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Hadiah Nobel & Kreativiti Sains. scientist Hwang Woo-suk. The Abel Prize,Scandinavia Awards dan Fields Medal (matematik) The Archibald Award, Hugo Awards (pencapaian dalam penulisan sains fiksyen) The Booker Prize (penulisan novel bagi negara-negara Komenwel)
The Abel Prize,Scandinavia Awards dan Fields Medal (matematik) The Archibald Award, Hugo Awards (pencapaian dalam penulisan sains fiksyen) TheBooker Prize (penulisan novel bagi negara-negara Komenwel) The Pulitzer Prize Winner (pencapaian tahunan dalam bidang kewartawanan, drama dan muzik yang diberikan oleh Universiti Columbia sejak 1917) Polar Music Prize (pencapaian dalam bidang muzik) The Longitude Prize (pencapaian dalam bidang maritim) The Lasker Medical research Awards (pencapaian dalam penyelidikan perubatan) The Orteig Prize (pencapaian dalam bidang aeronautic) The Pritzker Prize (pencapaian dalam seni bina) The Crafoord Prize (pencapaian dalam astronomi, biosains, geosains, matematik) The Catherine Wolfe Bruce Medal (pencapaian dalam astronomi) The Wolf Prizes (pencapaian dalam bidang umum) The Turing Award (pencapaian dalam bidang sains computer) The Wollaston Medal (pencapaian dalam bidang geologi) The Rolf Schock Prizes (logic, falsafah, matematik dan muzik) The Gregori Aminoff Prize (crystallography) The Templeton Prize (pencapaian dalam bidang agama) The Schock Prize (pencapaian dalam bidang logic, falsafah, matematik, lukisan dan seni muzik) The Millennium Technology Prize (pencapaian dalam bidang teknologi) The Right Livelihood Awards (hadiah Nobel alternatif dalam enam bidang) The Astrid Lindgren memorial Award (pencapaian dalam kesusteraan remaja dan kanak-kanak) Malcolm Baldrige Award (pencapaian kualiti dalam organisasi) Innovative Pionner Award (inovasi dan reka cipta) The ASEAN Scince and Technology Awards (pencapaian sains dan teknologi) Hadiah & Ganjaran
Kreativiti Saintifik “…memerihalkan tentang penemuan, reka cipta dan inovasi yang diperolehi oleh individu @ kelompok individu dalam R&Dnya. KS berkait rapat dengan bagaimana proses LOGIK, Genius (kepintaran), Peluang (chance), model mental (imaginasi, serendipity etc) dan Zeitgeist (persekitaran) merangsang, mendorong saintis dalam menjalankan penyelidikan” Dean Keith Simonton (2004)
“Scientific creativity tends to be fostered by philosophical systems that stress empiricalism, materialism, individualism and determinism…”
Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833 – 1896) “sekiranya saya mendapat seribu idea setahun dan hanya satu yang berhasil saya telah berpuahati”
Biografi ringkas… • Lahir pada 21 Oktober 1833, Stockholm, sweden • Bapa seorang jurutera • Dibesarkan di Sweden dan Rusia • Meminati bidang kimia, fizik dan kesusasteraan • Memiliki 90 kilang di 20 buah negara • Menandatangani wasiat pada 27 November 1895 • Memperoleh 355 paten • Meninggal dunia pada 10 Disember 1896
Hadiah Nobel:Sepintas Lalu… • 6000 penyertaan setiap tahun; 400 disenaraipendek • Borang pencalonan mesti dihantar sebelum 31 Januari • Februari – Oktober penilaian dibuat oleh jawatankuasa • Pemenang akan diraikan sebelum dan selepas hari penyampaian hadiah • 10 Disember hari penyampaian pingat, diploma dan ucap utama di Sweden dan Norway di Stockholm Concert Hall
Fakta Hadiah Nobel • Bermula pada 1901 (103 tahun) • Hadiah disampaikan pada 10 Disember setiap tahun • 735 pemenang individu & organisasi • Hadiah bernilai USD1 juta (RM3.8 juta) • Pemenang berumur purata 40-an (termuda 25 & tertua 87) • Ada pemenang yang menolak hadiah nobel
6 Kategori Hadiah Nobel • Fizik • Kimia • Perubatan & Fisiologi (Institut Karolinska) • Kesusasteraan (Swedish Academy) • Keamanan (Jawatankuasa Parlimen Norway) • Ekonomi (Swedish National Bank) The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
”When the Nobel Prize is awarded, no “short list’ of top candidates is ever announced. The decision is final. Glaring mistakes or omissions have been made, but no award is ever reversed or altered, even disputes inside the committees occasionally erupt into public sight”
“ But new or old, the Nobel Prize still outrages them all. It was the first important regular prize to include not only the arts and sciences but politics in the form of “peace”. It was international prize” (Feldman, 2000)
“A Laureate is a person honored for high achievement in a particular field. A nobel laureate is someone who awarded the Nobel Prize”.
