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All American Citizen Team

All American Citizen Team. To Protect Children By Uniting Sovereign People In Self-Government. For more information contact: Joel Aaron Foster 678-910-3101 rufocused@gmail.com. All American Citizen Team. The Big Question:

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All American Citizen Team

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  1. All American Citizen Team To Protect Children By Uniting Sovereign People In Self-Government For more information contact:Joel Aaron Foster678-910-3101rufocused@gmail.com

  2. All American Citizen Team • The Big Question: • What if Americans knew as much about citizenship as we do about football? • Ben Franklin’s Challenge: • “…a Republic, madam, if you can keep it.” Talking about Democracy in a Republic is like playing football with basketball rules.

  3. History 1215 . 1776 1972 1996 1517 1787 1980 2008 1780 OUR REPUBLIC WALK B.C. A.D. Republic Teamwork Principles Defined Code of Hammurabi Magna Carta Liberatum of English Subjects Declaration of 56 Delegates Resolution of 56 Senators & 180 Representatives Resolution 529 of Georgia Senate Theses of Martin Luther Constitution of 39 Founders Treaty of 14 Officials • In 1787, the Founders of the American Republic ratified the U.S. Constitution. • The Constitution embodied 4,000 years of thinking on human relational understanding. • The All American Citizen Team is a project of Our Republic Walk, an exercise in active citizen engagement based on the principles developed over this history

  4. Meaning Why Now • The preamble to every State Constitution and to the U.S. Constitution call all citizens to exercise REPUBLIC teamwork principles • Cultural Climate • Technological Capability • Near Universal Access

  5. The Need • In 1972, the Georgia General Assembly enacted the Stop Drugs at the Source Resolution • The Stop Drugs at the Source Petition Campaign was a nationwide movement to protect children from the impact of illicit drugs • The campaign secured over 3 million signatures and government officials signed the Stop Drugs at the Source Treaty The Problem The Solution Our Republic Walk A family-to-family, community-to-community, national exercise in self-government • The campaign addressed a peripheral issue in society • The fundamental issue is a lack of CIVIC LITERACY • All citizen actions to date have operated with the same flaw • The 1st Amendment grants citizens the right to express, assemble and petition but this is NOT self-governance To be ignorant and free was and never will be Thomas Jefferson --------------- We shall require a new way of thinking if mankind is to survive. Albert Einstein

  6. The System Shift The Seven Community Pillars • To move from problem to solution requires a system shift • In order to function in the most healthy way possible as a person, society or organization and fulfill the original intent of our founding documents, as a nation we must move from a COMPETITIVE mindset to a COLLABORATIVE one. O O O O O O O Education Business Government Law Enforcement Religion Service Organizations Media

  7. The System Shift Current System Founders’ Intended System Our Republic Walk Our Democracy Race • We believe our system is a Democracy • Competitive • Race – very little thought/reactive • Matter – motivated by materialism • Founders’ established a Constitutional Republic • Collaborative • Walk – measured/responsive • Mind – motivated by proper intention

  8. The System Shift The shift is achieved when each pillar resolves to engage and work as a team Subject-minded Citizens Sovereign Citizens Passive Members of Society Active Members of Society Ignorant Gamblers in Business Intelligent Investors in Business Our Republic Walk Characteristics Neutral Contributors to an Organization Gracious Patrons of a Mission Our Democracy Race Characteristics Disconnected Employees Engaged Employees Conspicuous Consumers Content Producers Field of Study Actors Field of Study Mentors

  9. Teamwork Principles O O O X O O O Form Position Rules Language O Commitment O O Representation Reconciliation

  10. Team Builders & Members The Seven Community Pillars O O O O O O O Education Business Government Law Enforcement Religion Service Organizations Media Teams from each pillar use the form, position, rules and language of the Republic form of government The team members and team builders bring commitment, representation and reconciliation Teaching the 7 Team Principles will bring about Civil Literacy

  11. Activating a Movement • The Question: How do we ENGAGE and MOVE from • a competitive “matter”-based society • To a collaborative Republic Team “mind”-based society? • The Answer: We activate a movement by • Using the language and rules of Teamwork • Communicating with the right words and with reconciled numbers

  12. Tools for Communication Correct words with correct definitions A plan that invites teams from all community sectors A map that tracks reconciled, escalating numbers Numbers = Momentum = Commercial Viability How do we ignite and drive this movement? The Children

  13. Fueling a Movement! • Why Children? • Children are able to learn a new system FASTER • Children are apolitical • Children are most able to be drivers because the only fuel they need is RECOGNITION • How do we provide the Fuel? • Media = Fuel Pump + Recognition = Fuel

