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Explore the components of a valuable pre-instrumental music program including teaching contexts, learning outcomes, pedagogical principles, and methodological strategies. Reflect on historical, philosophical factors for an impactful music education.
Assignment 1 – additional information Written Report (60%) Topic: What comprises a worthwhile pre-instrumental music program? Details: In most instrumental and vocal music teaching situations, it is advisable for prospective students to delay starting individual lessons or group tuition until they have achieved requisite levels of physical and/or cognitive development. In such situations, it may be helpful for students to experience what may be termed “a pre-instrumental music program” that provides them with an understanding of and skills in general music concepts, aural perception, etc. Alternatively in some instrumental and vocal music teaching situations, there may be opportunities for concurrent teaching of general music concepts and aural perception which will complement individual or group instrumental / vocal tuition. Assignment word length: 3,000 words. Submission of the assignment: Your completed assignment is to be submitted via the LMS before the due date
Assignment 1 – additional information • Criterion (i) – to outline the context of, and circumstances relating to, a pre-instrumental music program • Possible questions to be addressed: • what is your teaching situation? – private studio, commercial music school, government primary school, independent P to 12 school, Steiner school, community arts program, etc. • what is the demographic of the students? – lower primary school students, prison inmates, adult learners, ethnic community members, retirees, asylum seekers, etc ... in the western suburbs, U3A class in the CBD, disabled adults, etc. • what is your instrument / voice, preferred musical style / genre, relevant special interest in music, any particular musical skills (e.g. Improvisation), preferred teaching focus (e.g. preparation for a specific instrument or instrumental group or general preparation) • what teaching resources are available? – instruments, computer and A/V equipment [interactive whiteboard], internet access, outdoor area, etc.
Assignment 1 – additional information • Criterion (ii) – to identify specific music learning outcomes to be achieved through the proposed pre-instrumental music program • Possible questions to be addressed: • is any music or extra-musical understanding, knowledge or skill to be assumed? • what musical concepts will be introduced to the students? • what kinaesthetic skills will be developed? how will these skills be transferred to instrumental music learning? • what aural perception skills will be developed in the students? • what notational skills will be developed to the students? • how will you assess student learning and evaluate your teaching? • what extra-musical outcomes do you intend to develop? • All of these points could be best stated as behavioural objectives.
Assignment 1 – additional information • Criterion (iii) – to outline the methodological principles, teaching techniques and learning strategies that would appropriate in developing a pre-instrumental music program for your instrument or voice • Possible questions to be addressed: • what pedagogical principles from the various methodologies (e.g. movable doh solmisation) considered would you use in your program? • what teaching techniques would you use? e.g. pitch handsigns to teach sol-fa, Ricci Adams’ web-based theory tutorials, etc. • what learning strategies / approaches would be employ? e.g. creating a sound picture, group concert and peer review of performances, self-directed experimenting with instruments, web-based information retrieval, particular games, vocal exercises, improvisation above drones, etc.
Assignment 1 – additional information • Criterion (iii) – continued • Possible questions to be addressed: • Give three examples of teaching activities. Specify learning goals, objectives, experiences (description of what students will do), outcomes (description of the excellent, good, fair, poor performance) and assessment for each activity. • Demonstrate your knowledge of the various methodological principles, teaching techniques and learning strategies encountered in weeks 1 to 8 of the course, ensuring that, where possible, the sources referred to are properly referenced.
Assignment 1 – additional information • Criterion (iv) – to reflect on and discuss how these relate to the various philosophical, historical, sociological and psychological factors that contribute to the provision of an effective pre-instrumental music education experience for young people • Possible questions to be addressed: • do the methodological principles, teaching techniques and learning strategies to be used reflect any continuity of practice from some of the historically significant philosophies? does this continued use conform with past practice? – e.g. is there significant transmissionist influence? • do the methodological principles, teaching techniques and learning strategies reflect relevant sociological and psychological aspects considered in the subject? – e.g. how have your learning activities taken account of cognitive developmental principles? • if your program aims to achieve extra-musical as well as musical outcomes, to what extent is the notion of transformationism represented?
Assignment 1 – additional information Criterion (v) – Evidence of reading / Use of appropriate terminology / Use of a consistent referencing style (APA 6th Edition) / Presentation in an appropriate literary style. Aside from ensuring correct referencing, please ensure that you thoroughly proof-read your assignment to ensure that it reads well, is logical in its format and that spelling and punctuation are correct.