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DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY. Windows GUI Programming with Win32 and MFC. by Emil Vassev. Feb 6, 2008. Windows Programming Model. :: Win32 API & MFC. Windows application? Examples? Win32 API ?
Windows Programming Model :: Win32 API & MFC Windows application? Examples? Win32 API ? • Application Programming Interface - the Windows programming interface; • Includes hundreds (over 2000) of functions that an application can call to perform various tasks such as creating a window, drawing a line, and performing file input and output. MFC ? • Microsoft Foundation Classes – a class library to work with Win32 API. Win32 & MFC
Windows Programming Model :: Introduction • Windows programming isevent-driven. Windows and its device drivers capture hardware events generated by user interaction and translates these events into messages that Windows programs can understand - Windows messages. • Windows stores these messages in data structures called message queues. • In a multitasking environment, messages are stored for each process in separate queues called application queues. Applications wait for messages related to user input. Win32 & MFC
WndProc Win32API Model • Win apps respond to events by processing messages sent by the OS. • Event - a keystroke, a mouse click, or a command for a window to repaint itself, etc. • The entry point for a Windows program is a function named WinMain() (not main()). • WndProc - the most important function (known as window procedure). Processes messages for the main window. Win32 & MFC
Win32 :: Window Procedure • A function that receives and processes all messages sent to the main window. • Every window object in Windows has a window procedure to respond to messages. • The system sends a message to a window procedure by passing the message data as arguments to the procedure. • WndProc() is the window procedure function we write to receive all input directed to our window. • Messages that we do not handle in WndProc() should be handled in a default way, i.e. we must call DefWindowProc() for them. Win32 & MFC
Win32 • CALLBACK function can be called by the OS. • Proc params: • hWnd - unique handle of the window; • message – unique ID; • wParam – data carried by the message; • lParam – more data; • Windows messages: • WM_COMMAND. • WM_PAINT. • WM_KEYDOWN. • WM_DESTROY Win32 & MFC
Win32 :: Windows Messages - I Over 140 predefined messages. • WM_DESTROY - sent if the user has closed the window. You should post a message telling windows to destroy the window as it is shown. • WM_COMMAND - sent when a menu item or an accelerator key is pressed. • WM_PAINT – sent when the window needs redrawing – i.e. when it’s created, maximized, brought to front etc. • WM_KEYDOWN – sent when a key is pressed. There is also a WM_KEYUP message. The wParam contains a virtual key code. Win32 & MFC
Win32 :: Windows Messages - II WM_MOUSEMOVE • Sent to the window when the mouse is moved over its surface area. • wParam indicates if a specific key or mouse button is held down. • The low word of lParam is the x position of the mouse and the high word is the y position. So to retrieve the position and button states: Win32 & MFC
Win32 :: WinMain – The Application Entry Point • Like main() in C/C++. • In this function: • we set up our application; • enter a loop that will continue until the application is closed. • Signatures: • hInstance - the instance handle that uniquely identifies the application running in Windows; • hPrevInstance - always NULL, so we can ignore it. • lpCmdLine – the command-line arguments. • nCmdShow – how the window should be shown to start with. • For example, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED and SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. Win32 & MFC
Win32 :: WinMain – Creating the Window • WinMain() calls the InitInstance() function to create the main window: Win32 & MFC
Win32 :: Create your First WIn32 Application • Use the Win32 App wizard: Win32 & MFC
Win32 :: Additional Reading Material and Code Samples • http://www.tenouk.com/cplusplusnmfc.html • theForger’s Win32 API Programming Tutorial http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/ Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: Visual C++ Application Build Process Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes VC++ Windows Application MFC Library Win32 API Computer Hardware :: Introduction The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)Library is: • A Hierarchy of C++ classes designedto facilitate Windows programming. • An alternative to using Win32API functions. • A Visual C++ Windows application can useeither Win32 API, MFC, or both: Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: Characteristics MFC Library: • Comprises about 200 MFC classes (versus more than 2000APIfunctions). MFC Hierarchy Chart. • Provides a framework upon which to buildWindows applications. • Is object oriented (arguably) - encapsulates most of the Win32 API in a setof logically organized classes. • Has the convenience of code reuse: • Many tasks common to all Windows apps areprovided by MFC. • Our programs can inherit and modify thisfunctionality as needed. • We don't need to recreate these tasks. • MFC handles many clerical details in Windowsprograms. