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Explore the role of Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) in Africa, address skills gaps, financing policies, and recommendations for improving training environments.
ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa Session 2: Development of Post-Primary Education Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) in Africa Presenters: Lucia Wegner, OECD Development Centre André Komenan, consultant Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 20 February 2007
Tunisia Morocco Algeria Libya Egypt Mauritania Niger Mali Senegal Chad Sudan Eritrea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Burkina Faso Djibouti Guinea Nigeria Ethiopia SierraLeone Côte d'Ivoire Togo Central African Republic Ghana Liberia Cameroon Somalia Equatorial Guinea Uganda Congo Gabon Kenya Rwanda Dem.Rep. Congo Burundi Tanzania Angola Malawi Zambia Mozambique Zimbabwe Madagascar Namibia Botswana Swaziland Lesotho South Africa Scope of the AEO Report: 35 countries Cape verde Benin • Comparative, independent analysis • Special annual focus: • 2005: SMEs • 2006: Transport • 2007: Water and sanitation • 2008: Technical & vocational skills development • Launched on May 11, Annual Meeting AfDB AEO 2008 Sao Tome et principe 95% of GDP 87% of population Mauritius Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa Beyond Primary Education: Challenges and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa Key questions • Which role for TVSD in Africa today? • What is the status of skills development? Which providers and what access? • Are skills gaps being adequately addressed? What are the lessons learned from recent reforms ? • Which financing policies and incentives can improve the training environment? • What recommendations for countries and donors? Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in AfricaAssociation for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education
Scope of TVSD Acquisition of knowledge and practical competences & know-how Workplace training in enterprises Informal Apprenticeship Public or private TVET schools Dual Training Formal Informal Degree of formalization of labor market Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
Notable improvement in primary education Sustained economic growth (more than 5.0% during the past 5 years) However, World lowest productivity (25% of world average, 1/12th of the average of industrialized countries, slow progress) partly due to limited technical skills Decreasing role of Africa in world trade (less than 2%) Increasing youth unemployment (20% on average) Increasing informal sector (on average, more than 80% of total employment) TVSD - Key Facts Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
Improve labour productivity and enhance competitiveness Sustain the resumption of economic growth Facilitate increase in foreign investment Promote decent work in the informal economy Enhance employability, especially that of Youth’s Contribute to achievement of MDGs What Role for TVSD? Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
Enrolment in Secondary Technical and Vocational Training -- International Comparison Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
Tunisia Morocco Algeria Libya Egypt Mauritania Niger Mali Senegal Chad Sudan Eritrea Gambia Guinea-Bissau Burkina Faso Djibouti Guinea Nigeria Ethiopia SierraLeone Côte d'Ivoire Togo Central African Republic Ghana Liberia Cameroon Somalia Equatorial Guinea Uganda Congo Gabon Kenya Rwanda Dem.Rep. Congo Burundi Tanzania Angola Malawi Zambia Mozambique Zimbabwe Madagascar Namibia Botswana Swaziland Lesotho South Africa Access: Formal Training, Only 5 % of students The percentage in total secondary enrolment of technical and vocational programmes in 2005 African countries can be grouped in three categories: Group I: Proportion of TVET enrolment > 10%. Group II: Proportion of TVET enrolment between 5 % and 9%. Group III: Proportion of TVET enrolment <5%. Others: Data not available Group I: Group II: Group III: Others: Source: OECD Development Centre / UNESCO, Global Education Digest, 2007
Mostly financed by government’s budgetary allocations On average, only about 2 to 6% of educational budgets are devoted to (mainly formal) TVSD. Financing – National Education Budget Allocation Public Expenditure on TVSD (% of total public expenditure on education) in Selected African Countries Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
Financing – Foreign Aid to TVSD Aid for vocational training in Africa – Erratic trends and low level (commitments in USD millions, 2005) Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
Financing -- Challenges • Needs • More resources to TVSD • More prominence to TVSD in PRSPs • Greater diversification of funding sources for TVSD • Strong private training providers • Competitive training markets with public and private TVSD providers • More and higher quality enterprise training Challenges • Training system largely underfinanced • Many enterprises under-train their staff • Donor support to training erratic & insufficient to upgrade the quality and access to training • Countries must make better use of existing funds • State retains the crucial role of designing financial support mechanisms to facilitate access by the poor and vulnerable
Constraints on TVSD’s Impact & Expansion TVSD Missing Links Weak Links Post-Secondary and Tertiary Institutions Firm-based and Informal Training National Develop Policy Industry Skills Needs Lack of coherent strategic approach
Successful TVSD reforms aim to: 1. Establish a clear vision, mandate, and authority over resources 2. Develop a transparent and accepted regulatory framework 3. Develop effective forecasting and planning tools for skills needs 4.Focus on improving the quality of TVSD 5. Address skills needs of special groups, in particular the informal sector Lessons Learnt: Vision, Planning, and Organization Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
6. Facilitate technological learning and innovation 7. Foster Partnership with All stakeholders 8. Involve Local Communities 9. Strengthen Management of TVSD Lessons Learnt: Vision, Planning, and Organization Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
1. Financing Pre-employment Training 2. Financing Continuing Training Lessons Learnt: Financing Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education 6 May 2008
Recommendations to Countries • Integrate TVSD into PRSPs • Develop and implement TVSD policies to: • Reinforce the relationship between TVSD and the economy • Make TVSD bankable: Strategies, action plan and identification of objectives & resources needed (using public and private sources) • Reinforce the partnership between employers, Government, training institutions, and workers (Stakeholders) • Develop continuing vocational training • Re-orient training in public centers to areas with demonstrated demand and limited supply • Promote skills development in agriculture and the informal sector • Establish national/regional qualification frameworks • Establish training information systems and evaluation systems to improve planning and forecasting of training needs Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education
Recommendations to Donors • Re-balance assistance to increase support to TVSD • Commit to long-term partnerships based on performance (incl. sustainable funding strategy) • Support Development and implementation of TVSD policies and reform frameworks In particular, support: • Management of training for better planning and forecasting • Public centers in areas where other training opportunities are limited • Training of trainers and managers of public and private training institutes • Establishment of continuing vocational training systems • Establishment of training information systems • Establishment of decision-oriented evaluation systems • Establishment and implementation of national/regional qualification frameworks • Skills development in agriculture • Projects in the informal sector and other special groups Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education
Thank you More information: www.afdb.org www.oecd.org/dev/aeo Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)Biennale 2008 on Post-Primary Education