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scan the environment of tourism marketing. Learning objectives. 1 Identify the concept of tourism marketing environment and its components, put the SWOT theory into practice; 2 Analysis the environment of a company , to make use of its advantage and avoid its risk ;. Think and practice:
Learning objectives • 1 Identify the concept of tourism marketing environment and its components, put the SWOT theory into practice; • 2 Analysis the environment of a company , to make use of its advantage and avoid its risk ;
Think and practice: • Case study : The marketing environment of KFC
[KNOWLEDGE reserve] • Tourism marketing environment
concept • The market environment is a marketing term and refers to all of the forces outside of marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers.
A business does not function in a vacuum(处于真空). It has to act and react to what happens outside the factory and office walls. These factors that happen outside the business are known as external factors or influences. These will affect the main internal functions of the business and possibly the objectives of the business and its strategies.
Consists • The market environment consists of both the macroenvironment and the microenvironment. The microenvironment refers to the forces that are close to the company and affect its ability to serve its customers. It includes the company itself, its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics.
Internal Environment microenvironment • The company aspect of microenvironment refers to the internal environment of the company. This includes all departments, such as management, finance, research and development, purchasing, operations and accounting. Each of these departments has an impact on marketing decisions.
For example, research and development have input as to the features a product can perform and accounting approves the financial side of marketing plans and budgets.
The suppliers of a company are also an important aspect of the microenvironment because even the slightest delay in receiving supplies can result in customer dissatisfaction.
Marketing managers must watch supply availability and other trends dealing with suppliers to ensure that product will be delivered to customers in the time frame required in order to maintain a strong customer relationship.
Marketing intermediaries refers to resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries. These are the people that help the company promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers.
Resellers are those that hold and sell the company‘s product. They match the distribution to the customers and include places such as Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy. (百斯特) Physical distribution firms are places such as warehouses that store and transport the company's product from its origin to its destination.
姚明国庆后交大就读 知情人:学金融管理 不去课堂 • http://sports.sina.com.cn2011年09月26日11:19 青年报微博 • 姚明曾表示,学习是一辈子的事,对于他今后的事业与生活都非常重要。退役后姚明也曾请来老师求学,不过进入金秋10月,姚明将正式开始进入交通大学深造,只是姚明不会像之前的孙雯(微博)一样,与其他学生同堂听课,学生们要见姚同学一面依然很难。 • 本报记者 杨羡之 张逸麟 • 专业由姚明自己选择 • 对于何时前往交大读书,此前“姚之队”的负责人章明基曾表示,“肯定是在今秋,预计大概10月份左右。”近日,记者从交大相关知情人士处获悉,姚明此前确实已经与学校方面进行过沟通,目前已确定他将会在国庆节之后亲自前往交大,与相关领导洽谈就读的具体细节。
至于姚明将选择何种专业,该知情人则透露,“目前都还没有定,但从他那边最初传递过来的信息来看,应该是会读金融管理之类的内容。可以这么说,读什么专业和去哪个学院,主要还是尊重姚明自己的意愿,我们这边只会提供一个参考。”从这番话中不难看出,姚明这次读书,并不是学校选择他,反而是他“选择”学校。 至于姚明将选择何种专业,该知情人则透露,“目前都还没有定,但从他那边最初传递过来的信息来看,应该是会读金融管理之类的内容。可以这么说,读什么专业和去哪个学院,主要还是尊重姚明自己的意愿,我们这边只会提供一个参考。”从这番话中不难看出,姚明这次读书,并不是学校选择他,反而是他“选择”学校。 • 至于为何早早决定重返校园,专业却是始终悬而未决,记者通过了解也获悉,基础知识的匮乏是其中的重要原因之一。由于早早脱离系统教育而投入专业队训练,就连姚明自己也曾戏称,“我现在的水平大概就高中生的样子吧。”而此前章明基也表示,目前姚明正在接受专门老师的补课,“包括数学、人文科学等基础学科,都是一点点从最基本的开始。”虽然取得了一定的进步,但毕竟很多科目不是短时间内能够“一蹴而就”,这也便是姚明一直未对就读专业做出选择的原因。与此同时,由于前段时间在上海男篮(微博)选帅方面投入了巨大精力,本届亚锦赛又前往武汉负责解说,这些都是近期迟滞他入学专业选择的另外两个原因。
无缘见到同桌的姚 • 姚明即将前来就读,曾在9月初交大的校园内引起了热议。许多新生在入学之时,这个话题成为了彼此间相互寒暄熟识的重要“纽带”。就连一些学院的辅导员,在首次新生见面会上,都曾以此作为师生彼此间相互熟络的方式之一。“姚明什么时候来?会不会和我们一起上课?我们能不能向他要签名合影?”这些都成为了交大学生们的疑问。 • 不过,最终的结果却是要让他们失望了,因为,姚同学将不会出现在课堂之上。“有介于姚明的巨大影响力以及他本人的意愿,我们将会派遣老师上门为他单独授课,这是一开始就决定了的。”据知情人透露。按照学校方面的态度,考虑到姚明身份的特殊性,与一般学生一起在课堂上课显然不切实际,姚明更不希望让自己的名人效应影响学校正常授课。“基本上与刘翔、丁俊晖(微博)当初读书的方式差不多。”
不过,虽然就读方式与一般学生有别,但是拿到学位的“流程”却是无异。“他还是需要一门门修学分,也需要接受考试,四、六级英语测试同样必不可缺。”知情人说,“虽然他的身份特殊,但是只要作为交大学生中的一员,我们就不会在这些方面搞特殊化。”看来,姚同学要想今后顺利步出交大的校园,还需要花费大量的心血。不过,相较于他之前所言“我确实想好好学点东西充实自己”的初衷,这些对姚明而言应该不是大问题。 不过,虽然就读方式与一般学生有别,但是拿到学位的“流程”却是无异。“他还是需要一门门修学分,也需要接受考试,四、六级英语测试同样必不可缺。”知情人说,“虽然他的身份特殊,但是只要作为交大学生中的一员,我们就不会在这些方面搞特殊化。”看来,姚同学要想今后顺利步出交大的校园,还需要花费大量的心血。不过,相较于他之前所言“我确实想好好学点东西充实自己”的初衷,这些对姚明而言应该不是大问题。
External Environment • External EnvironmentMacro Environment: consist of larger societal forces that affect the entire microenvironment.
