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Sheila KellEy & Alison Brooks. Organization Background. “Arts in Motion” is a non-profit music and performing arts school in Rainier Valley.
Sheila KellEy & Alison Brooks
Organization Background “Arts in Motion” is a non-profit music and performing arts school in Rainier Valley. Their mission is to “foster artistic creativity and personal development through quality arts instruction, performance opportunities and community involvement, without regard to age, gender, artistic aptitude or ability to pay.”
Arts in Motion Staff Executive Director: Denise Executive Assistant: Dever General Assistant: Larry Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator: Charlotte Fundraising Assistant: Joy Office Manager: Sheila Office Assistant: Brittany 11 Faculty Members that teach classes 2 Consistent Volunteers IT consultant last came in May of 2011
Hardware, Software, Network & Databases Front Desk Computer and Dever & Denise’s office computers are Dell’s with Windows 7 operating systems. Larry’s office computer is a Mac with an older operating system. Everyone uses Microsoft Excel and Access All company files are kept on front desk computer’s hard drive, disk C. All office computers are networked to the shared drive except for laptops. Donor database that uses CRM software, but is not readily accessible to the staff members.
Uses of IT at Arts In Motion • Access database has 37 tables, 12 queries, 1 form, and 70 reports. • It is all inclusive what it is used for. • Class & faculty scheduling, client database, raw data for grants &research, and information for mailers & outreach. • Donor database has a CRM component • However it lacks vital information such as last names, what they contacted them for, etc. • All systems are underutilized due to lack of proper training and disorganization when it comes to IT
Problems Immense amount of reliability is placed on volunteers who lack proper training. There is no specific IT employee. There is no IT manual or best practices handbook. No consistent training for staff or volunteers. Difficult to police because director isn’t here from open to close. There is often a duplication of files because staff won’t save everything back onto the shared folder.
Value Placed on Information • Personal information of students and employees is extremely important. • Payroll and account info. • Student’s personal and family info. • Schedules are crucial to daily operation.
Information Security • They have a firewall that was last updated in March of 2011. • They cannot access the server remotely. • Makes it difficult for volunteers and grant writers. • They do not encrypt or decrypt any info. • Their external hard drive contains all backed up information and is stored in the directors office. • Confidentiality agreements are signed by all employees.
Past Security Concerns/How they are dealt with Once a former employee hacked into Denise’s email and moved/deleted files. They were trying to cover up their tracks of doing something unlawful per employee contract, on company time. The director changed the passwords and admin controls to prevent reoccurrence.
Potential Security Concerns • Lack of proper protocol. • All cash, checks, and credit info is locked up until Saturdays. • Numbers written down, then later are scribbled out once accounts have been charged. • Only 5 keys to the cabinet are given out to staff members. • Alaina (volunteer) does not process until Saturday. • Lack of policies covering information security. • This has resulted in layoffs due to territorial employees. • And issues where employees who worry about workplace information security cause problems for others.
Recommendations • Remote server access by passwords. • This would allow for telecommuting ease • So Dever and Denise could work from home sometimes. • Files should be saved only to the shared server, not just the individual computers to prevent file duplication. • Files are often grabbed from server, worked on desktop but never backed up to the server, which is problematic. • The organization of hard drive needs to be much clearer so everybody knows what to use.
Recommendations continued… • Hire someone who deals with fixing and implementing IT related issues and policies. • Store information offsite. • Board of Directors • Cloud Computing • Have different security clearances for staff members and volunteers. • Make sure all data is stored on the shared folder so that there is no hording of information that should be public. • Have daily deposit runs, or invest in a system to handle the money to reduce lag time. • Mandatory training on how to use databases properly so that information is inclusive and helpful.
Analysis Nature of the non-profit focuses on the mission instead of business. Information is the foundation and needs to be recognized for changes to be effective.