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Málaga 25th June 2010. The role of the regulation authorities in the development of a civic approach of the media literacy. CAC experience. Maria Corominas Head of Studies and Research Area mcorominas.cac@gencat.cat. Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC)
Málaga25th June 2010 The role of the regulation authorities in the development of a civic approach of the media literacy. CAC experience Maria CorominasHead of Studies and Research Areamcorominas.cac@gencat.cat
Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) Independent authority that regulates audiovisual communication in Catalonia. It was created by the Parliament of Catalonia in 2000 and this year CAC celebrates the 10th anniversary. One of its functions is to promote co-regulation and self-regulation measures in the sector. Practically since its creation, it has worked in audiovisual education subject. CAC is member of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) and 12-14 May took place in Barcelona the 31st meeting of EPRA.
Terms and Definitions Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) uses both Media Literacy and Education in Communication terms. Media Literacy: defined by Sonia Livingstone as “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages across a variety of contexts” (http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/media@lse/pdf/Media@lseEWP4_july03.pdf)
Terms and Definitions • Education in communication: contains both educational and communicative dimensions. It’s an extremely broad concept that could refer to any kind of communication. CAC applies this term basically to Education in Audiovisual Communication (EAC)
Terms and Definitions According to UNESCO agreements in the seminar held in Seville (Feb. 2002), Education in communication... means teaching and learning about communication media consists of critical analysis and creative production takes place within the area of formal and non-formal education and involves children and adults must promote a spirit of community and social responsibility, as well as personal autonomy
Basic action lines Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) is and has been active in the promotion of Media Literacy on a voluntary basis: Drawing up codes of practice and recommendations Conducting research (i.e. evaluating media skills) Promoting awareness of the need for media literacy Setting / coordinating policies Up to now there is not an authority in charge of promoting Media Literacy in Spain.
Initiatives The Catalan Audiovisual Council projects regarding Media Literacy are structured around four lines of action: Publications CAC School Awards Promotion of Research Co-regulation and self-regulation
Initiatives - Publications White Paper: Education in the Audiovisual Environment (published in 2003) -The aim was to diagnose the issue and propose the most suitable treatment in order to correct any dysfunctions detected. Quaderns del CAC, extraordinary number. November 2003 In collaboration with Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Initiatives - Publications White Paper: Education in the Audiovisual Environment - The text provides 20 conclusions resulting from the analysis carried out previously. The proposals are structured around knowledge and research; information, training and education; production and dissemination; involvement; and regulation and self-regulation. - A justification and goals are provided for each area, presenting the key fields, proposed lines of action and some specific initiatives.
Initiatives - Publications Education in audiovisual communication (published in 2006) - Establishes a basis both for: • criteria on which this education should be based • dimensions that must be taken into account Quaderns del CAC, 25. May-August 2006 In collaboration with Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Initiatives - Publications Education in audiovisual communication - Defines the concept of competence in audiovisual communication as “the individual’s capacity to interpret and analyse, based on critical reflection, audiovisual images and messages and to express oneself with minimum correction in the communicative sphere” - Analyzes the most successful experiences carried out in the most outstanding countries in the subject.
Initiatives - Publications Education in Audiovisual Communication: perspectives and proposals for action in Catalonia Text developed by the Forum for Audiovisual User Organisations in December 2004 - A systemised approach to the problems regarding education in audiovisual communication (EAC).
Initiatives - Publications How to watch TV? (2005) Didactic guide for teachers with activities addressed to primary and secondary school students Volume 1: Fiction Volume 2: News programmes Volume 3: Advertising Volume 4: Talk Show, Sports, Contests and other formats In collaboration with Universitat Pompeu Fabra How to watch TV? 2005 4 volumes and DVD
Initiatives – CAC School Awards (since 2003) Purpose: to use the CAC’s knowledge to complement the education in communication and, specially, to promote from the schools the critical reading of the audiovisual languages. Participants: Category A: Primary and secondary school students (from 3 to 18 years old) Category B: Teachers
Initiatives – CAC School Awards The participation increases year after year and so does the quality of the projects. Last edition (2009 – 2010): 64 projects in category A and 27 in category B.
Initiatives – I week of education in audiovisual communication (April 2010) 2700 students and 318 teachers took part. Aim: to bring up critical, educated and active citizens related with new screens and new ways of accessing to the knowledge. There were 114 workshops for students in Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona. In collaboration with Department of Education of Generalitat de Catalunya and Fundació La Caixa.
Initiatives – Promotion of Research CAC grants for research projects into audiovisual communication To open to projects about audiovisual communication, in the wide sense of the concept. Some of the projects that received grants deal with Education in Audiovisual Communication. I.e.: - A strategy for the media literacy in YouTube (by Carmen Echazarreta) - The documentary as an educative tool (by Ramon Breu)
Initiatives – Co-regulation and Self-regulation The Catalan Audiovisual Council believes in co-regulation and self-regulation as a necessary way to improve the quality of media contents. Since its beginning, CAC draws general guidelines and recommendations to broadcasters and media users about items related to media. These recommendations are also a useful tool when it comes to Education in Audiovisual Communication.
Initiatives – Co-regulation and Self-regulation Up to now CAC has drawn up a list of recommendations referred to the media treatment on immigration, personal tragedies, drugs, anorexia and bulimia, gender violence, about the quality of the electoral information, trash television, on toy advertisements on television…
Initiatives – Co-regulation and Self-regulation Recommendations referred to the media treatment on anorexia and bulimia include some advices for the users of media: • Fathers and mothers should encourage the critical spirit in front of media, specially, in front of asthetic canon of extreme slimness among childhood, adolescence and youth, because these are considered the risk group. • People who suffered a disorder of feed conduct and their family, professional associations that fight against them, have to denounce to the authorities any treatment not correct for this illness or an abuse from publicity and media.
Partnerships With the intention of promoting Media Literacy, Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) interacts with: • Universities • Civil society • Administration
Working lines CAC assumes Media Literacy as a basic working line for the future. Following the Directive 2007/65/CE, CAC working lines are related to: To promote research to establish criteria for assessing Media Literacy and analytical skills for a better understanding of digital media. To measure competence levels on Media Literacy.
Working lines To promote awards (CAC School). To promote a debate in conferences and other public events on the inclusion of Media Literacy.
Working lines New General Law of Audiovisual Communication (Law 7/2010, 31st March) refers to media literacy in some articles: • Art. 6.4: Public powers and audiovisual communication operators should contribute to media literacy of citizens. • Art. 47.1.o): To watch for the promotion of media literacy in audiovisual area with the aim to encourage the acquisition of the maximum competence in media from the citizens.
Working lines • Art. 47.2.f): Elaborate an annual report about the level of media literacy, following indicators of measure used by the European Commission u other indicators that the own State Council of Audiovisual Media consider interesting.