The following six forces making up the company's microenvironment. Demographic Economic Natural Technological Political Cultural Forces
Demographic is the study of the characteristics of human populations. Age structure, Shifting family profiles, Geographic population shifts, A better educates and more white collar, population and increasing diversity.
Economic Environment consists of factors that affect buying power and patterns More consumer concern for value Shifting consumer spending patternConsumers are seeking greater value just the right combination of good quality and service at a fair price.
Economic how the economy affects a business in terms of taxation, government spending, general demand, interest rates, exchange rates and European and global economic factors.
The natural of environment show three major trends: • Shortage of certain raw materialsHigher pollution levels • Government intervention in natural resource management
Technology Environment Rapid pace of technological change High R&D budgets Concentration by companies on minor product improvement Increased government regulationCompanies that fail to keep up with technological change will miss out on(错失了,错过机会) new product and marketing opportunities
Political Environment consists of laws, agencies, and groups that influence or limit marketing actions Increasing legislation regulating business Strong government agency enforcement Greater emphasis on ethics and socially responsible actions • E.g. changes in employment laws on working hours.
The cultural environment is make up of institutions and forces that affect a society's value, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors. • For instance, changes in attitude towards health, or a greater number of pensioners in a population. • Ethical what is regarded as morally right or wrong for a business to do? For instance should it trade with countries which have a poor record on human rights?
How companies can react to the marketing environmentCompanies can passively accept the marketing environment as an uncontrollable element to which they must adapt, avoiding threats and taking advantage of advantages
Changing External EnvironmentMarkets are changing all the time. It does depend on the type of product the business produces, however a business needs to react or lose customers.Some of the main reasons why markets change rapidly:
Customers develop new needs and wants. New competitors enter a market. New technologies mean that new products can be made. A world or countrywide event happens e.g. Gulf War or foot and mouth disease.
微观环境包括哪些因素? • 宏观环境包括哪些因素?
What is SWOT Analysis? • SWOT analysis is a basic, straightforward model that provides direction and serves as a basis for the development of marketing plans.
It accomplishes this by assessing an organizations strengths (what an organization can do) and weaknesses (what an organization cannot do) in addition to opportunities (potential favorable conditions for an organization) and threats (potential unfavorable conditions for an organization).
SWOT analysis is an important step in planning and its value is often underestimated despite the simplicity in creation. The role of SWOT analysis is to take the information from the environmental analysis and separate it into internal issues (strengths and weaknesses) and external issues (opportunities and threats).
Once this is completed, SWOT analysis determines if the information indicates something that will assist the firm in accomplishing its objectives (a strength or opportunity), or if it indicates an obstacle • that must be overcome or minimized to achieve desired results (weakness or threat) (Marketing Strategy, 1998).
Elements of SWOT Analysis • Strengths and WeaknessesRelative to market needs and competitors‘ characteristics, a manager must begin to think in terms of(打算做某事,计划做某事) what the firm can do well and where it may have deficiencies. Strengths and weaknesses exist internally within a firm, or in key relationships between the firm and its customers.
SWOT analysis must be customer focused to gain maximum benefit(最大利益), a strength is really meaningful only when it is useful in satisfying the needs of a customer. At this point, the strength becomes a capability (Marketing Strategy, 1998).
学生训练: “太阳黑子”是一家小型私营旅行社。该社已经营了12年并且拥有了一批忠实的顾客群,他们每年都要到该社预订假日旅游和接洽旅行安排。新顾客人数从去年开始下降,旅行社经理把这一现象归因于他们负担不起在当地报纸刊登广告的昂贵费用。该公司在为顾客提供优质服务和满足个性需求方面享有良好的声誉。
SWOT分析 • 实力:已建立起来的公司;消费者的忠诚度;对客户的优质服务;满足顾客个性需求; • 弱点:没能吸引新客户;糟糕的广告;营业场所拥挤不堪; • 机遇:位于市中心;建设新购物中心的计划;当地政府的投资;公共交通设施的改善; • 威胁:来自多方面的竞争;高于竞争对手的价格;优秀员工的流失;所在地区日渐衰落。
案例: • 1977年,洛杉矶的斯坦福·布卢姆以25万美元买下西半球公司一项专利,生产一种名叫“米沙”的小玩具熊,用作1980年莫斯科奥运会的吉祥物。此后的两年里,布卢姆先生和他的伊美治体育用品公司致力于“米沙”的推销工作,并把“米沙”商标的使用权出让给58家公司。成千上万的“米沙”被制造出来,分销到全国的玩具商店和百货商店,十几家杂志上出现了这种带4种色彩的小熊形象。开始,“米沙”的销路很好,布卢姆预计这项业务的营业收入可达5000万到1亿美元。不料在奥运会开幕前,由于前苏联拒绝从阿富汗撤军,美国总统宣布不参加在莫斯科举行的奥运会。骤然间,“米沙”变成了被人深恶痛绝的象征,布卢姆的赢利计划成了泡影。
讨论: • “米沙”失败的原因?