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Infancy Attachment. Week 7. Infancy – Piaget’s Sensory Sub-stages. Reflexive schemes / Esquemas reflexivos (0- 1 mos.) - Centering around the infant’s own body …(sucking, rooting & grasping)
InfancyAttachment Week 7
Infancy – Piaget’s Sensory Sub-stages • Reflexive schemes / Esquemasreflexivos(0- 1 mos.) - Centering around the infant’s own body…(sucking, rooting & grasping) 2) Primary circular reactions / Reaccionescircularesprimarias(1- 4 mos.)- Repeated movements, centering around infant’s body & objects…by chance 3) Secondary circular reactions / Reaccionescircularessecundarias(4-8) - Infants repeat actions that include objects in their environment; focus on reactions from the object & reactions of other’s in the environment… 4) A child’s ability to relate 2 actions/ Capacidadde relacionarse 2 acciones(8-12 mos.) Intentional behavior…moving Piaget’s hand out of the way to get a desired object.
(Bowlby )Attachment/Fijación (Apego) • The emotional bond between an infant and their primary caregiver…Es unarelaciónemotiva y social queperdura Phases of attachment/ Fases de Fijación (Apego) Phase 1:Indiscriminate Social Responsiveness/ Reaccion Social Indistinto Phase 2:Discriminate Social Responsiveness/ Respuesta Social Discriminado
Phase 3:Focused Attachment/ Fijación (Apego) Enfocado • Attachment is connected to an infant’s emotional & physical development…el apegoesrelacionado a el desarrolloemotivo y físico. • Wariness of strangers/ Cuidado o miedo de extraños-infant will cry and retreat to the mother in the presence of a stranger. • Separation protest (anxiety)/ Protesta la separación- the infant will cry & look for the mother when they are separated.