Secrets of the Multi-Level Millionaires: Ellie Undercover Documentary Research
Ellie Flynn goes undercover to investigate the online selling industry that targets women with the opportunity to earn a lot of money. The documentary discusses concerns about an industry which is very overlooked by regulators and mainstream media. Shows when it was last broadcasted on TV and what channel. Description of the documentary and how long it is. Links to related information to the documentary for the audience if they are interested in the topic of the documentary. Links and credits to the music that is used in the documentary.
Cross-cutting montage of videos. Repetition of the word ‘opportunity’ fading into a echoing effect. Eyeline match with Ellie and her computer screen. Audience gets insight into her mind and what she is looking at. Guitar instrumental sounds with computer/tv static sound effect. Tv static effect over EWS of city. Cross-cutting to black-screen with question on it. Montage of videos about ‘Younique’ with dark music underneath a voiceover. Cuts to people talking about the brand (‘fastest growing, direct selling company’). Over the shoulder shot. Graphic code matches the voiceover. Introduces what the documentary will be talking about. MS of Ellie talking about asking for work-from-home jobs on Facebook and discusses the language that people use and how it is all very similar.