Isotop, sebatian akrilik, hormon seks, vitamin C, vitamin B, penghabluran enzim, sintesis amonia, teknologi polimer tinggi, kimia makromolekul, DNA, RNA, fuleren, molekul hidrokarbon, NMR, sinar X, radioaktif spontan, optik jitu, spektoskopi sinar X, teori kuantum, teori relativiti, neutron, sinaran kosmik, positron, magnet proton, fizik tekanan tinggi, kebuk awan wilson, teori meson, struktur spektrum hidrogen, semikonduktor, kesan transistor, antiproton, elektrodinamik kuantum, fizik zarah asas, pengembangan holografi, meson psi, fizik suhu rendah, zarah kuasi, zarah w dan z, kesan Hall terkuantum, tau lepton, neutrino, penyerakan neutron, proton sel dan asid nukleik, gerakbalas alergi, imunisasi, elektrokardiograf, vitamin K, penisilin, kitar krebs, metabolisme gula, vaksin demam kuning, kromosom dan keturunan, perkembangan embrio, kod genetik, persepsi tampak dll…….
“…there can be no creativity if a product is not strongly rooted in the past, because in order for audience to even understand the product, we must have some frame of reference, and this can only be supplied by the past. Without some sort of reference to the past, there would be no coherence: The product would make no sense to us”.Bailin (1984)
“Nobel laureates are people who have done extraordinary things. They are noted for their discoveries, inventions and improvements to the existing way of life. This requires CREATIVITY. CREATIVITY helps in extraordinary efforts by looking for new ways of doing things. It improves the present way of doing things”Ulf Larsson (2004)
Sublime creativity Specific Creativity
“creativity denotes a person’s capacity to produce new or original ideas, insights, inventions or artistic products which are accepted by experts as being of scientific, aesthetic, social or technical value’Vernon (1989)
“Nobel prize winners are proudly and greedily claimed by their nations, universities, hometowns, political causes, professional organizations and any interested parties” (Lee, 2002)
Universiti Chicago, US (77 pemenang) Universiti Columbia, US (71 pemenang) MIT, US (56 pemenang) Universiti Harvard, US (40 pemenang) Kolej Trinity, US (31 pemenang) Universiti John Hopkins, US (30 pemenang) Universiti Caltech, US (28 pemenang) Universiti Cambridge, UK (80 pemenang) Universiti Manchester, UK (21 pemenang) Kolej Imperial, UK (4 pemenang) Universiti Oxford, UK (24 pemenang) Hadiah Nobel & Kecemerlangan Universiti
“School claims any piece of a laureate they can. If the laureate studied there, studied there, taught there, did some research there, or somehow affiliated, plaques or bronze scroll or even oil portraits are apt school’s reputation can rise or fall thereby”.(Feldman, 2000)
Universiti Utrecht, Jerman (12 pemenang) Universiti Sorbonne, Perancis (7 pemenang) Universiti Zurich, Switzerland (3 pemenang) Universiti Leiden, Belanda (3 pemenang) Universiti Helsinki, Findland (1 pemenang) Universiti Nagoya, Jepun (1 pemenang) Universiti Vienna, Austria (2 pemenang) Universiti Culcutta, India Universiti Moscow, Rusia (2 pemenang) Universiti Kebangsaan Australia (1 pemenang) Universiti Rom, Itali(1 pemenang) Universiti Madrid, Sepanyol(1 pemenang) Universiti Eropah & Asia
“One thing is certain: The creative age is a wide open game. No single country or region had a lock on it. While many assume that the United states has an unbeatable edge, its position is more tenous than commonly thought. The U.S certainly has many assets with which to compete. Over the past century and a half, it built the most powerful and dynamic economy in the world, and it did so largely by building creative strength: by eagerly fostering the birth of new industries, by maintaining a free and open society, by making massive investments in creativity (such as in higher education, scientific research and culture) and most of all, by drawing waves of enegetic, intelligent people from all over the world” (Florida, 2004)
Amerika Syarikat (270 pemenang) United kingdom (100 pemenang) Jerman (77 pemenang) Perancis (49 pemenang) Switzerland (15 pemenang) Sweden (17 pemenang) Rusia (12 pemenang) Belanda (13 pemenang) Denmark (9 pemenang) Itali (14 pemenang) Kanada (10 pemenang) Jepun (9 pemenang) Belgium (5 pemenang) Norway (3 pemenang) Argentina (2 pemenang) India (3 pemenang) China (2 pemenang) Afrika Selatan (2 pemenang) Taiwan (1 pemenang) Burma (1 pemenang) Tibet (1 pemenang) Austria Sepanyol Vietnam Hadiah Nobel & Kecemerlangan Negara
Amerika Syarikat dan negara-negara Eropah mendahului negara-negara lain. Laporan The Sutton Trust menyatakan sejak 1970 rakyat Amerika Syarikat memenangai 48% daripada keseluruhan penerima hadiah Nobel. Ini diikuti oleh Britain (14%), Jerman (12%), Negara-negara Eropah Eropah seperti Switzerland, Itali, Austria, Hungary, Sepanyol, Norway, Belgium, Belanda, Sweden (22%), Jepun (1%), negara-negara lain seperti Vietnam, Burma, India, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Kanada, Afrika Selatan dan sebagainya (2%).
