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This presentation provides an overview of the MARS 2011 Merit, Appraisal & Recognition Scheme. Learn about performance evaluation, rewards, and advancement opportunities at CERN. Find help and access the MARS 2011 EDH Form.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MARS 2011REFRESHER PRESENTATION HR presentations to staff members: 10 January 2011 – BE Auditorium Prévessin 11 January 2011 – Council Chamber 13 January 2011 – Kjell Johnsen Auditorium Classification & Remuneration Services, Organisation and Procedures Unit HR-SMC and HR-SPS – 10 January 2011 1

  2. Table of Content • Introduction • Why a performance evaluation scheme? • How and when is performace evaluated? • Where do I find help? • MARS 2011 EDH Form • MARS and CERN Competency Model (CCM) • Time for Questions


  4. 1.2 Introduction: What

  5. 1.3 Introduction: What What is rewarded at CERN? How is work evaluated? What are the rewards? How and when are they granted?

  6. 2.1 Why a performance evaluation scheme? • Opportunity to: • Give direction / Set objectives • Check that work is on the right track • Improve poor performance if necessary

  7. 2.2 Why a performance evaluation scheme? • Recommended! Performance Appraisal= opportunity for DIALOGUE between Staff and Supervisor • Not recommended!

  8. 2.3 Why a performance evaluation scheme? • Opportunity to • Recognize results • Grant Rewards • Career evolution • Evolving functions • Responsibilities • Promotion • Financial • Advancement (steps) • Awards

  9. 3.1 How is performance evaluated? • Review of PAST work: Reflection on Performance • Measurementassessing performance against agreed targets • Feedbackinformation to staff on performance + progress • Exchange of viewswhat happened? what support staff need? How to improve? • FUTURE objectives / Development / Improvement • New objectivesfor the year to come • Training needs • Actionswhat actions need to be carried out by staff + supervisor • AGREEMENT!

  10. 3.2 How is performance evaluated? Advancement • ADVANCEMENT • Annual procedure • Based on Performance • Non-meritorious • Meritorious • Particularly meritorious Promotion

  11. 3.3 How is performance evaluated? Advancement • PROMOTION • Not systematic! • Proposed in case of change of Functions • Level of Expertise • Level of Responsibilities Promotion

  12. 3.4 How is performance evaluated? Advancement • FINANCIAL AWARDS • Exceptional Services Award • Cash award (1000 - 5000 CHF) • Paid in lump-sum • Responsibility Award • Temporary additional responsibilities • Monthly allowance (5% - 10% salary) Promotion

  13. 3.5 When is performance evaluated?

  14. 3.6 MARS 2011 Calendar – provisional (pending SCC / CCP Approval end Jan. 2011)

  15. 4.1 Where Do I Find Help? https://cern.ch/hr-eguide/mars

  16. 4.2 Where Do I Find Help? MARS Coordinators & HRAs 16

  17. 4.3 Where Do I Find Help? HR Classification & Remuneration ? • Ariana Morris • Donia Grandclaude • Peter Berry • at your service! • Human Resources Department • Building 5, 1st floor • Offices 5-1-019 / 5-1-024 17

  18. Subjects Persons involved The e-MARS Report Routing of the Report Access to the Report Forward with Rights More information 5. MARS 2011 EDH Form 18

  19. 1. Persons involved & their Functions 19

  20. 2. The e-MARS Report General Personal and contractual data Hierarchy 2010 + 2011 I. Annual Interview Results and new objectives max. 5 new work objectives Supervisory objectives are back again! II. Assessment Appraisal of Supervisor(s) and GL(s) Staff member’s comments III. Proposals & Decisions DH’s performance rating, periodic advancement decision and other proposals DG’s decisions 20

  21. 3. Routing of the Report Creator sends SV 2010 signs (if still at CERN) SV 2011 signs (if <> SV 2010) GL 2010 signs (if still at CERN) GL 2011 signs (if <> GL 2010) Staff notified (comments possible within 10 working days) Wait status 15.7.: Distribution & End 21

  22. 4. Access to the Report (1) Depending on document status and user: Edition phase (report not yet sent) Staff edits Annual Interview part Supervisor edits Annual Interview part + SV Assessment box Supervisors signature phase Supervisors edit Annual Interview part + SV Assessment box Group Leaders signature phase Group Leaders edit GL Assessment boxes History information for report content available at each phase (tracked changes) 22

  23. 4. Access to the Report (2) Staff member signature phase Staff member can edit comments box and has read access to Interview and Assessment part Wait status Staff and SV have read access to Interview and Assessment part GL, DH, HRA, MARS Coordinator have read access to the whole report DH can edit comments field HRA can edit comments field on DG’s decisions Everytime MARS Coordinator can access all reports for his dep. and update hierarchy information and send the report backwards 23

  24. 5. Forward with Rights Can be used on sending and signing Grants forwardee access to the same fields as the signatory Always check “Re-sign after these approvals”, if not: complete delegation of responsibilities Should be used to involve another person with same/similar responsibilities Should never be used by staff member on sending the report after creation in order to involve SV (and/or GL), because …SV would not have access to his assessment fields …SV’s signature during the real routing would be skipped ...SV has automatically read and write access to the report during the edition phase, independently on the creator. Easy: Staff member communicates EDH doc.no. to SV! Therefore: use to be limited to SV and GL! 24

  25. 6. More information about e-MARS In the e-MARS report Help for each field Quick Reference Guide On the HR web site e-MARS FAQ MARS procedure Via your MARS Coordinator Via your HRA 25

  26. 6. MARS and CERN Competency Model (CCM) • Introduction of CCM in 2011 • Harmonizing career management • Driving performance and development of staff • Implementation in HR processes • MARS assessment • no changes in 2011 e-MARS form • modification scheduled for MARS 2012 exercise • Recruitment • Mid- and end- probation • LD to IC • Staff Communication and Training • Nov. 2010: Video message from Head of HR Department • Training for all staff throughout 2011 • more info: https://cern.ch/hr-info/competencies.asp 26

  27. Many Thanks!Now: Time for Questions 27

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