sciences, 58 (1):148-173, 1999. • R. Shaltiel. Recent developments in explicit constructions of extractors. Bulletin of EATCS, 77:67-95, June 2002. • S. Vadhan.Randomness extractors & their many guises. FOCS `02 tutorial.Randomness extractors & crypto applications. TCC `08 tutorial.Course Notes for CS225: Pseudorandomness. http://eecs.harvard.edu/~salil/cs225

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