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Enhancing market linkages and technical capacity for agricultural groups to promote income generation in Cox’s Bazar through a strategic marketing approach aimed at boosting resilience, production, and sales.
CBG-led Marketing Strategy(Agro Business and Horticulture) Strengthening of Market Linkages and Technical Capacity for Agricultural Groups to Promote Income Generation in Cox’s Bazar 18/6/2019
The project Promote Income Technical Capacity Marketing linkage Resilience of 800 Farmer groups
Marketing Strategy ??? • Farmers’ led, • Demand driven • Market oriented interventions, • Hold and Increase market share • Collective production • Sales by the farmers group
Information sources Joint Assessment Market and Supply Chain Analysis Community consultations Market actor Consultations OD and Market survey (Planned)
CONTEXT • Rapid increase of population distorted the food and other commodities’ market in crisis. • Scopes and facilities are reducing due to RohingyaInflux • Local Production cannot serve local demand.. only 30% . • Low volume and low quality of products has least market demand. • Do not have Appropriate Technologies and market information (rates and demands) • Lack of market linkage - Investors, Buyers and formal market. • Absence of government officer and services • Current (and potential) supply from nearby Upazilas involved in the supply-side (production) dynamics of the markets
STRATEGY-1: Farmers’ mobilization, motivation and formation of FPGs, FFS and MFGs in collaboration with DAE, DoF and DLS. Goal: Develop farmer producer institutions Activities: • Farmers consultation, meeting, group formation, Social mapping and/or well-being analysis of farmers • Better quality collective products, application of appropriate technologies. EXPECTED RESULTS • Motivated towards producing better quality and volume of products; • Commercial attitude is developed Collective production and participation in the competitive markets
STRATEGY-2: Capacity building of the farmers group and Govnt, staffs in collaboration with Private sector and GoB. • Goal: To improve skill and knowledge on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and market access • Activities: Trainings/workshops on Good Agricultural Practices(GAP), market analysis, Business plan and proposition. • EXPECTED RESULTS • FGs are better participating in the competitive markets • FGs prepare Comprehensive business plans • Market share improved
STRATEGY-3: Enhance collaboration and coordination with Private sector Goal: To ensure access to market and improve market share Activities: Workshop with Private sector, Contract farming with Private sector, MoUwith Company/s, MoU with Market management Committee(MMC) for aggregation point. EXPECTED RESULTS • Stable business links established. • Increased availability of quality inputs to the producers at local level
STRATEGY-4: Establish market analysis and information management System Goal: To keep FGs updated on market needs, demands and actors Activities: Training/workshops on PMCA, CBA and RoIfor the farmers Group, Training on marketing related ICT apps, Demonstrations in physical and e-market. EXPECTED RESULTS • FGs can decide effectively on sale (where, when, to whom) • Competitive price
STRATEGY-5: Increase production of high value crops including fisheries Goal: To increase income targeting “niche markets” and other specific consumers Activities: High value crops (red-bit, broccoli, red-cabbage, capsicum, etc) cultivation including fisheries, EXPECTED RESULTS: FGs are benefiting from niche market opportunities. Increased income
STRATEGY-6: Introduce climate adaptive agricultural technologies Goal: To increase year round crop production and climate adaptive technology for the sustainable production. Activities: Training and implementation of water conservation technology, Demonstration of Drip Irrigation system, Rain water harvesting Technology, Covered production, Poly mulching etc. EXPECTED RESULTS • FGs can produce crops in drought and saline condition
STRATEGY-7: Establish maximum market outlet and distribution channel (production aggregation center) Goal: To ensure maximum sale and outreach. Activities: Workshop with Market Management Committee(MMC), Demonstration of Production Aggregation center, Get registration to market committees, Chamber of Commerce, Connect to existing e-marketing platforms (like-E-Bazar), Organize demonstration and invite market actors, Link the producers with the value chain actors for inputs and services. EXPECTED RESULTS • FGs are selling maximum products through a number of established outlets • FGs are serving their level best consumers