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Cockington Green Gardens

Cockington Green Gardens. By G emma Bland. Contents. History Model Construction Model Figurines International Display My Opinion Bibliography. History. Cockington Green in Canberra was created by Doug Sarah and his family in 1997

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Cockington Green Gardens

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  1. Cockington Green Gardens By Gemma Bland

  2. Contents • History • Model Construction • Model Figurines • International Display • My Opinion • Bibliography

  3. History • Cockington Green in Canberra was created by Doug Sarah and his family in 1997 • Cockington Green features carefully crafted miniature buildings of Great Britain, set within beautiful gardens • Late 1997 was the opening of the first stage of Cockington Green. In 1998 the international display featuring miniature buildings from all around the world was opened • There are approximately 33 models in the original display area and another 29 models currently in the International Area.

  4. Model construction • The main materials used in construction are fibreglass and aluminium • Timber has not been used because it can decay when exposed to the weather • Rubber moulds are filled with fibreglass to create each model • With some models, up to 45,000 bricks and tiles have been ‘laid’ on a single building • Depending on size and detail, models can take from four up to eighteen months to build

  5. Model Figurines • Most of the miniature figures used in the display have been hand-made from clay, fired and then painted • It takes a long time to create the models, which need to be repainted at least once every year • Family members have created all of these ‘little people’ in the Cockington Green work shop • There are approximately 1,500 miniature people, animals and birds in the display. One thousand of these are featured in only one display – the cheering spectators in a popular football match

  6. International display Lots of countries have a model in Cockington Green • Indonesia • South Africa • Argentina • Chile • Colombia • Croatia • Czech Republic • Hungary • Lithuania • Mexico • Norway • Peru • Slovakia • Slovenia • Spain • Turkey • Netherlands • Syria • Great Britain • India • Iran • Jordan • Ukraine • Venezuela • Republic of Korea

  7. My opinion • I chose Cockington Green Gardens for my presentation because the models were so delicately crafted and very realistic • It made me feel like a giant as I looked down on the models which felt really strange because I am a small person.

  8. Thank you!

  9. Bibliography Books www.cockingtongreen.com.au www.about-australia.com Google images Camp Mum & Dad

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