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A Very Important Day Vocabulary
enrich Part of Speech: verb (present tense) Syllables: 2 (en/rich) Definition: make better by adding something Food manufacturers sometimes enrich breakfast cereals by adding vitamins and minerals.
apologized Part of Speech: verb (past tense) Syllables: 4 (a/pol/o/gized) Definition: said one was sorry The friends apologized to each other after their argument because they felt sorry for hurting each others’ feelings.
obliged Part of Speech: verb (past tense) Syllables: 2 (o/bliged) Definition: cooperated; did a favor I am obliged to you for your generous hospitality.
certificate Part of Speech: noun Syllables: 4 (cer/tif/i/cate) Definition: document that states something is a fact Drivers must show their birth certificate as proof of their identity in order to get a license.
examiner Part of Speech: noun Syllables: 4 (ex/am/in/er) Definition: person who asks questions to test their knowledge The examiner said, “Students, you may now begin the AIMS test.”
petitioners Part of Speech: noun Syllables: 4 (pe/ti/tion/ers) Definition: people officially asking for something The petitioners waited in line at the courthouse to submit their requests.
resounded Part of Speech: verb (past tense) Syllables: 3 (re/sound/ed) Definition: echoed, filled a place with sound The schoolyard resounded with the laughter of children.