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: Creating an MFC Application • The first task to be done in any MFC application is to create a window and the MFC application running that window. • MFC provides two important classes -CWinAppand CFrameWnd, which can be used to create a window & the application. • CWinAppprovides the application level functionalities. • CFrameWnd provides the functionalities related to GUI. • Both classes have their own message handling mechanisms, screen-drawing functions etc., • Both classes are derived from CCmdTarget which in turn is derived from CObject. • CCmdTarget is created with the capability to handle windows messages, which is referred as Message Maps. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: The Window • To create a useful frame window we create a class that derivesthe MFC class CFrameWnd. • We create the window by using the CFrameWnd::Create() function. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: The Application • A MFC Windows application starts at the WinMain() function. • This function is hidden by MFC, i.e. it is implemented by MFC for you. • The MFC program entry point is the member functionCWinApp::InitInstance()– compare to Win32 InitInstance(). Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: Message Maps • Message Maps are the way by which MFC handles the application messages. • Any class which is derived from CCmdTarget is a candidate for handling messages. • A Message Map is a table that associates messages with functions. • When an application receives a message, MFC will go through its Message Map and search for a corresponding message handler. • MFC has many predefined macros, which associate messages with your member function. Example: • The ON_WM_CLOSE macro associates the WM_CLOSE message with the OnClose() member function. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: Sample - The Modified Window Class Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: Implementing the Message Map - I We use only 5 additional macros for defining the Message Map. DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() • This tells the application that the class in which this is called is going to have a message map and handle messages. • A class can have only one message map. • A class will be eligible to execute a message map if it is derived from CCmdTarget or a class which is derived from CCmdTarget. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: Implementing the Message Map - II BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP & END_MESSAGE_MAP • The first macro takes two parameters - the class name which implements the message map and the base class for it. • It then is followed by the macros which represent messages - ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWNandON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN. • It is closed byEND_MESSAGE_MAP. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: Implementing the Message Map - III ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN & ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN • Theseare the macros which declares that the MFCTutorialWindow is going to handle left and right button clicks messages. • The functionsthat will handle those messages are OnLButtonDown() and OnRButtonDown(). • When there is any related click, the mentioned functions will be called automatically with the specific parameters. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes The relationship between a document and its view :: Documents and Views Usually, the MFC applications are far more complex. • They contain application and frame classes plus two other classes that represent the document (CDocument) and the view (CView). • The document-view architecture is the core of the MFC application framework and is based on the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: SDI and MDI • Single Document Interface (SDI) applications support just one open document at a time. • Multiple Document Interface (MDI) applications permit two or more documents to be open concurrently and also support multiple views of a given document. • Dialog-Based MFC applications. Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: MFC Paint Brush Application - I Win32 & MFC
MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes :: MFC Paint Brush Application - II • When the left mouse button is pressed down, the application stores the mouse pointer’s coordinates in the variable called m_StartPoint of type CPoint. • When the mouse button is released the mouse pointer’s coordinates are stored in the variable m_EndPoint of the same CPoint type. • The function CClientDC::MoveTo()is used for moving to a particular co-ordinate and CClientDC::LineTo() is used for drawing the line. • CClientDCis the device context that directs the outputs to the screen. There is a concept in windows programming, called Device Context in windows. This is used in conjunction with the outputs. Win32 & MFC
Next Lecture • Creating MFC Applications; • Dialogs; • Drawing - a sample application how to draw hexagons. Win32 & MFC
References • C++ & MFC, http://www.tenouk.com/cplusplusnmfc.html • CoderSource.net, “MFC Tutorial”,http://www.codersource.net/codersource_mfc_prog.html Win32 & MFC