Kepintaran Pengetahuan Pembolehubah Kemahiran teknikal Kognitif Domain khusus Faktor politik-agama Pembolehubah Faktor budaya Persekitaran Faktor sosioekonomi Faktor pendidikan Motivasi dalaman Pembolehubah Keyakinan Personaliti Non-conformity Sifat-sifat kreatif H.J Eysenck (1970) Pencapaian KREATIVITI TINGGI
Motivasi “Studies of personalities of highly creative people have described them as being totally absorbed in and devoted to their work and people who doing what they loved were more creative in their pursuits”. Collins dan Amabile (1999)
Masa “As in any field, one has to be creative. You don’t solve problem unless you spend a lot of time on it. Nothing comes easily, and creators in the sciences and mathematics domains work very hard and have will to succeed” (Piirto, 2004)
Kepintaran Kognitif • memiliki memori yang baik dalam matematik dan sains • memiliki kebolehan menyelesaikan masalah dan kadang-kadang memiliki kebolehan intuitif untuk memperoleh penyelesaian • mempunyai kemampuan untuk menganalisis proses taakulan sains • kebolehan mencipta masalah dan menyelesaikannya
“…is that highly intelligent people are more likely to be creative than are people with lower intelligence”. Nickerson & Perkins (1999)
“Intelligence determines the upper limits of a person’s ability to obtain and store information without actually being itself part of creativity. The degree of creativity depends upon the amount of novelty created in the processing of the information made available by intelligence”. Cropley (2003) “At some point in their lives, each of these individuals discovered the most important key to creativity. They actively used their imaginations to go beyond their knowledge”.Gamez (2000)
Persekitaran Kreatif • Tokyo • Vienna • Paris • Cambridge • Berkeley • Chicago • CERN • Pasteur Institute • Basel Institute of Immunology • Budapest • Makmal Bell
“The right milieu is important in more ways than one. It can affect the production of novelty as well as its acceptance; therefore, it is not surprising that creative individuals tend to gravitate toward centres of vital activity, where their work has the chance of succeeding”. Csikszentmihalyi (1996)
Model Mental (The Prepared Mind) • “subconscious”; “unconscious” “spontaneous”“unexpected” PERSEDIAAN IMAGINASI TINDAKAN PEMBANGUNAN EUREKA MOMENT!
‘“The Role of Chance in Discovery” • “insights of genius” • “the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident”. • “Creative scientists are not passive recipients of the unexpected, but actively create the conditions for discovering the unexpected and have a robust mental toolkit that makes discovery possible”
Domain Spesifik Kebolehan sintetik Kebolehan analitikal 1. Hasil kerja & domain pengetahuan khusus 2. Penemuan baru 3. Pengiktirafan sosial Kebolehan praktikal 3 2 Komponen Sternberg (1990) 1
PERSEKITARAN kepakaran PERSEKITARAN Motivasi kreativiti Kemahiran Amabile (1999)
Umur & Produktiviti produktiviti saintifik seseorang saintis akan bermula pada awal usia 20-an dan akan semakin perlahan pada usia awal 40-an. Ahli Botani dan pakar wabak sangat produktif pada usia awal 30-an. Ahli bacteria, fisiologi, patologi dan saintis perubatan am sangat produktif pada usia lewat 30-an. Ahli kimia pula berada pada tahap kemuncaknya pada lewat 20-an. Ali matematik dan fizik berada pada tahap kemuncak pada usia awal 30-an. Manakala ahli geologi dan ahli astronomi sangat produktif pada usia lewat 30-an. Menurut kajian yang dijalankan oleh Simonton menunjukkan saintis yang produktif pada awal usia 20-an akan terus menghasilkan penemuan saintifik. Mereka juga sangat aktif menerbitkan artikel, menghasilkan buku, monograf dan kertas saintifik.
Mentor “One of the most common features about the research careers of Nobel laureates is that many have worked at some point under former of future Nobel laureate or with someone closely associated with laureate” Hargitaii (2002)