  14. Promotion Phase ServiceOrganiz. LawEnforcement Education Business Government Religion Media Initiated by Engaging the 7 Community Pillars Each community has 7 pillars that must be engaged for the purpose of empowering a united (interconnected) sovereign people for self-government. All other pillars are engaged to supplement the EDUCATION sector where students are driving the process and MEDIA is fueling the process. Student Recognition Process…

  15. Promotion Phase • Media Recognition for K-12 Students • Individual educators design curricula or incorporate existing curricula • Course/project syllabus includes the student working with the family to design an All American Citizen Team webpage (can use free services like MySpace, Facebook, etc.) for the purpose of • Virtual show & tell projects • Upload weekly video/audio journals • Describe what it’s like to engage in self-governance • Each student’s family page will be linked to the school’s page and vice versa • The Goal for Students • The school projects help students and their families discover the story of how their cities were founded and how their communities developed as part of the city story • These projects provide the foundation for the annual city and county birthday celebrations

  16. Promotion Phase • Teacher curricula design raises questions about how we are defining civic literacy • The point is that we ARE ENGAGING the process of definition through a renewed interest in what it means to be civic literate "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people." -- John Adams “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” “I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.” – Thomas Jefferson

  17. The Online Map Path

  18. 4 Links of FUEL in the Media Chain Promotion PhasePremium Fuel - Outside Media

  19. Commercial Model for Corporate Citizenship • All commerce flows thru relational trade routes • The Commercial Model for the All American Citizen Team Project will be driven by the Market Economy of Mind philosophy • It will offer opportunities for companies to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility • The Goal: To protect children by uniting a sovereign people capable of self-government

  20. Commercial Model for Corporate Citizenship Step 1 – All American Citizen Team Commercial Bs contactsLobbyist (explains political benefit of system for elected Repres.) Step 2 – Lobbyist contacts Client (explains benefit of system to client and elect. Repres.) Step 3 – Client works through Lobbyist to introduce system to elect. Repres.) Step 4 – Lobbyist introduces Client to All American Citizen Team Commercial Bs Step 5 – All American Citizen Team Commercial Bs introduces Client to FUEL organization (Our Republic Walk Non-Profit) All Parties become Gracious Patrons and All American Citizen Team Members to protect all children everywhere forevermore!

  21. All American Citizen Team To Protect Children By Uniting Sovereign People In Self-Government I am honored to work with media professionals to provide this plan of action for media on behalf of Georgia General Assembly Resolutions (most recently GA SR 529) and we dedicate our efforts to all K.12 students, their families and their mutual associations. The following list includes many of these media professionals who have been involved in R&D and implementation. - Joel Aaron Foster

  22. Credits Commercial Media All American Citizen Team Partners Publishing ATLANTA BUSINESS MAGAZINE – Charlie Capperton, CEO Atlanta Journal Constitution – George V. R. Smith, Jack Spalding, Reg Murphy, Ferguson Rood, Voncile Hodges, Robert Akerman, Celestine Sibley, Gayle White et al; Reader’s Digest Magazine – Robert Wallace, Allen Rankin, DeWitt Wallace et al; Georgia Bulletin Newsletter – Thomas Donnellan, Theresa Gernazian, Noel Bertenshaw, Betty Motes, Michael Motes et al; The News-Reporter (Washington, GA) – Smythe Newsome, Susan Pope et al; 3M – Jim Imworl, Guy Shelley, Lew Lehr, John Lopez et al; Turner Broadcasting Systems – Ted Turner et al; Forsyth County News – Kristen Jeffries et al; Assoc. County Commissioners of GA – Hill Healan, Kay Morgareidge, Emory Greene, Guy Bufford, Manuel Maloof, Michael Bennett et al; GMANet.org – Jim Garrison, Bill Thornton, Terry Joyner, Edward B. Pope, Pug Mabry, Dub Johnson, George Isreal, Gary Peete, Ford Gravett, Maynard Jackson, Shirley Franklin et al; Ohio State Alumni Association – Chuck McMurray, Connie Wanstreet et al; and others. Broadcasting Salem Media of Georgia – Joel Aaron Foster WSB TV Atlanta – J. Leonard Riench, John Cone, Monica Person, et al; GA Association of Broadcasters – Bill Sanders et al; CNN – Ted Turner, Dee Woods, Bill Merrian; One of A Kind Films – Myles Berman WXIA TV Atlanta – Luke Greene, Hal Suit, Paul Crawley et al; CBS 46 TV Atlanta – Paul Raymond et al; WCCO TV Minnesota – Public Affairs mgr et al; Ron Handburg et al;  MN Broadcaster...Executive Director et al Minnesota Broadcasters Association – Ex Dir et al; ABC Radio, Inc – Paul Harvey, June Westguard et al; Funseekers.com – Ludlow Porch et al; and others. WCCO-TV – Ron Handburg et al;  MN Broadcaster – Executive Director et al For more information contact:Joel Aaron Foster678-910-3101rufocused@gmail.com

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